  • Quest:The Were-Boar's Tusk
  • The Were-Boar's Tusk is a quest given to the player by the priestess of Lacuna on the Isle of Druids. The player's task is a simple one: they must travel to the Forest of the Forsaken in Golnir, and dispatch a Were-Boar. Upon completion of the quest, the player will receive training in scouting. When in the process of doing this quest the player is granted Codeword Animal.
Row 4 info
  • +1 Scouting
Row 1 info
  • Temple of , Isle of Druids
Row 4 title
  • Rewards
Row 2 info
  • Obtain a
Row 1 title
  • Location
Row 2 title
  • Objective
Row 3 title
  • Equipment
Box Title
  • The Were-Boar's Tusk
  • The Were-Boar's Tusk is a quest given to the player by the priestess of Lacuna on the Isle of Druids. The player's task is a simple one: they must travel to the Forest of the Forsaken in Golnir, and dispatch a Were-Boar. Upon completion of the quest, the player will receive training in scouting. When in the process of doing this quest the player is granted Codeword Animal.