  • WWE Brand Extension
  • See, before April 2001, there were two actual brands, WWF and WCW. Each promotion had its own feel, fans and ideas about what good rasslin was. In March 2001 Vince bought out WCW, and there was now only one game in town. However, Vince was actually genuinely surprised when the WCW fans didn't jump over to watch his tedious shit. Hoping to recapture the feel of the Monday Night Wars, WWE(as it now was) artificially created a feud between McMahon and Ric Flair. each guy got his own "brand", roster of rasslers, and World Title. Then, two weeks later, McMahon bought Flair for total control.
  • See, before April 2001, there were two actual brands, WWF and WCW. Each promotion had its own feel, fans and ideas about what good rasslin was. In March 2001 Vince bought out WCW, and there was now only one game in town. However, Vince was actually genuinely surprised when the WCW fans didn't jump over to watch his tedious shit. Hoping to recapture the feel of the Monday Night Wars, WWE(as it now was) artificially created a feud between McMahon and Ric Flair. each guy got his own "brand", roster of rasslers, and World Title. Then, two weeks later, McMahon bought Flair for total control.