  • Minamoto no Yoshitsuna
  • Minamoto no Yoshitsuna (源 義綱) ( 1042 – 1134), also called Kamo Jirō (鴨 次郎), was a samurai of the Minamoto clan, and brother of Minamoto no Yoshiie. Yoshitsuna rebelled against the Court when his son, Minamoto no Yoshiaki, was sentenced for committing a crime; after his uprising was quelled by Minamoto no Tameyoshi, he was exiled to Sado, an island in the Sea of Japan which was a common site of exile for many in the Heian period.
  • Minamoto no Yoshitsuna (源 義綱) ( 1042 – 1134), also called Kamo Jirō (鴨 次郎), was a samurai of the Minamoto clan, and brother of Minamoto no Yoshiie. Yoshitsuna rebelled against the Court when his son, Minamoto no Yoshiaki, was sentenced for committing a crime; after his uprising was quelled by Minamoto no Tameyoshi, he was exiled to Sado, an island in the Sea of Japan which was a common site of exile for many in the Heian period.