  • Naraka Realm
  • A strange hidden world between life and death that is ruled by The King of Hell. Here time does not exist, there is no future, no present, no past. There is no tomorrow, today, or yesterday. The realm itself consists of an endless number of pillars of intricate designs ranging from tortured faces to decorated structures all connecting to a bottomless pit of darkness. This place was created as an underworld with one goal in mind, that goal is punishment. Here the souls that have been banished are punished until their negative Karma has been burned off. When Raido kills a person their soul goes here after their physical container or body can no longer sustain life. This realm is connected to Raido's Siddha, to where he can transport his body and other things from the outside in and back out,
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  • A strange hidden world between life and death that is ruled by The King of Hell. Here time does not exist, there is no future, no present, no past. There is no tomorrow, today, or yesterday. The realm itself consists of an endless number of pillars of intricate designs ranging from tortured faces to decorated structures all connecting to a bottomless pit of darkness. This place was created as an underworld with one goal in mind, that goal is punishment. Here the souls that have been banished are punished until their negative Karma has been burned off. When Raido kills a person their soul goes here after their physical container or body can no longer sustain life. This realm is connected to Raido's Siddha, to where he can transport his body and other things from the outside in and back out, he learned of the dimensions existence from numerous lessons and from the worlds avatar Yama. This place has a mental effect on those sent here to stay to long period of time as they develop severe cases of various forms of Dementia. [1] The pure nothingness of this realm which stretches on for an eternity, since the only way in is to leave out traveling via Raido. As of now Raido is the only person to have access to this realm, as no other Rinnegan user has show access to the needed jutsu, or the realm itself. It is often been said they when one is killed by Raido your soul is not allowed to enter the Pure World but is rather trapped here in this realm, stuck between life and death. When a person is killed or captured their bodies and faces are carved into the newly erected pillars with their face etched in horror. Their last facial expression before their untimely demise. It is said that there is low droning sound that is constantly heard, and is the leading force of of what drive those trapped here insane. The feel of being haunted, is what drive the high level of insanity. Those whose souls are sent here, are unable to be reincarnated via Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation as their soul is not allowed into the pure World. Raido opponents are taken, body and soul, to a place not of death, but punishment. The worst fate a person can bring upon himself stretching on forever. Its possible for a person who is alive to be trapped here and suffering from the effects of the souls that are sent here as well. This realm is exclusive to Raido's Rinnegan, and is as of now not obtainable by the just the Rinnegan alone.