  • Blind Date
  • Blind Date
  • Blind Date
  • Blind Date is an episode of the Happy Tree Friends internet series, the twenty fifth of season two, and fifty-second overall.
  • Stewie Griffin appears on Blind Date in "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter". After offering to pick up some "zaa", or 'pizza', a thought bubble appears over his date's head indicating he is cheap. He suggests she is Italian judging by her arm hair. The graphics for the countdown and Therapist Joe were provided by actual crew of Blind Date who shared building space with Family Guy at the time of production according to the DVD commentary.
  • Both Matthew and Soo are searching the personal columns for a special friend. When Matthew arranges to meet someone, Soo is upset because she hasn't got anyone special, so Matthew organises a surprise for her. Meanwhile, Matthew's blind date turns up - it is Mo. She is furious when Matthew spurns her. Matthew's surprise for Soo is a Cilla Black lookalike and their own version of Blind Date. Soo chooses Butch as her date. It does not go well, but it makes her see that Sooty is the one she really loves.
  • Blind Date is the blind date that Weebl arranges for Bob to cheer him up in date. Bob doesn't realize that his blind date IS literally a blind date, who is also dyslexic, until he actually sees the date. He is one of the few characters who opens his mouth when speaking.
  • Blind Date is an episode in The Sleepover Club. It follows The Sleepover Club as they discover that Matthew is busy and no one knows why. Secretly he is helping his cousin Sam teach salsa lessons for the upcoming rugby fund-raising dance.
  • Ein Blind Date ist eine Verabredung, bei der die sich treffenden Personen sich noch nie zuvor gesehen haben, sondern ihr Treffen entweder von einem Dritten oder von den beiden nicht durch direkte Absprache arrangiert worden ist. Als die Enterprise (NX-01) 2151 den Erstkontakt zwischen Menschen und Xyrillianern herstellt sind ihre Einrichtungen für die visuelle Schiff-zu-Schiff-Kommunikation defekt, so dass man die Xyrillianer nicht sehen kann. Commander Tucker fühlt sich deswegen wie bei einem Blind Date als er an Bord des Schiffs der Xyrillianer geht. (ENT: )
  • "Blind Date" is a parody of The Killers' "Somebody Told Me".
  • Blind Date is a movie created by Matt Houchin and Ross McNamara.
  • In this episode of Misadventures of Alex, Alex tries to set up Brandie and Carl on a blind date!! Brandie belongs to Brandie~carlfan16.
  • At one point in my life, I was a serial killer. I claimed eighteen victims in my spree around the New York City metropolitan area. My method was simple, arrange meetings with women from dating websites like EHarmony and under a false name, eventually lure them to my home or a secluded place, then hold them down and carefully dissect them. I love separating the organs from one another, removing the heart first so that there wasn't much struggling through the process. It was quite a joy, one that I would be continuing if it weren't for my meeting Stephanie Denatti.
  • "Blind Date" is the twenty-first episode of the first season of Angel and the twenty-first episode overall. Written by Jeannine Renshaw and directed by Thomas J. Wright, it was originally broadcast on May 16, 2000 on the WB network.
  • After assisting the Sanro Kai in taking back their respecting districts in Tokyo, Scott Monroe heads to Otori's Dojo where Otori gives Scott a new, heavier sword. Otori holds the Katana Giri at the Dojo while Scott trains with Mariko and later continues his journey.
  • The speech Jack gives to Kenneth at the cast/crew poker game is a parody of Anthony Hopkins' (as Hannibal Lector) speech to Jodie Foster (as Clarice Starling) about her humble beginning in the 1991 film Silence of the Lambs. Silence of the Lambs: 30 Rock:
  • En un momento en mi vida, yo era un asesino en serie. Reclamé dieciocho víctimas en mi juerga alrededor del área metropolitana de la ciudad de Nueva York. Mi método era simple: organizar reuniones con mujeres de sitios web de citas como eHarmony y con un nombre falso, con el tiempo atraerlas a mi casa o a un lugar apartado, a continuación, mantenerme calmado, usar mí "jugada" y cuidadosamente diseccionarlas.
guest starring
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  • Jess Ractliffe
Previous Episode
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Row 4 title
  • Writer:
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  • Caitlin Stasey
  • Ashleigh Chisholm
  • Basia A'Hern
  • Eliza Taylor-Cotter
  • Hannah Wang
Row 6 info
  • Kate Woods
Row 1 title
  • Presented By:
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  • Jan Tyrrell
Row 2 title
  • Starring:
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  • Director:
  • 235
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  • Followed By:
  • 21
  • 225
  • Ken Eluto
Box Title
  • Blind Date
  • 2004-02-22
  • Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
  • Chapter
  • 2000-02-09
  • 2000-05-16
  • 2006-10-25
Air Date
  • 1997-11-17
  • X
  • Lumpy only came for the chocolates,
  • but now he's going to find out
  • how much love hurts!
Episode Name
  • Blind Date
wikipage disambiguates
  • Blind Date is an episode of the Happy Tree Friends internet series, the twenty fifth of season two, and fifty-second overall.
  • Stewie Griffin appears on Blind Date in "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter". After offering to pick up some "zaa", or 'pizza', a thought bubble appears over his date's head indicating he is cheap. He suggests she is Italian judging by her arm hair. The graphics for the countdown and Therapist Joe were provided by actual crew of Blind Date who shared building space with Family Guy at the time of production according to the DVD commentary.
  • After assisting the Sanro Kai in taking back their respecting districts in Tokyo, Scott Monroe heads to Otori's Dojo where Otori gives Scott a new, heavier sword. Otori holds the Katana Giri at the Dojo while Scott trains with Mariko and later continues his journey. Returning to Harry's Club, Scott finally meets Tokai, the man behind the takeover of Tokyo and death of Isao Sato. And Harry Tanner appears to be working for him. Having been locked up in the cellar of the Club, Scott manages to fight his way up to the offices and confronts Harry, defeating him in combat. Harry explains to Scott that Tokai and his men were heading for the Dojo to take the Katana Giri, so Scott leaves immediately.
  • Both Matthew and Soo are searching the personal columns for a special friend. When Matthew arranges to meet someone, Soo is upset because she hasn't got anyone special, so Matthew organises a surprise for her. Meanwhile, Matthew's blind date turns up - it is Mo. She is furious when Matthew spurns her. Matthew's surprise for Soo is a Cilla Black lookalike and their own version of Blind Date. Soo chooses Butch as her date. It does not go well, but it makes her see that Sooty is the one she really loves.
  • Blind Date is the blind date that Weebl arranges for Bob to cheer him up in date. Bob doesn't realize that his blind date IS literally a blind date, who is also dyslexic, until he actually sees the date. He is one of the few characters who opens his mouth when speaking.
  • Blind Date is an episode in The Sleepover Club. It follows The Sleepover Club as they discover that Matthew is busy and no one knows why. Secretly he is helping his cousin Sam teach salsa lessons for the upcoming rugby fund-raising dance.
  • En un momento en mi vida, yo era un asesino en serie. Reclamé dieciocho víctimas en mi juerga alrededor del área metropolitana de la ciudad de Nueva York. Mi método era simple: organizar reuniones con mujeres de sitios web de citas como eHarmony y con un nombre falso, con el tiempo atraerlas a mi casa o a un lugar apartado, a continuación, mantenerme calmado, usar mí "jugada" y cuidadosamente diseccionarlas. Me encanta la separación de los órganos entre sí, eliminando el corazón primero, de manera que no había forma de luchar durante el proceso. Era una gran alegría, que yo continuaré, si no fuera por mi reunión con Stephanie Denatti. Se suponía que iba a ser solo otro asesinato fácil, la mujer parecía bastante desesperada. Stephanie era toda una belleza, lo admito, realmente impresionante. Pelo negro cuervo, ojos verdes esmeralda, alta y delgada, pero con curvas, y un buen tamaño de busto. Me preguntaba qué estaba haciendo ella en un sitio web de citas, en el segundo que la vi entrar a Luigi, un restaurante de alta gama que siempre he disfrutado mucho. Se sentó y hablamos de tonterías durante los primeros veinte minutos, antes de que llegaran nuestros aperitivos. Todo el tiempo que estaba mirando a su pecho, su escote se reveló por un corte muy bajo, vestido de azul y plateado ceñido. Cuando nuestros aperitivos llegaron me di cuenta de que tenía mucho apetito para una buena chica, limpiando rápidamente la mayoría del plato. Yo no creía que tuviese tanta hambre. Todavía estaba sorprendido por su belleza y, hay que reconocerlo, fantasear, no solo de tener relaciones sexuales con ella, sino también de diseccionarla. Terminamos nuestra comida después de una hora y media más o menos. Tuve un buen solomillo y ella un filet mignon, sádica. Decidí jugarme la mano y preguntarle si le gustaría venir a mi casa. Al ver que ella estaba muy ebria de los diferentes vinos que pedimos, estuvo de acuerdo y yo podía sentir mis pantalones más apretados, quizás tendría sexo con ella antes del acto. No no podía, me dejaría ADN. A menos que la quemara después. Sería un poco fuera de lo normal, pero creo que podría hacerlo. Abrí la puerta para ella y entramos a un taxi para ir rumbo a mi casa. Cuando llegamos allí, las cosas se pusieron calientes rápidamente. Ella estaba encima de mí y yo estaba perfectamente bien con eso. Ella empezó a agradarme vía oral, pero luego una idea me vino a la cabeza. Le dije que iba a agarrar un condón, y lo hice, pero también tomé mi daga mariposa y la escondí en mi puño derecho antes de volver a la habitación para matar a la muy hermosa chica que estaba sentada esperando allí. Me subí encima y empujé dentro de ella. Mientras estaba disfrutando de la sensación, saqué mi daga mariposa y cavé profundamente en su pecho. Ella dejó escapar un grito que hiela la sangre, que al fin al cabo, sirvió para excitarme aún más. Empecé a apuñalarla repetidamente, haciendo coincidir las puñaladas con mis embestidas. Podía sentir su cojera debajo de mí. Sintiéndome bastante satisfecho, me bajé de ella. Ya era hora de diseccionar. Una sonrisa se dibujó en mi cara, yo quería hacerlo de nuevo. Pero eso ya es atrevido, y no quería correr ningún riesgo. Entonces oí algo que hizo que un escalofrío recorriera mi espalda... Se echó a reír. No era solo una sonrisa, sino una carcajada. Una que está hecha por una mujer muy vieja que encontró algo tan increíblemente divertido que está poniendo a prueba sus desgastadas y decrépitas cuerdas vocales. La mujer empezó a incorporarse, con la cabeza colgando hacia atrás. Se levantó, dejándola caer hacia adelante, cuando estaba de pie. Ella tenía una amplia sonrisa pintada en su rostro y sus ojos eran de color negro; más negro que la noche misma. Abrió la boca y yo me quedé en estado de shock. Su boca comenzó a ampliarse, más y más grande se extendió más allá de lo que jamás hubiera imaginado. Sentí que me caía en un abismo negro que pronto me rodeó. No estoy muy seguro de dónde terminé, pero me desperté sentado en nada más que negro. Podía oír voces por todas partes, pero yo estaba demasiado asustado para llamarles. Traté ponerme de pie, pero me encontré con que no podía. De hecho, me di cuenta que no estaba sentado en absoluto, que estaba flotando. ¿Dónde diablos estaba? Empecé a escuchar las voces cada vez más cerca, oraciones que se repiten en varios idiomas. "Lo siento, estás atrapado aquí también", por fin oí una voz en inglés, en algún lugar a mi izquierda. Volví a llamarle, pero parecía que estábamos demasiado lejos para escuchar a los demás, tal vez se alejó flotando. Me tomó mucho tiempo darme cuenta de lo que pasó, topándome con algunos hombres de habla inglesa en el camino. Uno de ellos decía ser de Inglaterra, alrededor del año 1696. Asumo que Stephanie no era humana en absoluto, supongo que era muy parecida a mí, una asesina, pero no un ser humano. Fuera lo que fuese, era inmortal. Ella era inmortal y atrapaba hombres aquí, en este abismo negro. ¿Cómo? No estoy seguro, creo que ella me tragó. De vez en cuando, sin embargo, una gran luz llena la zona, y vamos a ver la caída de un hombre para unirse a nosotros en este abismo. Todos tenemos la voluntad, los miles de nosotros flotando en esta interminable negro abismo, eterno, para toda la eternidad. Esta es una advertencia, no me preguntes cómo llegué a aquí. Fue necesario un esfuerzo de grupo y unos buenos diez años (estoy asumiendo esto, pero he perdido la noción del tiempo) en espera de la luz, para estar cerca cuando cuando se abra. Por favor, sé que no soy un buen hombre, sé que puedo merecer esto, pero tú no. Ten cuidado con esa hermosa chica que está tan interesada en ti. Nunca se sabe si ella es Stephanie Denatti. Ni siquiera sé si hay más como ella. Por lo que sé, podría haber miles. Categoría:Mentes trastornadas
  • Ein Blind Date ist eine Verabredung, bei der die sich treffenden Personen sich noch nie zuvor gesehen haben, sondern ihr Treffen entweder von einem Dritten oder von den beiden nicht durch direkte Absprache arrangiert worden ist. Als die Enterprise (NX-01) 2151 den Erstkontakt zwischen Menschen und Xyrillianern herstellt sind ihre Einrichtungen für die visuelle Schiff-zu-Schiff-Kommunikation defekt, so dass man die Xyrillianer nicht sehen kann. Commander Tucker fühlt sich deswegen wie bei einem Blind Date als er an Bord des Schiffs der Xyrillianer geht. (ENT: )
  • "Blind Date" is the twenty-first episode of the first season of Angel and the twenty-first episode overall. Written by Jeannine Renshaw and directed by Thomas J. Wright, it was originally broadcast on May 16, 2000 on the WB network. Angel reluctantly agrees to help Lindsey McDonald crack the secret files of Wolfram & Hart to save a group of three blind children from a blind woman assassin hired by the unseen Senior Partners of the firm to kill the children. With a little help from Lindsey and Charles Gunn who cause a diversion, Angel sneaks into the ultra-high-tech security firm to steal the firm's computer files and also takes an ancient scroll he finds in the building safe. But Lindsey isn't sure if he can stick by his decision to help Angel and betray the firm by sabotaging the deadly mission when Holland Manners, Lindsey's supervisor, offers him the promotion of a lifetime.
  • "Blind Date" is a parody of The Killers' "Somebody Told Me".
  • Blind Date is a movie created by Matt Houchin and Ross McNamara.
  • At one point in my life, I was a serial killer. I claimed eighteen victims in my spree around the New York City metropolitan area. My method was simple, arrange meetings with women from dating websites like EHarmony and under a false name, eventually lure them to my home or a secluded place, then hold them down and carefully dissect them. I love separating the organs from one another, removing the heart first so that there wasn't much struggling through the process. It was quite a joy, one that I would be continuing if it weren't for my meeting Stephanie Denatti. It was supposed to be just another easy murder, the woman seemed desperate enough. Stephanie was quite a beauty I admit, stunning actually. Raven black hair, emerald green eyes, tall, thin but curvy, and a nice sized bust. I was wondering what she was doing on a dating website the second I saw her enter Luigi's, a high-end eatery I very much enjoyed. She sat down and we spoke of nonsense for the first twenty minutes or so before our appetizers came. The entire time I was staring at her chest, her cleavage revealed by a very low cut, skin-tight blue and silver dress. When our appetizers arrived, I found that she had quite an appetite for such a good looking girl, quickly scarfing down the majority of the dish. I didn't think anything of it. I was still taken aback by her beauty and, admittedly, fantasizing not only of having sex with her, but of dissecting her. We finished our meal after another hour and a half or so. I had a nice porterhouse and she a filet mignon, bloody. I decided to play my hand and ask if she would like to come back to my place, noticing she was very much inebriated from the various wines we ordered. She agreed and I could feel my pants tighten, perhaps I would have sex with this one before the act. No I couldn't, I'd leave DNA. Unless I burned her after. It'd be a bit out of the ordinary, but I think I could do it. I opened the door for her and we entered a cab to leave towards my house. When we got there, things got hot quick. She was all over me and I was perfectly OK with it. She began to please me orally but then an idea popped into my head. I told her I was going to grab a condom, and I did, but I also picked up my butterfly dagger and hid it in my right fist before walking back into the bedroom to kill the very beautiful girl who sat waiting there. I climbed over her, and pushed into her. While she was enjoying the feeling I opened my butterfly blade and dug it deep into her chest. She let out a bloodcurdling scream, which just served to turn me on even more. I began repeatedly stabbing her, matching the stabs with my thrusts. I could feel her going limp under me. Being quite satisfied, I climbed off her. It was time to dissect the girl. A smile crossed my face, I wanted to do it again. But this was already daring enough, I didn't want to take any chances. Then I heard something that made a chill run down my spine... she began to laugh. Not just a laugh, but a cackle. One that's made by a very old woman who found something so incredibly funny that they are straining their fading vocal cords. The woman began to sit up, her head hanging back as she rose, letting it fall forward when she was straight up. She had a wide smile painted on her face and her eyes were black; blacker than night itself. She opened her mouth and I stood there in shock. Her mouth began to widen, larger and larger, stretching far beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I could feel myself fall into the black abyss that soon surrounded me. I'm not quite sure where I ended up, but I awoke sitting in nothing but black. I could hear voices around me everywhere, but I was too scared to call out to them. I attempted to stand up but found I could not. In fact, I realized I wasn't sitting at all, I was floating. Where the hell was I? I began to listen to the voices more and more, gathering certain sentences being repeated in various languages. "I'm sorry you're stuck here too," I finally heard an English voice call out somewhere to my left. I called back out to him but it seemed we were too far to hear each other, perhaps we floated away. It took me a very long time to realize what happened, bumping into a few English speaking men along the way. One of them claimed to be from England circa 1696, I assume Stephanie was not human at all, I assume she was much like me, a killer, but not a human. Whatever she was, she was immortal. She was immortal and she trapped men here, in this black abyss. How? I'm not sure, I think she swallowed me. Every now and then however, a great light will fill the area, and we will see a new man fall to join us in this darkness. We all will, the thousands of us. Floating in this endless void, undying, for eternity. This is a warning, don't ask me how I got this out, it took a group effort and a good ten years (I'm assuming this but I lost track of time) waiting for the light to open when I was closest to it. Please, I know I am not a good man, I know I may deserve this, but you don't. Be wary of who you bring home, be wary of that beautiful girl who's just so interested in you. You never know if she is Stephanie Denatti. I don't even know if there are more like her. For all I know, there could be thousands.
  • In this episode of Misadventures of Alex, Alex tries to set up Brandie and Carl on a blind date!! Brandie belongs to Brandie~carlfan16.
  • The speech Jack gives to Kenneth at the cast/crew poker game is a parody of Anthony Hopkins' (as Hannibal Lector) speech to Jodie Foster (as Clarice Starling) about her humble beginning in the 1991 film Silence of the Lambs. Silence of the Lambs: You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition's given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure West Virginia. What is your father, dear? Is he a coal miner? Does he stink of the lamp? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to the FBI. 30 Rock: Little Kenneth Ellen Parcell from Stone Mountain, Georgia. Growing up in your mama's tract house, dreaming of working on a TV show, dreaming of making it all the way to the N-B-C. You come a long way, haven't you, Kenneth Ellen, with your cheap loafers and your page jacket. But you'll always be a pig farmer's son, boy, cuz I smell fried baloney all over you.
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