  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia carries an umbrella (counts as a hand weapon).
  • Located in Bag End in Hobbiton
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins was a Hobbit of the Shire. "I'll give you Sharkey, you dirty thieving ruffians!'" —Lobelia, The Return of the King
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins – hobbitka, pochodząca z rodziny Bracegirdle. Urodziła się w 2918 roku TE, w Hardbotlle, w Północnej Ćwiartce Shire, zmarła w 3020 roku TE. Jej mężem był Otho Sackville-Baggins, który był najbliższym krewnym i jedynym spadkobiercą Bilba Bagginsa, do czasu, aż ten usynowił Froda. Lobelia i Otho mieli syna Lotha. W filmie grana była przez Elizabeth Moody.
  • Lobelia nacque nella Contea nell'anno 1318 CC (2918 TE), secondogenita e unica figlia femmina di Primarosa Boffin e Blanco Serracinta. Sposò Otho Sackville-Baggins, cugino di Bilbo Baggins,con il quale ebbe un figlio, di nome Lotho, nel 1364 CC (2964 TE). Conosciuta in tutta la Contea per il suo carattere acido e intrattabile, oltre che per la sua avidità, dopo il matrimonio con Otho fece proprie e amplificò le aspirazioni del marito ad impadronirsi di Casa Baggins, e divenne assieme al consorte uno dei peggiori nemici di Bilbo. Quando nel 2941 TE Bilbo fu dato per morto, prese parte all'asta dei beni di Casa Baggins interrotta soltanto dal ritorno di Bilbo dalla Montagna Solitaria; tuttavia fece in tempo ad impadronirsi dell'argenteria di Bilbo. Nel 3001 TE, dopo la festa di compleanno di
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (TA 2910–3020) was a Shire Hobbit, the wife of Otho (the first Sackville-Baggins, and Bilbo's first cousin) and the mother of Lotho. She was most renowned for her indomitable greed and a temper universally labelled as shrewish. She spent most of her life trying to weasel the luxurious estate of Bag End away from Bilbo and Frodo. During the feud most Hobbits sided with the Bagginses against the Sackville-Bagginses because of Lobelia's nasty disposition. But when Bilbo was gone for about a year on his adventure in T.A. 2941, and he was heirless at that time, Lobelia and Otho hurriedly attempted to have him declared dead so that they might obtain the estate. Bilbo returned in T. A. 2942 on a gold-laden pony in the middle of the their auction of his estate properties.
  • Femmina
  • 1
  • 1
  • 6
Lata życia
  • 2918
  • Kobieta
  • 3
Point Value
  • 10
Inne imiona
  • Lobelia Bracegirdle
  • Famiglia Serracinta , Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia Sackville.jpg
  • 1421.0
  • Parasol
  • 1,15m
  • Lobelia Serracinta
  • Ombrello
  • 0
  • 1318.0
  • x
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Umbrella
  • 2
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
  • Lobelia Sackville-Bagginses in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
  • The Shire
  • 1
  • Lobelia Bracegirdle, Mistress Lobelia
  • 1.17m
  • The Hill
  • ShireMAP
  • white
  • Female
  • Shire-hobbits
  • Bag End
  • 29.36
colore capelli
  • Neri, grigi in tarda età
  • 71.33
fight value
  • 2
  • 1
  • Lobelia carries an umbrella (counts as a hand weapon).
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (TA 2910–3020) was a Shire Hobbit, the wife of Otho (the first Sackville-Baggins, and Bilbo's first cousin) and the mother of Lotho. She was most renowned for her indomitable greed and a temper universally labelled as shrewish. She spent most of her life trying to weasel the luxurious estate of Bag End away from Bilbo and Frodo. During the feud most Hobbits sided with the Bagginses against the Sackville-Bagginses because of Lobelia's nasty disposition. But when Bilbo was gone for about a year on his adventure in T.A. 2941, and he was heirless at that time, Lobelia and Otho hurriedly attempted to have him declared dead so that they might obtain the estate. Bilbo returned in T. A. 2942 on a gold-laden pony in the middle of the their auction of his estate properties. Lobelia and her family attempted to contest his identity, which Bilbo was able to prove. The feud continued against Bilbo from then on until his disappearance at the Farewell Party in T.A. 3001, when he left them a set of spoons. The estate then, of course, fell to Frodo, whose relationship with Lobelia immediately became strained. When Frodo finally made his decision to leave the Shire for the first time, he left the estate to Lobelia, who finally had what she wanted after nearly eighty years of grasping after it. Despite her nasty disposition, the Hobbits of the Shire found a new respect for Lobelia because of the indomitable spirit she demonstrated during Saruman's occupation of the Shire. During that time, Lobelia tried to whip an insulting rogue with her umbrella although she was very old by that time and certainly less than half his size. She was then imprisoned in the Lock-holes. During her imprisonment, her ridiculed son was murdered by Wormtongue, at Saruman's command. When Lobelia was released during the Battle of Bywater, the Hobbits cheered her for her courage, and this was the first time she had ever been popular in herlife. However, Lobelia was so stricken by her son's death that she gave Bag End back to Frodo and returned to her home in Hardbottle, where she grieved until her death the following Spring. She left her estate to Frodo for care of homeless Hobbits, especially those made bereft because of the occupation of the Shire.
  • Located in Bag End in Hobbiton
  • Lobelia nacque nella Contea nell'anno 1318 CC (2918 TE), secondogenita e unica figlia femmina di Primarosa Boffin e Blanco Serracinta. Sposò Otho Sackville-Baggins, cugino di Bilbo Baggins,con il quale ebbe un figlio, di nome Lotho, nel 1364 CC (2964 TE). Conosciuta in tutta la Contea per il suo carattere acido e intrattabile, oltre che per la sua avidità, dopo il matrimonio con Otho fece proprie e amplificò le aspirazioni del marito ad impadronirsi di Casa Baggins, e divenne assieme al consorte uno dei peggiori nemici di Bilbo. Quando nel 2941 TE Bilbo fu dato per morto, prese parte all'asta dei beni di Casa Baggins interrotta soltanto dal ritorno di Bilbo dalla Montagna Solitaria; tuttavia fece in tempo ad impadronirsi dell'argenteria di Bilbo. Nel 3001 TE, dopo la festa di compleanno di Bilbo, andò su tutte le furie per il testamento in cui la Casa veniva lasciata a Frodo e lo insultò pesantemente prima di andarsene. Nel 3018 TE Frodo le vendette Casa Baggins ed ella vi si trasferì con il figlio, il marito Otho era morto da un anno, e vi visse per alcuni mesi. Durante il dominio di Sharkey fu imprigionata alle Cellechiuse per essersi ribellata e aver preso a ombrellate dei ruffiani che volevano installare dei magazzini nel giardino di Casa Baggins. Fu liberata da Frodo assieme a Will Piedebianco e accolta come un'eroina per aver avuto il coraggio di ribellarsi ai Ruffiani. Dopo aver appreso della morte di suo figlio non volle più abitare a Casa Baggins e la restituì a Frodo, andando a vivere dal fratello a Hardbottle. Morì nel 1421 CC (3021 TE) all'età di 102 anni.
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins was a Hobbit of the Shire. "I'll give you Sharkey, you dirty thieving ruffians!'" —Lobelia, The Return of the King
  • Lobelia Sackville-Baggins – hobbitka, pochodząca z rodziny Bracegirdle. Urodziła się w 2918 roku TE, w Hardbotlle, w Północnej Ćwiartce Shire, zmarła w 3020 roku TE. Jej mężem był Otho Sackville-Baggins, który był najbliższym krewnym i jedynym spadkobiercą Bilba Bagginsa, do czasu, aż ten usynowił Froda. Lobelia i Otho mieli syna Lotha. W filmie grana była przez Elizabeth Moody.
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is Rodzeństwo of
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is Spouse of
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