  • GNS Magnificent
  • GNS Magnificent was a Manticore's Gift-class superdreadnought of the Grayson Space Navy. As part of the First Division of the First Battle Squadron, it was a former People's Navy ship captured by the Royal Manticoran Navy and given to Grayson. In 1907 PD, the Magnificent served as Rear Admiral Walter Brentworth's flagship, the vessel took a pounding at the Fourth Battle of Yeltsin's Star. (HH5)
  • GNS Magnificent was a Manticore's Gift-class superdreadnought of the Grayson Space Navy. As part of the First Division of the First Battle Squadron, it was a former People's Navy ship captured by the Royal Manticoran Navy and given to Grayson. In 1907 PD, the Magnificent served as Rear Admiral Walter Brentworth's flagship, the vessel took a pounding at the Fourth Battle of Yeltsin's Star. (HH5)