  • Spiner
  • Spiners were nearly-extinct bipedal sentient mammals with sharp quills. They were capable of hurling these with great speed and accuracy by flexing their muscles in a certain manner. Their native world, Worxer, was destroyed when its sun went supernova. The surviving population gradually became sterile for a lack of nutrients found exclusively in their home sector of Elrood.
  • Spiners are covered in stiff barbed quills, the longest of which grow on the arms and legs, and may reach a length of several centimeters. Spiners possess the unique ability to propel these quills by simply flexing specific muscles, which can propel the quills with incredible speed and accuracy up to ten meters away. Spiner quills themselves are extremely hard, as shown by Hedji when he attacks and kills a High-hound, as well as several Cloud-Riders - lending to the quills ability to pierce skin, clothing, and light armor with sufficient force as to kill.
  • Spiner
  • *Hedji *Jurec Tre
  • 1.600000
  • Black
  • Quills
  • Soft brown
  • Spiners are covered in stiff barbed quills, the longest of which grow on the arms and legs, and may reach a length of several centimeters. Spiners possess the unique ability to propel these quills by simply flexing specific muscles, which can propel the quills with incredible speed and accuracy up to ten meters away. Spiner quills themselves are extremely hard, as shown by Hedji when he attacks and kills a High-hound, as well as several Cloud-Riders - lending to the quills ability to pierce skin, clothing, and light armor with sufficient force as to kill. Spiners additionally have extremely quick metabolisms, and are capable of spontaneously growing more quills as needed; a Spiner can easily expend hundreds of quills during the course of a fight.
  • Spiners were nearly-extinct bipedal sentient mammals with sharp quills. They were capable of hurling these with great speed and accuracy by flexing their muscles in a certain manner. Their native world, Worxer, was destroyed when its sun went supernova. The surviving population gradually became sterile for a lack of nutrients found exclusively in their home sector of Elrood.
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