  • Lolth
  • Lolth
  • Lolth
  • A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
  • Lolth (pronounced LOALTH), or Lloth in Menzoberranzan, was the major goddess the Queen of Spiders or Queen of the Demonweb Pits was the major goddess of the drow and the leader of the Dark Seldarine. She drove the drow under the pretense of culling the weak into heavy infighting. All for the sake of having fun, while at the same time limiting the growth of drow power and influence to ensure that she remained the only accessible power source to them. Her sacred animals were arachnids. She considered them valuable enough to kill those who mistreated them.
  • Temples dedicated to Lolth dominate drow society, and her clerics are always women. They lead the society and backstab each other for power and to earn their goddess' favor. Lolth is a cruel and demanding goddess that expects absolute loyalty from her followers. She will often test them and selects drow of great skill and power for her trial. If the drow succeeds in the trial, they will become a drider, but they are killed if they fail.
  • 250px|left|thumb|Lolth thumb|250px|left|Lolth 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Lolth 200px|left|thumb|Święty Symbol Lolth thumb|250px|left|Kapłanka Lolth Lolth pojawia się w postaci wysokiej, pięknej kobiety drowów lub czarnego pająka z głową tejże. Sprawuje bezwzględne rządy nad drowami, stosując połączenie strachu oraz obietnic obdarzenia mocą. To właśnie Lolth jako pierwsza zasiała zło w elfach i to ona doprowadziła do rozłamu między nimi i drowami, po czym poprowadziła tych ostatnich pod ziemię - drowy naśmiewają się na każdą wzmiankę, że zostały wygnane. Tak czy inaczej, Lolth poprzysięgła zemstę Corellonowi Larethianowi i jego wyznawcom.
  • She is part of Drow pantheon.
  • Lolth is a powerful but evil goddess in the Dungeons & Dragons universe and is considered the supreme goddess of the Drows.
  • Lolth (loalth) embodies the absolute evil of the drow. She is malicious in her dealings with others and coldly vicious in a fight. Lolth began as an intermediary goddess but transformed into a greater goddess through the events that transpired in the War of the Spider Queen series. In most settings, Lolth is seen as the leader of the Drow pantheon.
  • In her preferred form, Lolth is a stunningly beautiful, ageless drow woman, with black skin, white hair, red eyes, and pointed ears. She wears rich but revealing spider-themed clothing, which also prominently feature the color red, and she wields a poisoned scourge (a barbed, multi-tailed metal whip). Her true form is that of a bloated black widow spider the size of an elephant, which she transforms into when her drow guise is killed. This usually causes quite a shock to her opponents, who are forced to kill her twice.
  • Lolth was once Araushnee, the consort of Corellon Larethian, and the keeper of elves who shared her darkly beautiful features. She was named the Weaver of Destiny and brought him two children, Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, before she betrayed him and tried to invaded Arvandor, along with Ghaunadaur, Malar and many other fell deities. For her crimes, Araushnee was banished to the Abyss in the form of a spider demon, where she took the name Lolth and ruled the Demonweb Pits, her domain. As the original patron of the dark elves, the Queen of Spiders established herself as the unchallenged ruler of the drow pantheon.
  • Lolth, also known as the Queen of the Demonweb Pits, is a chaotic evil intermediate deity of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, assassins and the drow race in general. Her clerics are predominantly female and the cult of Lolth teaches that females are superior to males, which has led to the forming of matriarchies in drow societies. She is the mother of Eilistraee, who opposes her.
  • Lolth (Lloth in the drow dialect), the Demon Queen of Spiders, is the chief goddess of drow elves in the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game. She is also known as the Spider Queen and the Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Lolth was created by Gary Gygax for the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, later appeared in the Forgotten Realms setting, and is now a member of the default pantheon of D&D gods.
  • Lolth, auch als Spinnenkönigin oder Lloth bekannt, ist die oberste Göttin der Drow. Sie ist eine grausame und sehr eifersüchtige Göttin. Ihre Feinde halten sie für verrückt, ermutigt sie doch ihre Anhänger und Diener, sich gegenseitig zu bekämpfen. Sie ist grausam im Umgang mit Anderen, kalt und bösartig im Kampfe. Sie kann jedoch auch freundlich und hilfreich zu jenen sein, die sie mag, aber sie dürstet umso mehr nach dem Tod, Zerstörung und Folter derjenigen, welche sie enttäuscht haben. Die anderen Elfen glauben, dass sie einst die Gefährtin von Corellon Larethian war, während die Drow und auch Lolth eine andere Sicht der Dinge verbreiten. Fest steht, dass sie es war, welche die Dunkelelfen am stärksten beeinflusste und in die Finsternis trieb. Seitdem treibt sie ihre Anhänger an, hetzt
  • Drow
  • Dr
  • Drow pantheon (formerly:) the Seldarine
  • 250
  • CB Chaotisch Böse
domain darkness
  • 1
  • I
  • Pośrednie bóstwo
  • Greater
  • Większe bóstwo
  • Chaos, Oszustwo, Zło, Zniszczenie
  • chaos, ciemność, drow, oszustwo, pająk, zło
  • Chaos, Darkness, Drow, Evil, Destruction, Spider, Trickery
  • Chaos, Drow, Evil, Darkness, Destruction, Spider, Trickery
  • A spider
  • bicz
  • pająk
  • Dagger - a spider
  • Lolth
  • Lolth
  • Lolth
  • Lolth
  • Lolth, as shown on the cover of the Queen of the Demonweb Pits module.
domain destruct
  • 1
  • Lloth , Megwandir, Araushnee
  • #fff
  • #fff
  • Selvetarm
  • Malar
  • Loviatar
  • : Araushnee, Lloth , Megwandir, Moander, Zinzerena
  • Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits
  • Dark Mother
  • Mother of Lusts
  • Pajęcza Królowa, Królowa Demonicznych Otchłani
  • Queen of Spiders;
  • Queen of the Demonweb Pits
  • The Lady of Chaos
  • Królowa Drowów, Pajęcza Królowa, Królowa Pajęczych Otchłani
  • Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, the Dark Mother
  • The Spider Queen, Queen of Spiders, Demon Queen of Spiders, Demon Queen of the Abyss, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Weaver of Chaos, the Hunted, the Mother of Lusts, Dark Mother of All Drow, Lady of Spiders
  • Ig_dr_lolth.png
  • Intermediate Deity
  • The Seldarine, Ghaunadaur, Eilistraee, non-drow Underdark deities, Gruumsh
  • #000
  • #000
  • Dragon Gods
  • 150
  • czarny pająk z głową drowki, zwisający z pajęczyny
  • Black spider with female drow head hanging from spiderweb
  • A black spider with female drow head .
  • czarny pająk z głową samicy drowa
  • Black spider with female drow head hanging from a spider web
  • Demonweb Pits
  • Demoniczne Otchłanie/Demoniczna Sieć
  • Otchłań/66/Sieć Lolth
  • *Spinnenkönigin *Königin der Dämonennetz Gruben *Weber der Netze *Fleischschneider
  • Female
  • skrytobójstwa, chaos, ciemność, drowy, zło, pająki
  • Greater drow goddess of drow, assassins, chaos, darkness, evil, spiders
  • Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders
  • Spiders, Evil, Darkness, Chaos, Assassins, Drow
  • Spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, assassins, drow
  • drowy, pająki, zło, ciemność
  • Lolth1.jpg
  • Die Drow
  • Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders
Deity Domains
  • Chaos, Darkness, , Drow, , Spider,
Deity Titles
  • Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits
  • CE, CN, NE
domain evil
  • 1
Deity Symbol
  • Black spider with female drow head hanging from a spider web
domain canon
  • Drow, Spider
Deity Power
  • Intermediate deity
  • The Demonweb Pits
  • Abyss
  • Black spider with female drow head
Cleric Alignments
  • CN, NE, CE
Deity Alignment
  • Chaotic evil
  • Spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, assassins, the drow race
Deity Group
  • Drow and depraved elves, sentient spiders
Deity Worshipers
  • Drow and depraved elves, sentient spiders
Deity Portfolio
  • Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders
Deity Name
  • Lolth
  • Drow, depraved elves, sentient spiders
domain trickery
  • 1
favored weapon
  • Spider
domain chaos
  • 1
  • A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
  • Lolth (pronounced LOALTH), or Lloth in Menzoberranzan, was the major goddess the Queen of Spiders or Queen of the Demonweb Pits was the major goddess of the drow and the leader of the Dark Seldarine. She drove the drow under the pretense of culling the weak into heavy infighting. All for the sake of having fun, while at the same time limiting the growth of drow power and influence to ensure that she remained the only accessible power source to them. Her sacred animals were arachnids. She considered them valuable enough to kill those who mistreated them.
  • Temples dedicated to Lolth dominate drow society, and her clerics are always women. They lead the society and backstab each other for power and to earn their goddess' favor. Lolth is a cruel and demanding goddess that expects absolute loyalty from her followers. She will often test them and selects drow of great skill and power for her trial. If the drow succeeds in the trial, they will become a drider, but they are killed if they fail.
  • Lolth, auch als Spinnenkönigin oder Lloth bekannt, ist die oberste Göttin der Drow. Sie ist eine grausame und sehr eifersüchtige Göttin. Ihre Feinde halten sie für verrückt, ermutigt sie doch ihre Anhänger und Diener, sich gegenseitig zu bekämpfen. Sie ist grausam im Umgang mit Anderen, kalt und bösartig im Kampfe. Sie kann jedoch auch freundlich und hilfreich zu jenen sein, die sie mag, aber sie dürstet umso mehr nach dem Tod, Zerstörung und Folter derjenigen, welche sie enttäuscht haben. Die anderen Elfen glauben, dass sie einst die Gefährtin von Corellon Larethian war, während die Drow und auch Lolth eine andere Sicht der Dinge verbreiten. Fest steht, dass sie es war, welche die Dunkelelfen am stärksten beeinflusste und in die Finsternis trieb. Seitdem treibt sie ihre Anhänger an, hetzt sie aufeinander, damit nur die Stärksten überleben und sie plant, dass diese das Unterreich erobern. Sie wird nicht aus Hingabe verehrt oder wirklicher Affinität ihrer Anhänger. Sie wird aus Furcht vor ihrem Zorn und ihrem launischen Verhalten verehrt. Lolth beobachtet, Lolth prüft, aber vor allem, Lolth verschlingt.
  • 250px|left|thumb|Lolth thumb|250px|left|Lolth 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Lolth 200px|left|thumb|Święty Symbol Lolth thumb|250px|left|Kapłanka Lolth Lolth pojawia się w postaci wysokiej, pięknej kobiety drowów lub czarnego pająka z głową tejże. Sprawuje bezwzględne rządy nad drowami, stosując połączenie strachu oraz obietnic obdarzenia mocą. To właśnie Lolth jako pierwsza zasiała zło w elfach i to ona doprowadziła do rozłamu między nimi i drowami, po czym poprowadziła tych ostatnich pod ziemię - drowy naśmiewają się na każdą wzmiankę, że zostały wygnane. Tak czy inaczej, Lolth poprzysięgła zemstę Corellonowi Larethianowi i jego wyznawcom.
  • She is part of Drow pantheon.
  • Lolth is a powerful but evil goddess in the Dungeons & Dragons universe and is considered the supreme goddess of the Drows.
  • Lolth (Lloth in the drow dialect), the Demon Queen of Spiders, is the chief goddess of drow elves in the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game. She is also known as the Spider Queen and the Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Lolth was created by Gary Gygax for the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, later appeared in the Forgotten Realms setting, and is now a member of the default pantheon of D&D gods. In those various settings, the drow pantheon of gods consists of the leader Lolth, as well as Eilistraee, Kiaransalee, Vhaeraun, and Zinzerena. Other drow gods may be present in different campaign settings.
  • Lolth (loalth) embodies the absolute evil of the drow. She is malicious in her dealings with others and coldly vicious in a fight. Lolth began as an intermediary goddess but transformed into a greater goddess through the events that transpired in the War of the Spider Queen series. In most settings, Lolth is seen as the leader of the Drow pantheon.
  • Lolth, also known as the Queen of the Demonweb Pits, is a chaotic evil intermediate deity of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, assassins and the drow race in general. Her clerics are predominantly female and the cult of Lolth teaches that females are superior to males, which has led to the forming of matriarchies in drow societies. She is the mother of Eilistraee, who opposes her. Lolth was formerly known as Araushnee, the elven goddess of destiny and the mate of Corellon chief god of the elves. She grew power-hungry and a sense of greed and cruelty entered into her mind and she began plotting against the other elven gods. In the end her schemes were revealed, Araushnee was stripped of her powers, turned into a spider-demon and stricken to the Abyss. It took her many years, but eventually Lolth returned to power, becoming the chief goddess the drow.
  • Lolth was once Araushnee, the consort of Corellon Larethian, and the keeper of elves who shared her darkly beautiful features. She was named the Weaver of Destiny and brought him two children, Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, before she betrayed him and tried to invaded Arvandor, along with Ghaunadaur, Malar and many other fell deities. For her crimes, Araushnee was banished to the Abyss in the form of a spider demon, where she took the name Lolth and ruled the Demonweb Pits, her domain. As the original patron of the dark elves, the Queen of Spiders established herself as the unchallenged ruler of the drow pantheon. Since the events of the War of the Spider Queen, Lolth has transformed into a greater deity, and took the Demonweb Pits out of the Abyss. She is cruel and capricious, embodying the absolute evil of the drow who live in the Underdark. She can be kind and aid those she fancies, but she thrives on death, destruction, and torture - including those of her own worshippers who have displeased her. She has many avatars, but her true form is that of a human-sized, exquisitely beautiful female drow.
  • In her preferred form, Lolth is a stunningly beautiful, ageless drow woman, with black skin, white hair, red eyes, and pointed ears. She wears rich but revealing spider-themed clothing, which also prominently feature the color red, and she wields a poisoned scourge (a barbed, multi-tailed metal whip). Her true form is that of a bloated black widow spider the size of an elephant, which she transforms into when her drow guise is killed. This usually causes quite a shock to her opponents, who are forced to kill her twice.
is Allegiances of
is worships of
is favored deity of
is patron deity of
is natives of
is worship of
is Zugehörigkeit of
is Enemy of
is Hauptsitz of
is Deity of
is Enemies of
is Religion of
is Religions of
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