  • Conservation
  • Conservation
  • Conservation
  • |}
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Increasing this ability decreases the voodoo used even more. NOTE: This ability does NOT decrease the minimum amount of voodoo power required in order to be able to initiate the hex. For example, even if you have raised this skill to level 5 and reduced the cost of a voodoo hex from 100 to 80, you will still not be able to cast it until your voodoo is at or over 100.
  • Jeszcze nie istnieje artykuł o tym :D
  • Human activities on the landscape, such as pollution, farming and deforestation, has meant some habitats have been changed greatly. This has made some species extinct.
  • Conservation is a liberal cause related to environmentalism. As the human population grows and grows, natural resources are being used at a rapid rate, and large areas of forest are being converted for human use. How do you think public land should be managed to deal with these types of environmental issues? Over the years, there have been many opinions on how to manage public lands. (...) Some people believe that public land should be managed by the method of conservation, meaning that the environment and its resources should be used by humans and managed in a responsible manner. These types of people see the value of the environment as the goods and services that it can provide to people. This viewpoint requires that the environment be used in a way that is sustainable, and it ensures th
  • In the future, as the need to conserve becomes more important, people will heed it more often, and things that could be used over and over again will not be so readily discarded. Instead, they will either be reused by whoever has them, or be donated to others who are not as well off, or are used for other purposes such as agriculture. Examples are containers, batteries, coins, and leftover foods. As a result, recycling's needs will be reduced. Another situation in which this idea is paramount is that of sharing: in the future, reusable items will be shared increasingly frequently, and this practice will be encouraged through the simple sense of supply and demand. Of course, given the progress of technology, we are headed toward a society of wastefulness where supply is extremely high. In o
  • 20
  • Requires 14 points in Poisoning
  • yes
  • 切り替えスキル
  • Conservation doubles the duration of all tradeskilled potions, increases their effectiveness, and increases the number of triggers of all poisons.
  • Poisoning
  • +Lv×8 ブロック評価値
  • +Lv×7 戦闘中の気力回復
  • +Lv×8 回避評価値
  • ワーデン
  • ワーデンは気力回復を増加させて、わずかに防御ボーナス得る保守的なスタンスをとることができます。一度に1つのスタンスだけ使用することができます
  • Ranger
  • 1
  • Warden Stances
  • *Increases trigger count of poisons by 50% *Increases duration of potions by 100% *Increases effectiveness of potions by 20%
  • 1
  • 4
  • |}
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at or Research Gate - - or Spire - - for example); See Library Resources below at WUaS for further resources.
  • Increasing this ability decreases the voodoo used even more. NOTE: This ability does NOT decrease the minimum amount of voodoo power required in order to be able to initiate the hex. For example, even if you have raised this skill to level 5 and reduced the cost of a voodoo hex from 100 to 80, you will still not be able to cast it until your voodoo is at or over 100.
  • Jeszcze nie istnieje artykuł o tym :D
  • Conservation is a liberal cause related to environmentalism. As the human population grows and grows, natural resources are being used at a rapid rate, and large areas of forest are being converted for human use. How do you think public land should be managed to deal with these types of environmental issues? Over the years, there have been many opinions on how to manage public lands. (...) Some people believe that public land should be managed by the method of conservation, meaning that the environment and its resources should be used by humans and managed in a responsible manner. These types of people see the value of the environment as the goods and services that it can provide to people. This viewpoint requires that the environment be used in a way that is sustainable, and it ensures that the natural resources will be used in a manner that will meet the present day needs for the resource without jeopardizing the supply of the resource for future generations.
  • Human activities on the landscape, such as pollution, farming and deforestation, has meant some habitats have been changed greatly. This has made some species extinct.
  • In the future, as the need to conserve becomes more important, people will heed it more often, and things that could be used over and over again will not be so readily discarded. Instead, they will either be reused by whoever has them, or be donated to others who are not as well off, or are used for other purposes such as agriculture. Examples are containers, batteries, coins, and leftover foods. As a result, recycling's needs will be reduced. Another situation in which this idea is paramount is that of sharing: in the future, reusable items will be shared increasingly frequently, and this practice will be encouraged through the simple sense of supply and demand. Of course, given the progress of technology, we are headed toward a society of wastefulness where supply is extremely high. In order to supress the supply, then, the government will need to adopt more economically restrictive policies. Doing so will be in turn advantageous because the resources can then be tapped into by the government.