  • The Void (Being)
  • The Void is a humongous living black hole in the Nexusverse that devores other Universes, it's friends with Lord Deegee, Hypneegee, Achilleegee, Terrifiregee, Gyigaaees and Weegee Clone 4377 and is enemies with Gabgee, Sling King, Vieegee, NourGodly, Armageddongee, Sephiroth, Ragegee and pretty much every single Weegee, Weegee God and Fakegee (except for the guys listed above). Even though Voideegee is the god and father of this void, the Void can easily destroy him by sucking him up, but he decides not to. People say it'll be the size of the whole Meme Omniverse in 99999 AD. Also, if he fuses with Lord Deegee, Weegee Clone 4377, Hypneegee, Achilleegee, Terrifiregee and Gyigaaees he can turn into Ω Void, it has a brother by the same name who is bigger than him called The Void. He also has
  • The Void is a humongous living black hole in the Nexusverse that devores other Universes, it's friends with Lord Deegee, Hypneegee, Achilleegee, Terrifiregee, Gyigaaees and Weegee Clone 4377 and is enemies with Gabgee, Sling King, Vieegee, NourGodly, Armageddongee, Sephiroth, Ragegee and pretty much every single Weegee, Weegee God and Fakegee (except for the guys listed above). Even though Voideegee is the god and father of this void, the Void can easily destroy him by sucking him up, but he decides not to. People say it'll be the size of the whole Meme Omniverse in 99999 AD. Also, if he fuses with Lord Deegee, Weegee Clone 4377, Hypneegee, Achilleegee, Terrifiregee and Gyigaaees he can turn into Ω Void, it has a brother by the same name who is bigger than him called The Void. He also has a son named Void Jr.