  • Star Trek (British Version)
  • Lord Bumblebee, head of the BBC, came back from a trip to the USA harping on about some yank show set in outer-space called Star Trek. Being a man of little hair and less patience he quickly snapped up the rights to make a British version with a recession hit British public's honest cash. "I want to include every single aspect of the American Version, but improve it by doing what Britain does better than anyone else in the world...Being British", he stated to someone he was talking to at the time.
  • Lord Bumblebee, head of the BBC, came back from a trip to the USA harping on about some yank show set in outer-space called Star Trek. Being a man of little hair and less patience he quickly snapped up the rights to make a British version with a recession hit British public's honest cash. "I want to include every single aspect of the American Version, but improve it by doing what Britain does better than anyone else in the world...Being British", he stated to someone he was talking to at the time.