  • Planetary Defense Forces
  • Planetary defense forces
  • The planetary defense forces were maintained by various worlds independently of the military force controlled by the central galactic government. Although the Galactic Republic lacked a standing military, its member worlds had their own defense forces, like the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the planet Botajef kept its own defense force. Culper, an aide of Moff Ghadi offered Eli Vanto a position within a Core World defense fleet in an attempt to slow the rise of Thrawn.
  • OrganizationThe Planetary Defense Force (or PDF for short), is the primary defense almost all planets of the Imperium can muster in response to any threat. PDFs are raised from the local populace of the Imperial controlled worlds, who are also responsible for training and arming these men or women. They are raised on the authority of the Planetary Governor with the Imperium's authority and blessing.In response to any threat, it is the responsibility of the PDF to engage the enemy until Imperial reinforcements can be mustered from the nearby sector. Thus although rarely respected due to their inherent lack of experience, PDF are widely considered crucial to the Departmento Munitorium, or else Imperial worlds would quickly fall to Xeno assaults or Chaotic influences.Furthermore, PDFs are als
  • 惑星防衛軍
  • Fuerzas de defensa planetaria
  • The planetary defense forces were maintained by various worlds independently of the military force controlled by the central galactic government. Although the Galactic Republic lacked a standing military, its member worlds had their own defense forces, like the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the planet Botajef kept its own defense force. Culper, an aide of Moff Ghadi offered Eli Vanto a position within a Core World defense fleet in an attempt to slow the rise of Thrawn. In the aftermath of the New Republic's victory over the remnants of the Galactic Empire, the Senate passed the Military Disarmament Act. While the act kept the New Republic Starfleet as the largest defense force in the galaxy, it greatly reduced its size and capabilities as the New Republic preferred to bolster the training and funding for the local planetary defense forces to prevent the Empire's abuses and the Old Republic's failings. Some thirty years after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, its remnants had rebuilt themselves into the militarized First Order. Frustrated by the Senate's refusal to see the First Order as a threat and to take military action, General Leia Organa formed the Resistance, a private military force. She recruited from both the New Republic's military and the planetary defense forces, many whose worlds saw the worst of the Empire's oppression and were eager to fight against its resurgence.
  • OrganizationThe Planetary Defense Force (or PDF for short), is the primary defense almost all planets of the Imperium can muster in response to any threat. PDFs are raised from the local populace of the Imperial controlled worlds, who are also responsible for training and arming these men or women. They are raised on the authority of the Planetary Governor with the Imperium's authority and blessing.In response to any threat, it is the responsibility of the PDF to engage the enemy until Imperial reinforcements can be mustered from the nearby sector. Thus although rarely respected due to their inherent lack of experience, PDF are widely considered crucial to the Departmento Munitorium, or else Imperial worlds would quickly fall to Xeno assaults or Chaotic influences.Furthermore, PDFs are also the source of planetary tithes, the taxation the Imperium poses on all ruled worlds. The ability to call on the Imperium for military aid comes at a cost, and troops must be mustered and control given to the Imperium to assist other planets in need. Regiments founded for off world deployment are elevated into the Imperial Guard, and are bound for either greater honours and experience, or destruction.Many PDF forces base their appearance and equipment off of the venerated Cadian regiments. Others base themselves off the appearance of other notable regiments, such as the Tallarn, Mordians and Valhallans, often motivated by similar climates or even due to assistance from those regiments during the founding of the PDF. Still, given the unique and underlying culture of many worlds, PDFs and by extension their Imperial Guard regiments are armed and appear as their world can best equip them, a sign of the diverse cultures that constitute the Imperium as a whole.LoyaltiesAlthough the PDF defaults all command to any Imperial forces that arrive, cultural conflicts, Xeno or Chaotic influences, the interests and corruption of the Planetary Governor or other organizations in charge of the planet, it is not uncommon for PDF forces to turn hostile upon off-world Imperial forces. This is a cause of mistrust for PDF in general, and further reason for commanders to prefer to rely on non-local defenses.Inquisitors are particularly known for a lack of trust for the local PDF, often quick to have nearby Imperial forces available should need call for it.Notable Planetary Defence Forces