  • Arik
  • Arik
  • Arik
  • Arik ist der Wächter für den Gefangenentransport des Luftschiffs, das Korra und Asami nach Ba Sing Se bringen soll.
  • En el Pueblo Duane, Arik y sus compañeras llevan a Korra y Asami Sato, las pone en un cuarto de metal y encadena a Asami con una barra que se encuentra en el piso pero Asami le pide que la encadene a la otra barra que se encuentra en la pared diciéndole que de esa forma será mas cómodo el viaje y el Arik, y luego niega una petición de Korra de que le de aguay le dice que tampoco le dará rocas ni fuego y sale diciendo que las puertas se abrirán cuando lleguen a Ba Sing Se.
  • At Fort Bosco, Arik led Korra and Asami onto an airship for transportation to Ba Sing Se and took them to the prison hold, where he secured a muzzled Korra wearing a straitjacket against the wall. He proceeded to tie Asami down to the floor as ordered, though was convinced by the engineer to do so to the railing instead, reasoning that as long as she was tied up, it would not make a difference. When Korra asked for some water, Arik denied her, stating clearly that they would do everything possible to keep her away from the elements that they could; she was not to be released before reaching the Earth Kingdom capital. He left to resume his position outside of their prison cell.
  • Erde
  • earth
  • su capitán, Kong, Co-piloto del dirigible del Reino Tierra
  • en: David Kaufman
  • Korra , Asami Sato
  • Larga Vida a la Reina
  • Männlich
  • Negro
  • tierra
  • Erdkönigreich
  • Braun
  • Erdkönigreich
  • Korra , Asami
  • Arik
  • "Long Live the Queen"
  • Brown
  • Arik
  • Tan
  • Earth Kingdom
  • His captain, the co-pilot, Kong, Korra, Asami
  • Korra , Asami
  • Airman
  • Male
  • Guard
  • Luftfahrer
  • fuerza aérea
  • Masculino
  • Arik.png
  • Gebräunt
Voz Original
  • At Fort Bosco, Arik led Korra and Asami onto an airship for transportation to Ba Sing Se and took them to the prison hold, where he secured a muzzled Korra wearing a straitjacket against the wall. He proceeded to tie Asami down to the floor as ordered, though was convinced by the engineer to do so to the railing instead, reasoning that as long as she was tied up, it would not make a difference. When Korra asked for some water, Arik denied her, stating clearly that they would do everything possible to keep her away from the elements that they could; she was not to be released before reaching the Earth Kingdom capital. He left to resume his position outside of their prison cell. Five minutes later, Arik responded to Korra's distress call, who claimed something had happened to Asami. As he peeked through the door's peephole, he was knocked out from behind by Asami, who stole his keys and freed Korra. After the ship had crash-landed in quadrant four of the Si Wong Desert, Arik crawled out of a hatch on the roof and snapped at Korra when the Avatar asked about the crew's well-being, blaming the two girls for knocking him out. However, upon witnessing a creature roaming around in the sand, he was quick to let go of his animosity and work together with their captives to fix their aircraft. As their endeavor proved to have been a success with the start of the airship's engine, Arik excitedly threw his hands in the air, only to run for his life moments later when a sand shark emerged from the sand and destroyed the vessel. Realizing that all their supplies had also been destroyed and that they were an easy target for the creature, Arik panicked, though was ordered to get a hold of himself by his captain. When Asami suggested making a makeshift sand-sailer of the remaining metal, Arik and his fellow crewmen were instructed to gather all necessities. Just as Arik finished welding the last piece of the sailer, the creature resurfaced, prompting the team to escape. As the creature's dorsal fin disappeared, Arik proudly exclaimed that they had successfully evaded the beast, only for it to reemerge and attempt to swallow them whole, vehicle and all. Korra managed to save them with her firebending and they were all able to arrive safely at the Misty Palms Oasis. After the captain said his goodbyes to Korra and Asami, setting them free, Arik inquired if they had all been in the desert too long or if he was truly seeing a dragon. Although he continued to eye Druk with suspicion, he followed his crew toward a local cantina to get a drink.
  • En el Pueblo Duane, Arik y sus compañeras llevan a Korra y Asami Sato, las pone en un cuarto de metal y encadena a Asami con una barra que se encuentra en el piso pero Asami le pide que la encadene a la otra barra que se encuentra en la pared diciéndole que de esa forma será mas cómodo el viaje y el Arik, y luego niega una petición de Korra de que le de aguay le dice que tampoco le dará rocas ni fuego y sale diciendo que las puertas se abrirán cuando lleguen a Ba Sing Se. Cinco minutos después Korra esta gritando por ayuda diciendo que algo le pasa a su amiga, Arik se asoma pero no ve Asami y es atacado por ella por el cuello, y Asami recoge las llaves de la celda y libera a Korra. Después de que la aeronave se estrellara con una duna en el desierto, Arik sale por la puerta del techo y Korra le dice si están todos bien incluyendo a Arik, y el le dice que no le importa y le explica a sus compañeros que ellas lo dejaron inconsciente. Luego acepta la opción de Korra para reparar la aeronave después de ver a una criatura del desierto cerca. Mas tarde Arik se entuciasma al ver la aeronave funcionar de nuevo, pero es mordida por un Tiburón de arena y sale corriendo por su vida para no ser aplastado por la criatura que luego deja la aeronave al sumergirse en la arena. Arik y otro compañero van a auxiliar a Kong quien se encontraba en la aeronave. Arik les dice a todos que todos los recursos estaban en la aeronave, para lo que el capitán dice que solo hay que esperar para que otra nave los encuentre pero de forma desilusiona dice que no pueden hacerlo sino la criatura se los comerá uno a uno, y luego el capitán le pide que lo haga lo que dice y mas tarde le pide que busque los fragmetos mas útiles de la nave para hacer un deslizador. Poco después el y los demás lograr construir un deslizador y se marcha con los demás al Oasis de las Palmeras Brumosas con la ayuda del Aire Control de Korra, en el camino son acechados por la criatura pero no son alcanzado. Poco después la criatura sale sobre la arena debajo de deslizador e intenta comerlos pero Korra usa Fuego Control y lo evita. Al llegar al Oasis Arik creyendo que ha enloquecido le pregunta al capitán si eso es un dragón respondiendo que mejor fueran a tomar algo.
  • Arik ist der Wächter für den Gefangenentransport des Luftschiffs, das Korra und Asami nach Ba Sing Se bringen soll.
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