  • Yobihei Kaisha
  • Yobihei Kaisha was the reserve company. It was made up of two Guntai each of shugenja, Gishi Hoi, and Kimabusha, a total of six, counting one hundred thirty one troops. The Chui and his staff were mounted. All of these elements were available to the Taisa to be deployed anywhere they were needed. It was the responsability of the Chui to best facilitate their use. Until needed, this kaisha were deployed near the Taisa's headquarters.
  • Yobihei Kaisha was the reserve company. It was made up of two Guntai each of shugenja, Gishi Hoi, and Kimabusha, a total of six, counting one hundred thirty one troops. The Chui and his staff were mounted. All of these elements were available to the Taisa to be deployed anywhere they were needed. It was the responsability of the Chui to best facilitate their use. Until needed, this kaisha were deployed near the Taisa's headquarters.