  • Lord Slug vs. Cooler
  • Lord Slug was successfully resurrected by his two servants Tain & Taon due to the earth's dragon balls, Lord Slug soon disposes of them telling them they've done well. Lord Slug had extensive training in hell so he got ALOT stronger since The Z Warriors have last seen him, but The Z Warriors have also improved as well, Lord Slug loses again seeing he is outmatched in power, so Lord Slug fakes his death, transports himself to New Namek, steals The New Namekian Dragon Balls and wishes for The Z Warriors to die.
  • Lord Slug was successfully resurrected by his two servants Tain & Taon due to the earth's dragon balls, Lord Slug soon disposes of them telling them they've done well. Lord Slug had extensive training in hell so he got ALOT stronger since The Z Warriors have last seen him, but The Z Warriors have also improved as well, Lord Slug loses again seeing he is outmatched in power, so Lord Slug fakes his death, transports himself to New Namek, steals The New Namekian Dragon Balls and wishes for The Z Warriors to die. Lord Slug finds Kami's Lookout where he resurrected on, finds out about The Legendary Dragon Balls that resurrected him, finds out they won't work in a whole year so he trains in the hyperbolic time chamber hoping to train for a whole year before summoning shenron finding the dragon balls and wishing for immortality. But Lord Cooler invades the abounded planet hoping to see the remains of his father King Cold and his brother Frieza who Trunks killed 3 years prior but he encounters an empty planet and disrupts Lord Slug's training.