  • Rugrats comic strip
  • Rugrats comic strip was a daily comic script featuring the characters from the Rugrats television series which was started on April 5 1998 and ended on May 3 2003, the same time the television series ended.
  • Rugrats comic strip was a daily comic script featuring the characters from the Rugrats television series which was started on April 5 1998 and ended on May 3 2003, the same time the television series ended. Like the program, the comic strip was written to be humorous to both kids and adults.Early strips had no continuity, but later years featured small storylines. Public reaction to the series was muted, compared to the series. Washington Post readers of all age brackets, for example, voted Rugrats as its worst comic strip. Many newspapers quickly demoted the title to Sunday-only. There was also a controversy over perceived anti-Semitism in a 1998 strip featuring Boris Kropotkin reciting the Kaddish prayer in a synagogue which resulted in the banishment of the character from the comic strip.