  • 236
  • 236
  • 236
  • El dos cientos treintaiséis (236) es el número natural que sigue al 235 y precede al 237. Categoría:Números
  • Maggie begins to choke and gasps for breath before she falls unconscious, seemingly dead. The nurse races out of the room to call Dr. Woodard, but when they return to the hospital room Maggie has disappeared. Outside, in the night, a dog begins to howl.
  • Julian glaubt, alles geregelt zu haben, indem er Richard in die Schweiz schickt. Doch Richard übergibt den Schweiz-Termin zugunsten von Simone Entlassung in Axel Hände. Als Julian davon erfährt, will er fatalerweise den Termin doch selbst wahrnehmen. Somit haben Axel und Jenny freie Bahn, ihre Intrige zur Vollendung zu bringen. Für Vanessa wird Deniz zum Alptraum: Erst verhindert er ihre Wahl zum neuen Mannschaftskapitän und dann freundet er sich auch noch mit Nina und Tim an. Als Deniz zudem noch ihre Grillparty kurzerhand zu seiner Poolparty umfunktioniert, ist Vanessa völlig gefrustet. Als Deniz auf Vanessas Ablehnung angesprochen wird, kontert er spontan mit einer Wette: Noch heute Abend wird Vanessa ihn küssen... Lena macht sich Vorwürfe, die Polizei eingeschalten zu haben. Sie verhei
  • 236
  • 1967-05-12
  • 232
  • 1967
  • 1967-05-22
  • 236
  • Julian glaubt, alles geregelt zu haben, indem er Richard in die Schweiz schickt. Doch Richard übergibt den Schweiz-Termin zugunsten von Simone Entlassung in Axel Hände. Als Julian davon erfährt, will er fatalerweise den Termin doch selbst wahrnehmen. Somit haben Axel und Jenny freie Bahn, ihre Intrige zur Vollendung zu bringen. Für Vanessa wird Deniz zum Alptraum: Erst verhindert er ihre Wahl zum neuen Mannschaftskapitän und dann freundet er sich auch noch mit Nina und Tim an. Als Deniz zudem noch ihre Grillparty kurzerhand zu seiner Poolparty umfunktioniert, ist Vanessa völlig gefrustet. Als Deniz auf Vanessas Ablehnung angesprochen wird, kontert er spontan mit einer Wette: Noch heute Abend wird Vanessa ihn küssen... Lena macht sich Vorwürfe, die Polizei eingeschalten zu haben. Sie verheimlicht eine Kontaktaufnahme von Robin und will Annette auf eigenes Risiko retten. Während Lena zu Robin ins Auto steigt, erfährt Ingo zufällig von Lenas Alleingang...
  • Maggie begins to choke and gasps for breath before she falls unconscious, seemingly dead. The nurse races out of the room to call Dr. Woodard, but when they return to the hospital room Maggie has disappeared. Outside, in the night, a dog begins to howl. Dr. Woodard reports Maggie's disappearance to Sam and Joe; the entire hospital and the grounds are currently being searched. Woodard fears the possibility that someone might have taken Maggie. Joe decides to search Eagle Hill Cemetery where Maggie was found the last time she vanished. Woodard confesses that Maggie might have gone into shock, which is why the nurse could not detect a heartbeat. Sam breaks down. Meanwhile, Maggie is wandering through the woods following the howling of a wolf. Woodard offers Sam some tranquillizers, which he adamantly refuses. At that moment, Burke arrives (having called the hospital to check on Maggie's condition) and learns of her disappearance, and that no one knows if Maggie is dead or alive. Joe returns from searching the cemetery, but he found no trace of her. Burke points out that someone must know of Maggie's whereabouts because that someone called to warn Victoria the night of Maggie's first disappearance. That someone, Burke suspects, is Willie Loomis. Burke and Joe leave to question Willie while Sam remains behind with Dr. Woodard at the hospital in case Maggie returns. Burke and Joe arrive at the Old House, and after knocking several times, Barnabas answers the door. They inquire about Willie whom Barnabas claims he sent on an errand to Bangor earlier in the evening and he isn't expected back until tomorrow. Burke tells him that Maggie has disappeared and that Willie might know where she is. Barnabas feigns ignorance as dismisses the theory that Willie was the one who informed Victoria of Maggie's initial whereabouts. He has convinced the two men and they are preparing to leave when Burke hears a board creaking somewhere within the house. Barnabas asserts he is alone, bidding the men goodnight and offering his help. Once he is sure Burke and Joe have gone, he calls to someone to come out. Maggie emerges from an inner room and moves willingly to Barnabas. Upstairs, a bedroom is beautifully furnished and the Portrait of Josette hangs above the mantle. Barnabas brings Maggie inside and tells her it is her room. He goes on to say that it is exactly how it was left "long, long ago." Maggie wanders in a daze toward a dressing table and sits to look at her reflection. Barnabas calls her "Josette" and that, from now on, it will be Maggie's name. In time, he promises, she will being to think and act like Josette, ultimately becoming her. Barnabas offers Maggie eternal life as Josette, but as he tries to kiss her hand, Maggie pulls away. Her memory is beginning to return. Barnabas urges her to forget the past and focus on the future. He offers her a gift: Josette's wedding gown. One day soon Maggie will become his bride as it was "always intended to be" for him and Josette. Maggie begins to cry as Barnabas gives her another present, an antique music box. He plays the melody for Maggie, and slowly her identity begins to be replaced with that of Josette Collins.
  • El dos cientos treintaiséis (236) es el número natural que sigue al 235 y precede al 237. Categoría:Números
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