  • Nikolai Malashenko
  • Nikolai Malashenko was a Captain of the Soviet Army who helped his country "liberate" West Berlin and West Germany from NATO hands. He also took part in the invasion of Washington state. He served with his uncle, Colonel Vladimir Orlovsky, in Europe and America, where they captured guerrilla leaders. Before the invasion of the US, he participated in the invasion of Norway and opened up a route for Soviet bombers to attack Britain and the rest of Europe. Married and with a newly-born daughter during the events of the game (when he participates in the raid on Norway) Malashenko is almost utterly dedicated to Communist cause with a fervor that reminds Lebedjev of the dedication priests have to God.
  • Николай Малашенко
  • Officer
  • Brown
  • Brown
  • Nikolai Malashenko
  • Malashenko in East Berlin
  • 300
  • Captain
  • Male
  • 1965
  • Russian
  • Nikolai Malashenko was a Captain of the Soviet Army who helped his country "liberate" West Berlin and West Germany from NATO hands. He also took part in the invasion of Washington state. He served with his uncle, Colonel Vladimir Orlovsky, in Europe and America, where they captured guerrilla leaders. Before the invasion of the US, he participated in the invasion of Norway and opened up a route for Soviet bombers to attack Britain and the rest of Europe. Married and with a newly-born daughter during the events of the game (when he participates in the raid on Norway) Malashenko is almost utterly dedicated to Communist cause with a fervor that reminds Lebedjev of the dedication priests have to God. Malashenko was shown to become increasingly paranoid during the events of the Third World War, such as detaining and threatening to kill civilians (who were suspected of aiding the enemy); and right after his forces (and Romanov's) are ordered to retreat and go back to the Soviet Union, he shoots and kills his uncle (Orlovsky) and proceeds to fall back to Seattle to defend it. He is presumably killed during the counterattacks led by, Parker Webb, Sawyer, and Wilkins on Seattle. Romanov and Lebedjev did not follow him as they both obeyed Orlovsky's last orders and went back to their homeland. Malashenko's increasing paranoia is very likely influenced by the death of his wife and daughter, who were killed in an air raid partway through the story. This suggests Malashenko was already paranoid long before their deaths. Also, he was shown to have very little compassion or respect for the enemy. This is evident as he has delight in his voice when he is insulting the enemy (when speaking to his fellow soldiers and officers, not to the enemy).
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