  • Ghost of Lunch Tomorrow
  • The Ghost of Lunch Tomorrow (also the Ghost of Bicycles Never Ridden) is a spirit that appears several times to show people the error of their ways in a dream. He bears an uncanny resemblance to Binky. He first appears in "Prunella Gets it Twice" along with the Ghost of Presents Past to show Prunella why Francine was glum at her party.
  • The Ghost of Lunch Tomorrow (also the Ghost of Bicycles Never Ridden) is a spirit that appears several times to show people the error of their ways in a dream. He bears an uncanny resemblance to Binky. He first appears in "Prunella Gets it Twice" along with the Ghost of Presents Past to show Prunella why Francine was glum at her party. He appears by himself in "Arthur Changes Gears" to show Arthur why he should not wait too long to ride his new bike. In "Arthur Changes Gears," he wears a helmet and bicycle clothes and calls himself the "Ghost of Bicycles Never Ridden," but Prunella still recognizes him as his old alias, most likely because he still had the corned beef sandwich floating above his head. It is possible that he was wearing the bicycle clothes under his cloak in his first appearance.