  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Copyright
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at ).
  • Copyright står gjemt på de fleste internettsider som har hatt mer enn 10 besøkende. Dette betyr at alt innholdet kan taes og kopieres på grunnlag av eierene. Copyright markeres gjerne med en c i en sirkel.
  • Derexo de kopia. Derexo ke tiene kuarkié autó, zobre todah i ká una de zuh obrah de forma ke podrá dezidí en ké kondizioneh han de zé reproduzíah i dihtribuíah. Aunke ehte derexo eh legarmente irrenunziable, er mihmo pué zé eherzío de forma tan rehtrihtiba o tan heneroza komo el autó dezida. er zímbolo de ehte derexo eh ©.
  • Aussi appelé "Le gros C dans un rond noir", le Copyright est le drapeau du Copyrightland et désigne également son unique habitant, le Gros Œil.
  • Copyrights are the product of a system designed to restrict truthiness and wikiality. The truth should be spread, and not restricted by the liberal left.[1]
  • Also, China.
  • Il copyright viene pensato in una notte buia e tempestosa del 1245 da A§é @çàù, noto eroinomane della zona di Rejkiavik, per permettere ai bambini di copiare dai propri compagni di banco e agli universitari di fotocopiare i libri, oltre che permettersi il lusso di copiare le tecniche seduttive degli amici, ponendoli semicemente alla sua destra ed esclamando La tua tecnica è copiabile grazie al copyright! Il resto è ormai storia...
  • Die Copyright besitzt immer der Verfasser (Autor). Die Copyright kommt aus dem Englischem und heißt auf Deutsch Rechtinhaber. Wie das Wort schon sagt, wird hier angegeben, wer die Rechte am Werk besitzt. Eine Form, in der man die Copyright schreibt ist: * Copyright 2007 by Schleierhaft Die Copyright darf nicht auf Webseiten, Büchern, usw. fehlen, da sonst Dritte das Werk kopieren könnten. Das erlaubt das Deutsche Recht zwar nicht, aber sichere ist sicher!
  • In januari 2009 heeft Tim Ruijters contact gehad met SAP Eduction Nederland. Het is toegestaan om zelfgemaakte screenshots toe te voegen. Het is niet toegestaan om delen en/ of onderdelen van cursusmateriaal online te zetten. Categorie:Overig
  • The information on this website is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0.
  • Copyright is a law that allows creators of cultural works to receive a monopoly on their works, preventing others from modifying, distributing or earning any commercial gain from their works unless explicitly consented.
  • Copyright is a term encompassing a wide range of laws designed to protect inventors and creators of original work from having such work resold without permission, falsely attributed, or used in some other way that is harmful to the creator or their ability to market the product. It's scope often intersects those of intellectual property and patent law. Plagiarists risk trouble for violating copyright laws.
  • Or did you mean: Viacom©? Copyright™ is when someone takes back their own piece of shit because it's theirs. It is also known as a process to take back the money. Yeah, profits. This is also known as a lame excuse because when people don't want to let it be shared, they use COOPYRIGGHHHHT and take it down. Greedy people. Thanks to people like Viacom, us YouTube Poopers can't enjoy the beautiful content we create. Good job, worst media conglomerate.
  • The En Garde! game is published by Margam Evans Limited under licence from Paul Evans. © copyright Margam Evans Limited 2005-2006. No challenge to the copyright is implied by contents on this wiki. No rules, or images from the game should be entered into the wiki, all pages should be limited to real history of the times, additional background and/or supplemental rules (House Rules), news, events or articles about games in play.
  • Legally speaking, Copyright© grants the holder several exclusive rights: * The right to jam the head of any person who duplicates their work into the photocopier. * The right to then copyright© the red button on the copier as many times as they want. * The right to then copyright© the images of your crushed head * For the RIAA, MPAA, or FCC to come and ass-rape you and steal your computer whenever they want. * The right to give you paper cuts.
  • Nach deutschem, schweizer und österreichischem Recht existiert kein copyright! Dieser Begriff aus dem angloamerikanischen ist nur in englischsprachigen Ländern relevant. Die Verwendung des (c) bzw. © bewirkt rechtlich gesehen überhaupt nichts. Die Kennzeichnung fremder Werke mit einem copyright-Vermerk kann als Urheberrechtsverletzung geahndet werden.
  • Copyright infringement presents a serious issue for many artists- especially in their portfolio samples. The basic rule of thumb is: don't use anything that doesn't belong to you. A copyright specifies who owns the right to copy a certain piece of work. Usually, this is the creator, however in cases where work has been created by an artist working for someone else or a company, the person signing the paycheck retains the copyright to the work.
  • A copyright is the exclusive right of use and distribution of a particular publication held by a person or organization. The right firstly lies with the creator, but the right can also have been bought from the creator or acquired through other legal constructions. Copyright is not a full or lasting claim of ownership. While it prevents other bodies from simply taking the work and distributing or adapting it on their own terms, the concept of fair use allows fragments to be used by other bodies for purposes such as reviews or descriptions. How large those fragments might be and how many may be used is a matter of relativity and estimation. The chronal limits of a copyright depend on the laws of each country, but the general rule is that one lasts until 70 years after the death of the creat
  • The Copyright status of the Oz books affects their use by non-canonical authors, imitators, and creators of fan fiction. All of the books of L. Frank Baum have passed out of copyright protection and entered the public domain; their plots and characters are available for general use. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, first published in 1900, entered the public domain in 1956. The firm of Reilly and Lee, the publisher of all of the other "Famous Forty" Oz books, was able to issue its first edition of the original book only in that year. Baum's other thirteen Oz books entered the public domain between 1960 and 1995.
  • Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection provided by the laws of the United States (Title 17 of the United States Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. Copyright protection wholly statutory. There is no copyright protection except as provided by the current Copyright Act.
  • Copyright is a group of legally enforcable rights with respect to the copying and use of original intellectual and artistic works. Originally applied to print media, it now encompasses all types of media, including one-of-a-kind works of art and architecture. Copyright gives the author of the work, or their assignee, the exclusive right to control the copying of a work for a period of time, generally fixed to a certain period of time after the death of the author. After this period expires, the work passes into the public domain and may be freely copied or used by anyone.
  • All written work submitted to this Wiki is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. The copyright of work submitted to this Wiki remains with the copyright owner - which, if you wrote it, will be you. Submitting such work does not restrict what you can do with it yourself; it merely permits us to do certain things with it, too. See the Wikipedia Copyrights page for more information on how this license applies to the content of the wiki, in particular the section on how to use copies of the Wiki. To people wishing to distribute the content of this Wiki (excluding the above images):
  • Most, if not all, of LRH and Scientology writings are copyrighted. Not merely by virtue of having been written, and having a copyright notice appended, but also by virtue of having been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. This applies to translated works as well as the original English ones. The U.S. Copyright Office has online search facilities, and one can search for any title by name, or any individual or company/organization by name to see if that person or entity is registered as having claimed the copyright to any titles. An example of a full entry is:
  • Copyright je právo na duševní vlastnictví (například porno). Vrchním správcem všeho copyrightu je OSA, copyright porna chrání IFPI, která za tímto účelem úzce spolupracuje s BIS Brother. Pohlaváři OSY mají tato práva: * Právo strčit vaši hlavu do kopírky. * Právo stistknout červené tlačítko kopírky kolikrát chtějí. * Právo znásilnit vás přitom do prdeleKategorie:Cenzurováno. * Právo kdykoli ukrást váš počítač. Rovněž je zakázáno odjímat umělcovi hlavu a ukazovat ji na veřejnosti. Osoby které dostaly transplantovaný orgán jej nesmí užívat k vytváření uměleckých děl.
  • See:Wikia:Licensing for the basic rules. For a more indepth article on the concept and principles as it applies to Wikis operating under the Creative Commons by attribution license which Wikia uses see Wikipedia:Copyrights For a more general article on the concept of copyright in general see Wikipedia:Copyright which has links to articles on more detailed rules that apply in different counties. For specific questions relaing to what is OK (or not) on THIS WIKI you can ask the Admin at - User talk:BulldozerD11.
  • Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. The LucasArts logo is a registered trade mark of LucasArts Entertainment Company. LucasArts is a trademark of LucasArts Entertainment Company. STAR WARS: Dark Horizons MUSH is a non-profit game that features a number of characters and settings from the Star Wars Universe. These characters and settings are copyrighted as mentioned above. None of the original characters and settings of STAR WARS: Dark Horizons MUSH may be used by anyone outside of this game without permission from either of the founding Wizards of the game: Yoda or Palpatine.
  • To copyright your work means to get a type of protection afforded by the federal government to creators of certain types of intellectual property. You do not have to register your work to be protected by copyright law. When you create a literary work, piece of music, play, film, or artwork or architectural concept, you can copyright it simply by using the familiar ©, with your name and the year. You can use that symbol or the word “Copyright” on a title page, but in a manuscript or loose-leaf work, it is often placed at the bottom of every page.
  • Copyright is a form of intellectual property which gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation; after which time the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. The Fox Broadcasting Company holds all rights to Family Guy.
  • Với việc sử dụng wiki, bạn đồng ý với các điều kiện sau. Nếu không, hãy thoát khỏi wiki. 1. Tất cả tác phẩm bản quyền thuộc về đơn vị nắm giữ bản quyền tương ứng với mỗi quốc gia. 2. Tất cả tác phẩm bản quyền sẽ được xóa khỏi wiki mà không cần thông báo khi có yêu cầu từ đơn vị nắm giữ bản quyền. 3. Wiki này được thực hiện nhằm thỏa mãn sở thích dịch light novel của người tạo wiki và giới thiệu các light novel đến bạn đọc. Nếu đơn vị nắm giữ bản quyền nào cảm thấy quyền lợi của mình bị xâm phạm bởi wiki, hãy liên lạc với ban quản trị wiki. SS.Solarius (talk) 17:13, March 18, 2013 (UTC)
  • Spielst du auf Nehra? Und suchst eine aufstrebende Gilde mit netten Mitgliedern? Dann probier es mal bei uns. Für unseren freundlichen Umgangston sind wir bekannt. Auch neue, noch nicht so in Dofus erfahrene Spieler sind sehr willkommen und werden nach Kräften mit Rat und Tat unterstützt. Das Mindest-Aufnahmelevel liegt bei 60, die Aufnahme erfolgt erst nach erfolgreicher schriftlicher Bewerbung in unserem Forum, oder nach einem erfolgreichen persönlichen Bewerbungsgespräch in unserem Gildenhaus zwischen dem Bewerber und einigen Gildenmitgliedern. Ansprechpartner: Forum: Copyright-Forum
  • 47
  • copyright.png
  • Nehra
  • 49
  • Ivora
  • 2000
  • Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at ).
  • A copyright is the exclusive right of use and distribution of a particular publication held by a person or organization. The right firstly lies with the creator, but the right can also have been bought from the creator or acquired through other legal constructions. Copyright is not a full or lasting claim of ownership. While it prevents other bodies from simply taking the work and distributing or adapting it on their own terms, the concept of fair use allows fragments to be used by other bodies for purposes such as reviews or descriptions. How large those fragments might be and how many may be used is a matter of relativity and estimation. The chronal limits of a copyright depend on the laws of each country, but the general rule is that one lasts until 70 years after the death of the creator or last of a team of creators. At that point, it enters public domain. Copyright and public domain are limited to the exact specifications of the original work. For instance, a certain novel might be public domain now, but younger translations in other languages might not be and distributing those translations at will might be cause for a lawsuit, while the original-language version is up for grabs. Another example might be music; while a particular piece might be taken freely after the aforementioned 70 years, a younger recording might belong to the respective artist for many years to come. A copyright is marked with ©. The concept of copyrights is regularly confused with that of trademarks, which is the intellectual property dealing with names, logos, and symbols under which a brand operates. Information on copyrights in the USA can be found on the site of The United States Copyright Office. Keeping track of these websites provides insight into production developments and as to what the future may have in store for Monster High.
  • Copyright står gjemt på de fleste internettsider som har hatt mer enn 10 besøkende. Dette betyr at alt innholdet kan taes og kopieres på grunnlag av eierene. Copyright markeres gjerne med en c i en sirkel.
  • Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. The LucasArts logo is a registered trade mark of LucasArts Entertainment Company. LucasArts is a trademark of LucasArts Entertainment Company. STAR WARS: Dark Horizons MUSH is a non-profit game that features a number of characters and settings from the Star Wars Universe. These characters and settings are copyrighted as mentioned above. None of the original characters and settings of STAR WARS: Dark Horizons MUSH may be used by anyone outside of this game without permission from either of the founding Wizards of the game: Yoda or Palpatine. Any content that any player adds to this game he or she submits to the creative direction of the game's staff. The game's staff reserves the right to alter any content submitted by any player. This right will only be exercised when a player neglects or abuses the content they have added. See 'news rules' and 'news theme' for details of what is expected from players.
  • All written work submitted to this Wiki is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. The copyright of work submitted to this Wiki remains with the copyright owner - which, if you wrote it, will be you. Submitting such work does not restrict what you can do with it yourself; it merely permits us to do certain things with it, too. By submitting your work, you grant the Wiki permission to distribute it under the terms of the GFDL, and you accept that others may edit, modify and distribute your work under the terms of the License. That means that they may change what articles say, and that they may make copies of Wiki articles on other sites, as long as they license such articles under the GFDL so that others may make their own copies. Note that you cannot retract this license. You can, of course, edit an article to alter or remove your work if you do not want it there anymore, but you cannot stop someone reinstating it; therefore, you should think carefully about whether you want to write something on the wiki before you do so. :-) See the Wikipedia Copyrights page for more information on how this license applies to the content of the wiki, in particular the section on how to use copies of the Wiki. You may submit the work of others if it is declared by them to be in the Public Domain (in which case there is no issue of copyright), or freely licensed under the GFDL. Just copying from a website where there is no indication that the work is under such a license is not acceptable; such work will be removed at the request of the copyright holder, and probably even without it. This applies to written works, visual art and all other froms of creative expression. Images and other uploads may be submitted under the GFDL, under another free license, or as fair use, but please be careful about the last one as it is open to interpretation. If in doubt, or if you find your work is here without your permission, please contact the Wiki admin team. To people wishing to distribute the content of this Wiki (excluding the above images): This Wiki is Copyright © to its contributors. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. You should read the above license and the rights and obligations section of Wikipedia (which explains this in much more detail) carefully before copying work. If you modify the content of the articles, the license requires you to link back to the article in this Wiki so that users can see the original. In any case, you must license your copy of our work under the GFDL so that others can copy it and it remains free. Having read the above, click here to find out how to download the current copy of the wiki database.
  • Derexo de kopia. Derexo ke tiene kuarkié autó, zobre todah i ká una de zuh obrah de forma ke podrá dezidí en ké kondizioneh han de zé reproduzíah i dihtribuíah. Aunke ehte derexo eh legarmente irrenunziable, er mihmo pué zé eherzío de forma tan rehtrihtiba o tan heneroza komo el autó dezida. er zímbolo de ehte derexo eh ©.
  • Most, if not all, of LRH and Scientology writings are copyrighted. Not merely by virtue of having been written, and having a copyright notice appended, but also by virtue of having been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. This applies to translated works as well as the original English ones. The U.S. Copyright Office has online search facilities, and one can search for any title by name, or any individual or company/organization by name to see if that person or entity is registered as having claimed the copyright to any titles. An example of a full entry is: Registered Works Database (Author Search) HUBBARD, L. RON (3,523 items) 1. Registration Number: RE-3-635 Title: Child dianetics. By L. Ron Hubbard. Claimant: L. Ron Hubbard (A) Effective Registration Date: 22May78 Original Registration Date: 23Dec50; Original Registration Number: AA178150. Original Class: A Note that there is also a database of copyright transfers. An entry in this might involve the transfer of several thousand titles, the details of which are not available in the online search although the details probably would be available in a personal visit to the public records at the Library of Congress. So the record of the original claim is not necessarily a statement of the current copyright owner/claimant. An example of a transfer record is: ITEM 47 OF 334 SET 11: BRIEF DISPLAY FILE: COHD (ASCENDING ORDER) V3058 P155 THRU 164 (COHD) RECORDED: 29Nov94 EXECUTED: 18Nov94 PARTY 1: Mary Sue Hubbard, widow, Diana Meredith Dewolf Hubbard Ryan, Mary Suzette Rochelle Hubbard, Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard, Lafayette Ronald Conway Hubbard , Jr. a.k.a. L. Ron Hubbard , Jr. a.k.a. Nibs Hubbard a.k.a. Ronald Dewolf & Katherine May Hubbard Gillespie, children of deceased author, L. Ron Hubbard, by Church of Spiritual Technology (Atty) PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles) NOTE: Ceremonies of the Founding Church of Scientology & 1,364 other titles. By L. Ron Hubbard. Copyright assignment. FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V3058 P155-208)
  • Nach deutschem, schweizer und österreichischem Recht existiert kein copyright! Dieser Begriff aus dem angloamerikanischen ist nur in englischsprachigen Ländern relevant. Die Verwendung des (c) bzw. © bewirkt rechtlich gesehen überhaupt nichts. Auch wenn Ähnlichkeiten zum Urheberrecht existieren, so ist das copyright inhaltlich mehr auf den ökonomischen Aspekt gerichtet. Das copyright dient vor allem dazu, wirtschaftliche Investitionen des Urhebers zu schützen. Vor diesem Hintergrund kommen das angloamerikanische und das kontinentaleuropäische Recht in zahlreichen Rechtsfragen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen. Im angloamerikanischen Sprachraum hält oft eine Firma oder ein Verlag, der Urheber hat nur eingeschränkte Rechte an seinem Werk. Die Anbringung des copyright- Vermerkes ist nicht mehr zwingend notwendig und kann nach Belieben erfolgen, da die bis vor einigen Jahren in den USA erforderliche Eintragung eines copyright in der „Library of Congress“ entfallen ist. Die Kennzeichnung fremder Werke mit einem copyright-Vermerk kann als Urheberrechtsverletzung geahndet werden.
  • Aussi appelé "Le gros C dans un rond noir", le Copyright est le drapeau du Copyrightland et désigne également son unique habitant, le Gros Œil.
  • Copyright infringement presents a serious issue for many artists- especially in their portfolio samples. The basic rule of thumb is: don't use anything that doesn't belong to you. A copyright specifies who owns the right to copy a certain piece of work. Usually, this is the creator, however in cases where work has been created by an artist working for someone else or a company, the person signing the paycheck retains the copyright to the work. Every artistic industry has a unique set of copyright issues. On an actor's reel, the performer must respect the rights of the playwright. In an animation reel, the animator may not present any work from a project funded by a larger production company. Even sources in academic portfolios must be properly cited.
  • Copyrights are the product of a system designed to restrict truthiness and wikiality. The truth should be spread, and not restricted by the liberal left.[1]
  • Also, China.
  • Copyright is a form of intellectual property which gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation; after which time the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work. An example of the intent of copyright, based in the United States Constitution, is simply to promote the progress of science and arts by securing for limited times the exclusive right of the creator. Copyright has been internationally standardized, lasting between fifty to a hundred years from the author's death, or a finite period for anonymous or corporate authorship; some jurisdictions have required formalities to establishing copyright, most recognize copyright in any completed work, without formal registration. Generally, copyright is enforced as a civil matter, though some jurisdictions do apply criminal sanctions. The Fox Broadcasting Company holds all rights to Family Guy.
  • Il copyright viene pensato in una notte buia e tempestosa del 1245 da A§é @çàù, noto eroinomane della zona di Rejkiavik, per permettere ai bambini di copiare dai propri compagni di banco e agli universitari di fotocopiare i libri, oltre che permettersi il lusso di copiare le tecniche seduttive degli amici, ponendoli semicemente alla sua destra ed esclamando La tua tecnica è copiabile grazie al copyright! Il resto è ormai storia...
  • Với việc sử dụng wiki, bạn đồng ý với các điều kiện sau. Nếu không, hãy thoát khỏi wiki. 1. Tất cả tác phẩm bản quyền thuộc về đơn vị nắm giữ bản quyền tương ứng với mỗi quốc gia. 2. Tất cả tác phẩm bản quyền sẽ được xóa khỏi wiki mà không cần thông báo khi có yêu cầu từ đơn vị nắm giữ bản quyền. 3. Wiki này được thực hiện nhằm thỏa mãn sở thích dịch light novel của người tạo wiki và giới thiệu các light novel đến bạn đọc. Nếu đơn vị nắm giữ bản quyền nào cảm thấy quyền lợi của mình bị xâm phạm bởi wiki, hãy liên lạc với ban quản trị wiki. 4. Người đọc, người dịch trên wiki và ban quản trị wiki không chịu trách nhiệm trước thiệt hại mà wiki có thể gây ra. Người tạo wiki thực hiện những gì có thể để hướng người đọc đến tác phẩm có bản quyền. 5. Không được sử dụng tác phẩm hay một phần tác phẩm vào những hoạt động thương mại như mua, bán, đấu giá, in... 6. Không được tự nhận tác phẩm hay một phần tác phẩm đã được dịch trên wiki là của mình trừ khi tham gia vào quá trình dịch tác phẩm hay một phần tác phẩm ấy và phải ghi rõ đã thực hiện phần nào trong tác phẩm hay một phần tác phẩm. SS.Solarius (talk) 17:13, March 18, 2013 (UTC)
  • Copyright is a group of legally enforcable rights with respect to the copying and use of original intellectual and artistic works. Originally applied to print media, it now encompasses all types of media, including one-of-a-kind works of art and architecture. Copyright gives the author of the work, or their assignee, the exclusive right to control the copying of a work for a period of time, generally fixed to a certain period of time after the death of the author. After this period expires, the work passes into the public domain and may be freely copied or used by anyone. Copyright arises automatically when an original work is created. In some countries, most notably the United States, it is often adventageous to also register a copyright, although to keep copyright law consistent throughout the world, a country can no longer insist that a work be registered in order to assert copyright. Although it was once a requirement in some countries, attaching the (c) copyright symbol and date of creation to a work is no longer a requirement to assert copyright. However, older works often show the copyright mark. Under the Berne Convention, the creation of copyright in the country of origin of the work automatically allows the copyright to be asserted in all of the countries that are members of the convention.
  • Die Copyright besitzt immer der Verfasser (Autor). Die Copyright kommt aus dem Englischem und heißt auf Deutsch Rechtinhaber. Wie das Wort schon sagt, wird hier angegeben, wer die Rechte am Werk besitzt. Eine Form, in der man die Copyright schreibt ist: * Copyright 2007 by Schleierhaft Die Copyright darf nicht auf Webseiten, Büchern, usw. fehlen, da sonst Dritte das Werk kopieren könnten. Das erlaubt das Deutsche Recht zwar nicht, aber sichere ist sicher!
  • In januari 2009 heeft Tim Ruijters contact gehad met SAP Eduction Nederland. Het is toegestaan om zelfgemaakte screenshots toe te voegen. Het is niet toegestaan om delen en/ of onderdelen van cursusmateriaal online te zetten. Categorie:Overig
  • The information on this website is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0.
  • Copyright is a law that allows creators of cultural works to receive a monopoly on their works, preventing others from modifying, distributing or earning any commercial gain from their works unless explicitly consented.
  • The Copyright status of the Oz books affects their use by non-canonical authors, imitators, and creators of fan fiction. All of the books of L. Frank Baum have passed out of copyright protection and entered the public domain; their plots and characters are available for general use. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, first published in 1900, entered the public domain in 1956. The firm of Reilly and Lee, the publisher of all of the other "Famous Forty" Oz books, was able to issue its first edition of the original book only in that year. Baum's other thirteen Oz books entered the public domain between 1960 and 1995. (Under the copyright law that prevailed through most of the twentieth century, copyrights of published works were valid for 28 years, with an option for renewal for another 28 years. U.S. copyright law was amended in 1976 and 1998; the period of copyright protection was extended, especially in the latter year.) The situation is somewhat different for the works of Ruth Plumly Thompson; some of her works have entered the public domain, while others have not. Mark E. Haas ran into a copyright problem when he published his first Oz book, The Medicine Man of Oz, in 2000. He used the character Herby the Medicine Man from The Giant Horse of Oz (1928), which was (and is) still under copyright protection. Robin Hess's first Oz book, Toto and the Cats of Oz, remains unpublished because of similar copyright considerations. Thompson's earliest books, The Royal Book of Oz (1921) and Kabumpo in Oz (1922), are in the public domain. A few of Thompson's later Oz books did not have their copyrights renewed, and so entered the public domain before her earlier books. This is true of her last five books in the "Famous Forty" being: The Wishing Horse of Oz (1935), Captain Salt in Oz (1936), Handy Mandy in Oz (1937), The Silver Princess in Oz (1938), and Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (1939). For the Thompson books which are still protected, the rights are held by the L. Frank Baum Family Trust. As books published with copyright notice (and later renewed) between 1923 and 1963 retain protection for a total of 95 years, and Thompson's remaining protected works were all published between the years 1923 and 1934, those works will enter the public domain beginning in 2019 (with The Cowardly Lion of Oz) and continuing with each successive book on an annual basis until 2030 (barring any further extensions of copyright). The heirs of John R. Neill have maintained the copyrights on his three Oz books; they will be protected until 2036 (The Wonder City of Oz), 2037 (The Scalawagons of Oz), and 2038 (Lucky Bucky in Oz). Jack Snow's two Oz novels, The Magical Mimics in Oz (1946) and The Shaggy Man of Oz (1949), did not have their copyrights renewed and have entered the public domain. Other Oz works are covered by copyright protection. Reilly & Lee reprinted the Oz books many times without providing any dating or edition information other than the original copyright date, a fact that has bedeviled book collectors who have mistaken later editions for first editions. The company reprinted Baum's pre-1919 books with the "Reilly & Lee" imprint, instead of the "Reilly & Britton" imprint of the original editions, but with no other indication that the books were later editions. Canadian editions (first and later) of the Oz books were issued by the firm Copp, Clark.
  • Copyright is a term encompassing a wide range of laws designed to protect inventors and creators of original work from having such work resold without permission, falsely attributed, or used in some other way that is harmful to the creator or their ability to market the product. It's scope often intersects those of intellectual property and patent law. Plagiarists risk trouble for violating copyright laws.
  • See:Wikia:Licensing for the basic rules. For a more indepth article on the concept and principles as it applies to Wikis operating under the Creative Commons by attribution license which Wikia uses see Wikipedia:Copyrights For a more general article on the concept of copyright in general see Wikipedia:Copyright which has links to articles on more detailed rules that apply in different counties. For specific questions relaing to what is OK (or not) on THIS WIKI you can ask the Admin at - User talk:BulldozerD11. Note if you do not state a source and/or add a relevant license tag to your images they May be deleted without notice as they do NOT comply with Wikias Licensing rules for images under the sites Image policy. - See Help:Image copyright tags for detail on adding a license tag to your files/images.
  • Or did you mean: Viacom©? Copyright™ is when someone takes back their own piece of shit because it's theirs. It is also known as a process to take back the money. Yeah, profits. This is also known as a lame excuse because when people don't want to let it be shared, they use COOPYRIGGHHHHT and take it down. Greedy people. Thanks to people like Viacom, us YouTube Poopers can't enjoy the beautiful content we create. Good job, worst media conglomerate.
  • Spielst du auf Nehra? Und suchst eine aufstrebende Gilde mit netten Mitgliedern? Dann probier es mal bei uns. Für unseren freundlichen Umgangston sind wir bekannt. Auch neue, noch nicht so in Dofus erfahrene Spieler sind sehr willkommen und werden nach Kräften mit Rat und Tat unterstützt. Das Mindest-Aufnahmelevel liegt bei 60, die Aufnahme erfolgt erst nach erfolgreicher schriftlicher Bewerbung in unserem Forum, oder nach einem erfolgreichen persönlichen Bewerbungsgespräch in unserem Gildenhaus zwischen dem Bewerber und einigen Gildenmitgliedern. Unser Gildenlevel ist 47, wir haben um die 49 Mitglieder, Häuser in Astrub, Brakmar, Bonta und im Dorf der Züchter sowie zwei Koppeln. Unsere Ziele? Wir werden vielleicht niemals die Nummer Eins werden. Wichtiger ist es uns, uns gegenseitig zu helfen bei Problemen jeder Art, nett im Gildenchat zu plaudern, uns beim Berufe leveln zu unterstützen und natürlich viel Spaß bei gemeinsamen Unternehmungen zu haben. Ansprechpartner: Ivora, Patricia-Bleed, Ibisede, Hexalynn Forum: Copyright-Forum Gildenübersicht auf Copyright - Mitglieder Bündnisgilde: Amaknas Polizei Gildenforum Ich hoffe wir treffen uns bald im Spiel. Liebe Grüße Patricia-Bleed
  • The En Garde! game is published by Margam Evans Limited under licence from Paul Evans. © copyright Margam Evans Limited 2005-2006. No challenge to the copyright is implied by contents on this wiki. No rules, or images from the game should be entered into the wiki, all pages should be limited to real history of the times, additional background and/or supplemental rules (House Rules), news, events or articles about games in play.
  • Legally speaking, Copyright© grants the holder several exclusive rights: * The right to jam the head of any person who duplicates their work into the photocopier. * The right to then copyright© the red button on the copier as many times as they want. * The right to then copyright© the images of your crushed head * For the RIAA, MPAA, or FCC to come and ass-rape you and steal your computer whenever they want. * The right to give you paper cuts.
  • Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection provided by the laws of the United States (Title 17 of the United States Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. Copyright protection wholly statutory. There is no copyright protection except as provided by the current Copyright Act. Copyright protection is available to both published works and unpublished works. Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, and a work is created when it is fixed in a copy or phonorecord for the first time.
  • To copyright your work means to get a type of protection afforded by the federal government to creators of certain types of intellectual property. You do not have to register your work to be protected by copyright law. When you create a literary work, piece of music, play, film, or artwork or architectural concept, you can copyright it simply by using the familiar ©, with your name and the year. You can use that symbol or the word “Copyright” on a title page, but in a manuscript or loose-leaf work, it is often placed at the bottom of every page. The owner of a copyright has the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute that work or create derivative works based on the original material. You can’t copyright an idea as such, only the visual, tangible representation of that idea, such as a book. You also can’t copyright a book title, although you might be able to trademark it if you coin a term in the title. For instance, there are probably hundreds of books entitled Trees, and you could not prevent anyone from using the same commonly used words you probably use in your title. Current copyright law bestows copyright protection from the moment of creation through the creator or author’s life plus seventy years. To get full protection and be able to sue for copyright infringement, you do need to register that copyright with the Copyright Office of the United States. To register your copyright, see the U.S. government Web site at Send the following in one package: • A completed application, either Form TX or Short Form TX, found on the Web site under Copyright Registration: Literary Works • A $45 payment to "Register of Copyrights" • Nonreturnable copy(ies) of the material to be registered Send the package to: Library of Congress Copyright Office 101 Independence Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20559-6000 You have 3 months from the time of printing to apply for copyright registration, but your registration becomes effective on the day that the Copyright Office receives your application, payment, and book in acceptable form. It will take from 4 to 6 months to receive a certificate of registration. Tanyab 08:32, 5 December 2008 (UTC) |
  • Copyright je právo na duševní vlastnictví (například porno). Vrchním správcem všeho copyrightu je OSA, copyright porna chrání IFPI, která za tímto účelem úzce spolupracuje s BIS Brother. Pohlaváři OSY mají tato práva: * Právo strčit vaši hlavu do kopírky. * Právo stistknout červené tlačítko kopírky kolikrát chtějí. * Právo znásilnit vás přitom do prdeleKategorie:Cenzurováno. * Právo kdykoli ukrást váš počítač. Jestliže zkopíruješ CD, z obchodu zmizí jedno skutečné CDčko a kapitánům hudebního průmyslu pak mizí peníze, takže nemají ani na žrádlo ani na úplatky svým oblíbeným politikům. Takže jestli stahuješ hudbu podléhající copyrightu, jsi zlý hříšný vrah a zasloužíš si okamžitě zemřít. Rovněž je zakázáno odjímat umělcovi hlavu a ukazovat ji na veřejnosti. Osoby které dostaly transplantovaný orgán jej nesmí užívat k vytváření uměleckých děl. Copyright se vztahuje na každé dílo počínaje okamžikem jeho vzniku. Užijete-li cizí umělecké dílo k vytvoření vlastního, (doporučený způsob úpravy je retuše původních údajů o copyrightu,) máte copyright na nové dílo. Abyste mohli copyrightu užívat, postupujte takto: * Věnujte 10 000 000 českokorun nebo 10 000 000 000 000 000 morgošů na volební kampaň vašeho oblíbeného politika. * Nechte si copyright zapsat u vašeho oblíbeného soudu vaším oblíbeným soudcem, který se zná s vaším oblíbeným politikem. * Vyberte si oběť! Není nutné, aby dotyčný někdy předtím viděl vaše dílo. Buďto by měl být hodně bohatý, nebo naopak hodně chudý, abysete z něj udělali exemplární příklad pro ostatní. * Rozdělte se s OSOU. * Vydělávejte!
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