  • Weekly Radio Address Parody
  • Some "Do-Nothing-Liberal" funny pantsers out there in the cybernets have taken it upon their slow and poorly lit witted lives to parody The President's weekly radio address. These treasonists are only emboldening our enemies and weekening our allies by portraying the best radio content ever produced in a "comedic" manner. All us "Real People" know full well that when the Terrorists do attack us again, that it'll be the comedians fault, and not the fault of the republicans who regularly provide jobs and financial security for countries which can only produce oil.
  • Some "Do-Nothing-Liberal" funny pantsers out there in the cybernets have taken it upon their slow and poorly lit witted lives to parody The President's weekly radio address. These treasonists are only emboldening our enemies and weekening our allies by portraying the best radio content ever produced in a "comedic" manner. All us "Real People" know full well that when the Terrorists do attack us again, that it'll be the comedians fault, and not the fault of the republicans who regularly provide jobs and financial security for countries which can only produce oil. Be sure to let these rubber chicken eaters know how you feel about their chicanery!