  • WATI Museum
  • The only area of the WATI corporate campus that is open to the public. Zoë Castillo rides the cable car to it, beginning her break-in to look for Damien Cavanaugh. Other visitors include Obaasan and her grandchildren Riko and Hiro; Kenji and Yuriko were planning a date there.
  • The only area of the WATI corporate campus that is open to the public. Zoë Castillo rides the cable car to it, beginning her break-in to look for Damien Cavanaugh. Other visitors include Obaasan and her grandchildren Riko and Hiro; Kenji and Yuriko were planning a date there. The museum consists of several displays of WATI bots with touch-activated commentary, watched over by a long-suffering guard. Zoë can look at the models of 'Lil Big Cat, prototype Watillas, an old model of RoBoy and an eight-foot-tall BunnyBot. There is also a maintenance door in the back where she can sneak deeper into the building once she's hacked the lock with her mobile. ru:Музей ВАТИ
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