  • Metron Consortium
  • The Metron Consortium is the ruling body of the Metron race. The Consortium's location is unknown, however, the planet Cestus III is in the Consortium and lies somewhere on the borders of the United Federation of Planets and the Gorn Hegemony. A ship from both the Federation and the Hegemony made contact with a Metron in the year 2267.
  • The Metron Consortium was the political state for the Metrons. (ST reference: Star Trek Star Charts) The Federation's first contact with the Metrons was made in 2267 by Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. (TOS episode: "Arena") By 2373, the Metron species was dying out. They lured Captain Benjamin Sisko of the USS Defiant to their space with a false distress call so he could help preserve their knowledge for future generations. (DS9 short story: "Where I Fell Before My Enemy")
  • The Metron Consortium was a business organization. In 2373, the Verillians signed a trade agreement with the Metron Consortium, which angered Hagath as his associate Farrakk had decided to visit Risa instead of trying to negotiate for Hagath's group to get the agreement. (DS9: "Business as Usual")
  • The Metron Consortium is the ruling body of the Metron race. The Consortium's location is unknown, however, the planet Cestus III is in the Consortium and lies somewhere on the borders of the United Federation of Planets and the Gorn Hegemony. A ship from both the Federation and the Hegemony made contact with a Metron in the year 2267.
  • The Metron Consortium was a business organization. In 2373, the Verillians signed a trade agreement with the Metron Consortium, which angered Hagath as his associate Farrakk had decided to visit Risa instead of trying to negotiate for Hagath's group to get the agreement. (DS9: "Business as Usual") According to the script, Metron was pronounced as "MEH-tron". [1] The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 39) noted: "It seems odd that the Metrons, who abhorred violence in TOS: "Arena" , would deal in weapons". The fact that the two might be one and the same has not been confirmed in canon. In Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 64) by Geoffrey Mandel, the Metron Consortium was treated as the name of the Metrons' governing body.
  • The Metron Consortium was the political state for the Metrons. (ST reference: Star Trek Star Charts) The Federation's first contact with the Metrons was made in 2267 by Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. (TOS episode: "Arena") By 2373, the Metron species was dying out. They lured Captain Benjamin Sisko of the USS Defiant to their space with a false distress call so he could help preserve their knowledge for future generations. (DS9 short story: "Where I Fell Before My Enemy") Also in 2373, the Metron Consortium signed an agreement with the Verillians. (DS9 episode: "Business as Usual") Two years later, in 2375, then-Governor Nanietta Bacco of Cestus III negotiated an historic peace treaty between the Federation and the Metrons following an attack on the world by the Gorn Hegemony. In an alternatie timeline, the Metron Consortium fought the Battle of Cestus against the Klingon Empire. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: The Tears of Eridanus)