  • Secret meeting room
  • A secret meeting room was located within the Institute of Government Service on the planet of New Apsolon in 41 BBY. A meeting was to be held between the Absolutes, Workers and the Civilized with Jedi Master Tahl acting as a mediator. Unfortunately, Chief of Security and Absolutist Balog had kidnapped Tahl and set off for his secret base. The enraged Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, discovered the treachery and found Tahl's lightsaber in a small bin. Jinn used his lightsaber to destroy a table and vowed they would find Tahl.
  • Secret meeting room
  • A secret meeting room was located within the Institute of Government Service on the planet of New Apsolon in 41 BBY. A meeting was to be held between the Absolutes, Workers and the Civilized with Jedi Master Tahl acting as a mediator. Unfortunately, Chief of Security and Absolutist Balog had kidnapped Tahl and set off for his secret base. The enraged Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, discovered the treachery and found Tahl's lightsaber in a small bin. Jinn used his lightsaber to destroy a table and vowed they would find Tahl.