  • USA
  • USA
  • USA
  • USA
  • USA
  • USA
  • USA
  • Usa
  • Usa
  • USA
  • Usa
  • USA is a live album by the English band King Crimson, released in 1974. * Tracks 1-6 and 8-9 recorded at the Casino, Asbury Park, June 28, 1974 * Track 7 recorded at the Palace Theatre, Providence, USA, June 30, 1974 * Tracks 2, 3 and 7 feature overdubs performed by Eddie Jobson. * Tracks 1, 8 and 9 were not featured on the original release of the album, but were added for a subsequent release.
  • Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, USA (United States of America) - Trzecie najludniejsze i trzecie największe pod względem powierzchni państwo świata. Stolicą jest Waszyngton. W USA znajduje się wiele wieżowców, np. Sears Tower czy Empire State Building.
  • Gli Stati Uniti d'America sono uno stato dell'america del nord.
  • USA refers to cars sold in the U.S or Canada market. USA cars are easy to identify, as they are on full-sized cards, not on the shorter (INT) cards, and are written in english. USA cars will sometimes have different Toy numbers, and collector numbers, but usually contain the same color and tampos as (INT) cars. USA cars sometimes receive exclusive colors, such as in some Superfast series. They can be found just about anywhere in the USA or Canada.
  • USA could refer to: * United States Army * United States Attorney * United States of America
  • Usa could refer to: * Kyousai Usa, a senior student at Hakoniwa Academy and member of the Kendo Club. * Usa Hannyaji, the former Student Council treasurer of Suisou Academy.
  • The United States of America is a mission included in the Steam release of Democracy 2.
  • USA - The United States of America, czyli Stany Zjednoczonej Ameryki. Państwo w Ameryce Południowej graniczące z Kanadą od północy, Meksykiem od południa, Oceanem Spokojnym od zachodu, Oceanem Arktycznym od północnego zachodu i Oceanem Atlantyckim od wschodu. Kategoria:Lokalizacje
  • Usa was an Utaku steed. It was the companion of Utaku Sung-Ki ever since her gempukku.
  • The United States, better known as the USA, (English: USA - The United States of America) is the 4th character in the game and he was added in the first version of Head Soccer. He is a bad 2-star Character in Arcade. If you have any questions about the character USA you can ask them here. __TOC__
  • USA steht für Unsere Starken Amerikaner und bezeichnet die Hauptstadt der neuen Welt. Als vor einiger Zeit verschiedene Länder anfingen in Demokratie zu leben, waren es die Führer und Bürger aus Amerika die als rettende Hand die Herrschaft übernahmen. Die USA stellen die meisten Truppen für die SAKF. Starke Amerikaner werden beim Bäcker um die Ecke gebacken. Die Amerikaner der Marken Franklin D. Roosevelt und Donald Trump aus dem Supermarkt sind jedenfalls kein vergleichbar guter Deal.
  • The United States of America is a federal republic in North America. The USA is one of the biggest and most populous nations and has the largest economy in the world. It is most famous, however, for being the one country in the world able to resist the global love affair with association football, despite having practically invented the concept of globalization.
  • Pohjois-Amerikan Yhdysvallat.
  • This is a country in North America.
  • This is the page of the USA National Team.
  • USA - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.
  • USA was a country. It was also known as Uncle Sam.
  • Users by State * CA * TN
  • USA stands for The United States Of America, which was a country now part of the Earth Lesser Empire.
  • In den letzten Jahrhunderten sind viele Deutsche nach Amerika ausgewandert, darunter auch einige Oelfkes aus Oerbke oder Obergrünhagen. Genauere Fakten zum Abzweig des Hofes Obergrünhagen und des Oelfkenhofs in Oerbke sind bis dato nicht vollständig geklärt. Fest steht, dass in Minnesota sowie in Houston, Texas bis heute Nachkommen der Oelfkes leben.
  • thumb|300px|rightDie USA sind eine von drei spielbaren Fraktionen in Generals. Sie besitzen eine konventionelle Armee, die auf kostspielige Hochtechnologie setzt und die Lufthoheit besitzt. Alle Einheiten haben kitschig patriotische Namen und geben entsprechende Funksprüche ab. Schon zu Beginn besitzt man mit den Chinook-Transporthelikoptern, die Versorgungskisten einsammeln einen fliegenden Infrantrietransporter. Ihre Superwaffe ist ein Partikelkanone. Ansonsten wird auf real existierende Einheiten gesetzt wie beim Commanche, der Patriotraketenstellung oder dem Humvee. Kategorie:Generals
  • from usa, usaa "a pair"
  • thumb thumb|Flaga Stanów Zjednoczonych Stany Zjednoczone są jednym z krajów w których toczy się fabuła "Lost" w retrospekcjach bohaterów.
  • thumb|right|150px|Flaga USA Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (w skrócie USA) - duży kraj w Ameryce Północnej graniczący z Kanadą i Meksykiem. Stany Zjednoczone są federacją składającą się z 50 stanów. Przemysł filmowy w USA jest bardzo silnie rozwinięty. Najważniejszym ośrodkiem amerykańskiej kinematografii jest Hollywood.
  • USA is a young guild created to display national pride. The minimum required level to join is 35+, but exceptions are made. Thank you for visiting our page.
  • United States of America är ett väldigt stort land iNord Amerika. Hälften av Tibia´s Världar ligger i USA: __NOEDITSECTION__
  • USA is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. The nation is a former colonial nation, which can only be formed if said nation breaks away from the mother country. Its government is a Constitutional Republic. It is playable in 1776.
  • USA (Amerikas förenta stater) är en nation på Jorden på den nordamerikanska kontinenten.
  • Die USA sind eine von vielen gewalttätigen Diktaturen der Erde, die sich selbst demagogisch als Demokratie und als "freie Welt" bezeichnen. Die US-Diktatur ist jedoch besonders gefährlich, da sie tausende Atomwaffen sowie biologische und chemische Massenvernichtungswaffen besitzt und anderen Staaten mit dem Ersteinsatz dieser Waffen droht, wie sie das gegenüber Afghanistan und Irak getan hat, und früher gegenüber den Warschauer Vertragsstaaten. Die USA haben bereits gegen Japan atomare Massenvernichtungswaffen eingesetzt, obwohl der 2. Weltkrieg bereits entschieden war, um der Ud SSR und anderen unbotmässigen Staaten gegenüber eine Drohkulisse aufzubauen, um ihre eigenen Stärke zu demonstrieren, um die Kernwaffen zu testen und um andere atomar zu erpressen.
  • Die USA, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, sind das wichtigste und größte Land im Metal, noch vor England. Traditionell befinden sich dort die kulturellen Zentren, in denen neue Subkulturen und Underground entstehen, an den beiden Küstenregionen, während sich im Landesinneren viele stocksteife konservative Christen-Spießer tummeln. In den USA sind fast alle wesentlichen harten Subgenres entwickelt oder mitentwickelt worden, Ausnahmen sind aber z.B. Swedish Death Metal oder Norwegian Black Metal.
  • Princess Usa was the sister to Edge, King of Eblana in the First Age. She would later leave her native land to rule over the kingdom of Zeal with General Leo.
  • Die USA haben Truppen in 100 Ländern der Erde stationiert. Die UN haben 189 Mitgliedsstaaten. "Ja, wir lieben das Römische Imperium", sagte ein Vertreter der USA. "Sie vergessen aber dabei bitte zwei Dinge nicht", erhielt er als Antwort, "die Römer waren bei niemandem beliebt. Und: Ihr Reich ging unter." (a)
  • The United States of America is a large country across the seas from the UK, where a huge number of people live. Danny has launched many crusades against the United States, forming the American Karma Army (AKA AKA).
  • USA is what small-minded n00bs call America as their fingers can't comprehend typing such a long word. Whenever they try and type it, something akin to Anmereiopxcvasd appears. This is partly due to the small keyboards but also fatfingerism.
  • USA or United States of America is one of the playable factions in World War III: Black Gold. The USA is is a leader of technology and features numerous high powered vehicles, however, the cost for such vehicles is also significant. The USA also has the most special attack structures.
  • Die United States of America(US|USA|Amerika|Die Staaten) ist ein Land in Nord-Amerika auf dem Planeten Erde.
  • USA ist die Abkürzung von United Staats of America. Die USA ist der Staat von Amerika.
  • The world superpower for most of the 20th Century, the United States of America spent the first three decades of the 21st Century reeling from environmental and economic disasters, the return of magic, and defeat at the hands of the Native American tribes. The Treaty of Denver in 2018 saw the USA's first major defeat, when a full third of its territories were ceded to the Native American Nations. The rump USA survived for another twelve years, until October 15, 2030 when the two Anglo states of North America merged into the United Canadian and American States. The secession of the southern states in 2034 and the expulsion of California in 2037 were the final death blows to the old USA.
  • USA is most famous for the invention of fast food. The idea of this gastronomic creation is to transform cows into meat as fast as possible. This food can be bought on corners and streets all over the USA, and this are the only places the fat people go to eat.
  • USA er eit lite land vest for Uganda. USA betyr United Satanistic Artists, og blei danna i 1805.
  • USA has divisions of land with minor ruling. Right now, USA has 50 lands. * Alabama * Alaska * "Arbor Day Land" * Arizona * Arkansas * "Bay" Land * "Buzzard" Land * "Cactus" Land * California * "Clam" Land * Colorado * "Constitution" Land * "First" Land * Florida * Hawai'i * "Hog and Hominy" Land * Idaho * Illinois * Indiana * Iowa * Kansas * Louisiana * Maryland * Michigan * "North Star" Land * Mississippi * Missouri * Montana * "Mountain" Land * NV * NH * NY * North Carolina * North Dakota * Ohio * Oklahoma * "Old Dirigo" Land * OR * PA * Rhody * South Carolina * South Dakota * "Tobacco" Land * TX * Utah * VT
  • What is a ROM? A ROM is a dog or bitch that has been admitted to the New foundland Club of America's Register of Merit for producing multiple Champion, tided and ROM progeny. A sire requires 12 points to eat this award, and six points are needed for a dam. ROM points are rabu lated on a base of champion or ROM produce. A dog must have minimum of 10 champions and/or ROMs, plus two additional titles These additional tides can be further ROMs or champions, or an)' suffix tide. A bitch must have a base of five ROMs or champions, plus one additional tide. Offspring can contribute up to three points towards their parents ROM status-by obtaining an AKC championship, an NCA ROM, and an AKC or NCA obedience, tracking, draft or water tide. However, the ROM formula allows only one working, obedience,
  • 250px|thumb|right|Flagga av Förenta Stater. USA är ett land på Jorden i deras nordamerikanska kontinenten, söder om Kanada och norr om Mexico. Deras chef för staten är President som väljs på fyra år i taget. Vid tidpunkten för upptäckten av Stargate, var USA militärt, ekonomiskt och politiskt mest kraftfulla Tau'ri nationen och dess ledarskap Stargate programmet ger det största inflytande på Tau'ri interaktioner med främmande raser. USA var först med att ta kontakt med utomjordiska mänskliga och utomjordiska civilisationer och de första att utveckla en interstellär militära kapacitet, följt några år senare av de övriga fyra permanenta medlemmarna i Jorden-baserade FN:s säkerhetsråd. Som av 2009, äger USA en majoritet av de nuvarande Daedalus-klass stridsskepp, ge dem, i särklass, den mest
  • The United States of America has played a big role in the modern day (1896 to current) Olympic Games. In addition to hosting Olympic games (4 summer and 4 winter) in the country, the USA has been a significant force at the games including the number of athletes, the number of sports they compete in, the number of medals won, and world records achieved. The United States has participated in every Olympics since 1896 except the 1980 Summer Olympics. In the most recent summer Olympics in London in 2012, the USA won a total of 46 Gold Medals, the most by any country, followed by China with 38. The USA also ranked first in total count with 104 gold, silver and bronze medals, followed by China who had 88 total medals.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the USA Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia [ USA] article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a USA link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about:
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's USA article. Take me to the USA article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a USA link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • Some of the many solar cooking based in the US are Solar Cookers International (SCI), Rotary International, the Solar Oven Society, the Solar Oven Society, and Solar Household Energy, Inc. No precise numbers are available, but estimates suggest that perhaps as many as 10,000 Americans use solar cookers regularly. The electrical utility of the area, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), has been a strong supporter of solar energy usage. SMUD serves an area of more than a million people. Under earlier leadership, it pioneered the development of cleaner electricity generation, including building the first solar powered generating station in the United States. It has offered rebates for replacing old appliances with energy efficient equipment, it cooperated in planting of trees to
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's USA article. Take me to the USA article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a USA link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • USA was originally a young girl from Philadelphia. She died in 1777 from an illness she received while trying to deliver threads from the first American flag to her Uncle Sam during a snowstorm. But her ghost dwelled over her gravesite until 1941, when a passerby discovered her locket and opened it. The girl suddenly sprouted from the locket as a young woman who wore a blue dress and carried an American flag and the Torch of Liberty. She was now, USA, the Spirit of Old Glory (in other words, the spirit of the American flag).
  • USA (SZA, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, United States of America) -byłe państwo w Ameryce Północnej, sojusznik polityczny, militarny i gospodarczy Wielkiej Rzeczypospolitej, wchodzący w latach 2052-2056 i obecnie nieformalnie w skład Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Amerykańską gospodarkę dobiła niedawna wojna z Kanadastanem. Obywatele USA stanowią najliczniejszą grupę pracujących na czarno w Wielkiej Rzeczypospolitej imigrantów.
  • [[Obrázok:Tn483_476t.jpg‎|thumb|270px|Druhá americká vlajka, všetky nájdete v hlavnom článku tu.]] <i>"Amerika, to je môj cieľ."</i> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/SS-18" title="SS-18">SS-18</a> - Amerike</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Bernard_Shaw" title="Bernard Shaw">Bernard Shaw</a> - o Američanoch</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Svet" title="Svet">Celý svet</a> - Amerike</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Amerika" title="Amerika">Amerika</a> - o všetkých nedemokratických krajinách</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Historik" title="Historik">Historik</a> - o Američanoch</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Georg_Busch" title="Georg Busch">George W.Bush</a> - o úpadku amerického rozumu.</b>
  • USA er et fantasiland som i følge legenden ligger mellom Canada og Mexico i Nord-Amerika, der Canadastredet ligger. Landet grenser til Disneyland i sør, og en granskog i nord. Forkortelsen USA står for er: Ubrukte Store Asser USA styres av Barack Obama. Mooot normalt virker han faktisk som en allright fyr. Typen som var president før Obama, var mer som en ape. Han så ut som en ape, oppførte seg som en ape, og hadde intelektet til en ape. Alt han gjorde var å takke gud og å krige. Det var ikke første gangen USA har hatt en ape som president. Forrige president var av den skjeldne SigarAperasen.
  • DaggerClaw/Dadderax
  • 29
Row 4 info
  • Maurice Gutwirth
name japanese
  • ウサ
New Header
  • U.S.A. Comics Vol 1; U.S.A. Comics Vol 1 1.jpg
  • United_States of America; United States 002.png
Row 1 info
  • Unknown
  • Daniel-mini.jpg
  • Lapidus.jpg
  • Miles-mini.jpg
  • Ben-mini.jpg
  • Locke-mini.jpg
  • Ana-mini.jpg
  • Bernard-mini.jpg
  • Boone-mini.jpg
  • Hurley-mini.jpg
  • Jack-mini.jpg
  • Juliet-mini.jpg
  • Kate-mini.jpg
  • Libby-mini.jpg
  • Michael-minii.jpg
  • Rose-mini.jpg
  • Sawyer-mini.jpg
  • Shannon-mini.jpg
  • Walt-minii.jpg
Row 4 title
  • Created by
Row 2 info
  • Feature Comics #42
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • Win in a sudden death during the tournament final or Unlock 300,000 Points
  • Usa
Row 3 info
  • Quality
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
  • Usa
  • 4
Box Title
  • USA
  • Manga , Anime , Ten no Haoh .
  • USA
  • *Zeal *Eblana
Full Name
  • United States of America
  • 60
  • Dead
  • 2
  • King Crimson Live Albums
  • Rosal
  • USA
  • United States
  • USA
  • Usa
  • center
  • USA
  • The Spirit of Old Glory
  • Usa, as he appears in the manga.
Special Power Shot
  • Illusion Shot
Character Number
  • 4
Unlock Requirements
  • Win the Tournament Final in a Sudden Death or pay 400,000 points.
special power
  • Illusion Shot
  • 68
  • Daniel
  • Michael
  • Frank
  • Miles
  • Libby
  • Jack
  • Kate
  • Locke
  • Ben
  • Sawyer
  • Hurley
  • Rose
  • Ana-Lucia
  • Bernard
  • Boone
  • Juliet
  • Shannon
  • Walt
  • Frank
  • Miles
  • †Daniel
  • Kate
  • Ben
  • Sawyer
  • Hurley
  • Rose
  • Bernard
  • Walt
  • †Ana-Lucia
  • †Boone
  • †Jack
  • †Juliet
  • †Libby
  • †Locke
  • †Michael
  • †Shannon
  • Western
  • 50
  • Bureaucrat
  • 2
  • Protestant
  • Vice strategist of Ken-oh's army
  • 160
  • USA Cover.jpg
  • y
  • N/A
  • Female
  • Human
  • 100
  • American
wikipage disambiguates
  • USA er et fantasiland som i følge legenden ligger mellom Canada og Mexico i Nord-Amerika, der Canadastredet ligger. Landet grenser til Disneyland i sør, og en granskog i nord. Forkortelsen USA står for er: Ubrukte Store Asser USA styres av Barack Obama. Mooot normalt virker han faktisk som en allright fyr. Typen som var president før Obama, var mer som en ape. Han så ut som en ape, oppførte seg som en ape, og hadde intelektet til en ape. Alt han gjorde var å takke gud og å krige. Det var ikke første gangen USA har hatt en ape som president. Forrige president var av den skjeldne SigarAperasen. Landet består av et par landsbyer og en liten kulp. Her lever de infødte stort sett av fiske og eksport av fastfood. Alle i amerika lider av den amerikanskesyken. Denne psykologiskediagnosen kommer av den alt for store selvhøytidligheten i kombinasjonen med manglende fornuft og snurrebass. Den slår ut i ekstrem paranoia, og de prøver å stagge frykten ved å i ny og ne sprenge en og annen muslimsk fillestat tilbake til steinalderen.
  • USA is a live album by the English band King Crimson, released in 1974. * Tracks 1-6 and 8-9 recorded at the Casino, Asbury Park, June 28, 1974 * Track 7 recorded at the Palace Theatre, Providence, USA, June 30, 1974 * Tracks 2, 3 and 7 feature overdubs performed by Eddie Jobson. * Tracks 1, 8 and 9 were not featured on the original release of the album, but were added for a subsequent release.
  • 250px|thumb|right|Flagga av Förenta Stater. USA är ett land på Jorden i deras nordamerikanska kontinenten, söder om Kanada och norr om Mexico. Deras chef för staten är President som väljs på fyra år i taget. Vid tidpunkten för upptäckten av Stargate, var USA militärt, ekonomiskt och politiskt mest kraftfulla Tau'ri nationen och dess ledarskap Stargate programmet ger det största inflytande på Tau'ri interaktioner med främmande raser. USA var först med att ta kontakt med utomjordiska mänskliga och utomjordiska civilisationer och de första att utveckla en interstellär militära kapacitet, följt några år senare av de övriga fyra permanenta medlemmarna i Jorden-baserade FN:s säkerhetsråd. Som av 2009, äger USA en majoritet av de nuvarande Daedalus-klass stridsskepp, ge dem, i särklass, den mest kraftfulla Tau'ri rymdskepp flotta. Bara dess planetariska rivaler, Ryssland och Kina har uppnått jämförbar eldkraft på grund av sin position på säkerhetsrådet.
  • Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, USA (United States of America) - Trzecie najludniejsze i trzecie największe pod względem powierzchni państwo świata. Stolicą jest Waszyngton. W USA znajduje się wiele wieżowców, np. Sears Tower czy Empire State Building.
  • Gli Stati Uniti d'America sono uno stato dell'america del nord.
  • USA refers to cars sold in the U.S or Canada market. USA cars are easy to identify, as they are on full-sized cards, not on the shorter (INT) cards, and are written in english. USA cars will sometimes have different Toy numbers, and collector numbers, but usually contain the same color and tampos as (INT) cars. USA cars sometimes receive exclusive colors, such as in some Superfast series. They can be found just about anywhere in the USA or Canada.
  • USA could refer to: * United States Army * United States Attorney * United States of America
  • USA was originally a young girl from Philadelphia. She died in 1777 from an illness she received while trying to deliver threads from the first American flag to her Uncle Sam during a snowstorm. But her ghost dwelled over her gravesite until 1941, when a passerby discovered her locket and opened it. The girl suddenly sprouted from the locket as a young woman who wore a blue dress and carried an American flag and the Torch of Liberty. She was now, USA, the Spirit of Old Glory (in other words, the spirit of the American flag). USA took on foreign spies and anyone else who threatened the American way of life. If the people in question didn't know any better, USA was willing to show them the error of their ways and allowed them to redeem themselves. Otherwise, she either killed them or personally brought them to justice.
  • Usa could refer to: * Kyousai Usa, a senior student at Hakoniwa Academy and member of the Kendo Club. * Usa Hannyaji, the former Student Council treasurer of Suisou Academy.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the USA Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia [ USA] article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a USA link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The United States of America is a mission included in the Steam release of Democracy 2.
  • USA - The United States of America, czyli Stany Zjednoczonej Ameryki. Państwo w Ameryce Południowej graniczące z Kanadą od północy, Meksykiem od południa, Oceanem Spokojnym od zachodu, Oceanem Arktycznym od północnego zachodu i Oceanem Atlantyckim od wschodu. Kategoria:Lokalizacje
  • Usa was an Utaku steed. It was the companion of Utaku Sung-Ki ever since her gempukku.
  • The United States, better known as the USA, (English: USA - The United States of America) is the 4th character in the game and he was added in the first version of Head Soccer. He is a bad 2-star Character in Arcade. If you have any questions about the character USA you can ask them here. __TOC__
  • USA steht für Unsere Starken Amerikaner und bezeichnet die Hauptstadt der neuen Welt. Als vor einiger Zeit verschiedene Länder anfingen in Demokratie zu leben, waren es die Führer und Bürger aus Amerika die als rettende Hand die Herrschaft übernahmen. Die USA stellen die meisten Truppen für die SAKF. Starke Amerikaner werden beim Bäcker um die Ecke gebacken. Die Amerikaner der Marken Franklin D. Roosevelt und Donald Trump aus dem Supermarkt sind jedenfalls kein vergleichbar guter Deal.
  • What is a ROM? A ROM is a dog or bitch that has been admitted to the New foundland Club of America's Register of Merit for producing multiple Champion, tided and ROM progeny. A sire requires 12 points to eat this award, and six points are needed for a dam. ROM points are rabu lated on a base of champion or ROM produce. A dog must have minimum of 10 champions and/or ROMs, plus two additional titles These additional tides can be further ROMs or champions, or an)' suffix tide. A bitch must have a base of five ROMs or champions, plus one additional tide. Offspring can contribute up to three points towards their parents ROM status-by obtaining an AKC championship, an NCA ROM, and an AKC or NCA obedience, tracking, draft or water tide. However, the ROM formula allows only one working, obedience, or tracking tide to be counted for every five champions or ROMs, and after you get that total, add one. For example, Jake has produced 79 champions, five ROMs, and 17 titlists. If you add the 79 champions and five ROMs, you have 84. Divide this number by five (and come up with 16). After you get that total, add one. So Jake has 101 ROM points. There is no minimum requirement for working titlists. ROM status may be achieved exclusively from ROM and champion titled offsprIng. ROM points that are earned by a dog or a bitch are cumulative, so that the time frame in which the points are earned and the order in which they were earned is immaterial. ROM points earned will continue to accumulate and will be added to the official ROM point totals within the constraints of the 5:1 limitations. New ROMs are honored in NewfTide's second quarter edition each year, and a complete ROM listing is published every five years, with the latest one current through December 31,2001, and published in April 2002. The NCA Register of Merit system was initially approved April 3, 1986. The criteria was enacted so that dogs would become ROMs retroactively to the beginning of Newfoundland record-keeping, and a total of 100 ROMs were awarded at that time. The rules have been changed slightly through the years. -Jan Boggio and Dawn Fretts
  • The United States of America is a federal republic in North America. The USA is one of the biggest and most populous nations and has the largest economy in the world. It is most famous, however, for being the one country in the world able to resist the global love affair with association football, despite having practically invented the concept of globalization.
  • USA (SZA, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, United States of America) -byłe państwo w Ameryce Północnej, sojusznik polityczny, militarny i gospodarczy Wielkiej Rzeczypospolitej, wchodzący w latach 2052-2056 i obecnie nieformalnie w skład Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Stany Zjednoczone od trzydziestu lat pogrążone są w permanentnym kryzysie ekonomicznym. Szacuje się, że Polska w ostatniej tylko dekadzie wpompowała w budżet USA około 150 kwadrybiliardów złotych. Mimo to USA nie są w stanie wyjść na prostą i choć w międzynarodowych akcjach militarnych żołnierze amerykańscy biorą udział u boku Polaków, ich wyjazd sponsoruje zawsze polskie Ministerstwo Wojny. Amerykańską gospodarkę dobiła niedawna wojna z Kanadastanem. Obywatele USA stanowią najliczniejszą grupę pracujących na czarno w Wielkiej Rzeczypospolitej imigrantów.
  • Pohjois-Amerikan Yhdysvallat.
  • Some of the many solar cooking based in the US are Solar Cookers International (SCI), Rotary International, the Solar Oven Society, the Solar Oven Society, and Solar Household Energy, Inc. No precise numbers are available, but estimates suggest that perhaps as many as 10,000 Americans use solar cookers regularly. The electrical utility of the area, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), has been a strong supporter of solar energy usage. SMUD serves an area of more than a million people. Under earlier leadership, it pioneered the development of cleaner electricity generation, including building the first solar powered generating station in the United States. It has offered rebates for replacing old appliances with energy efficient equipment, it cooperated in planting of trees to lower the cost of air conditioning to consumers, as examples. For purposes of this report, it is important to note the strong support of SMUD for solar cooking education, including outreach to schools and community organizations. They have placed solar cookers with Scout troops, offered workshops in 65 schools of the area, and made available plans to build cookers to customers throughout their service area. In 1991, SMUD even produced a solar cooking cookbook. Reducing the use of electricity is in everyone's interest; this interesting example of a public utility's contribution to solar cooking as one contribution to solving the problem was noteworthy. The late George Lof, a former director of the Industrial Research Institute at the University of Denver, , was an early pioneer of solar-powered techonolgy, including solar cooking. In the fifties, he experimented with a parabolic solar cooker design that he dubbed the "Umbroiler" because of its umbrella-like structure. He marketed the design, but it was a commercial failure for the times. Considerable activity can also be found in the state of , probably the sunniest of the U.S. fifty states. The most important solar cooking fact about Arizona is that the late Barbara Kerr, the foremost expert on solar cooking in the U.S., lives in a small community in this state. She has created, and lives in, a Kerr-Cole Sustainable Living Center that demonstrates a wide range of ways to live lightly, rather than destructively, on the earth. Barbara is the author of several books (The full text of one is here) and articles on solar cooking, the creator and marketer (with her colleague, Sherry Cole) of a cardboard box cooker, the refiner of the CooKit as the first inexpensive but efficient solar cooker, and a never-ending source of information to those who seek her knowledge on the internet. A visit to Taylor, Arizona, is a trip to an important piece of solar cooking history. Solar devices are also manufactured in this area. Early pioneers, the late Bob Larson and his wife Heather Larson, produced cookbooks and plans for solar dryers until their untimely deaths. Jay Campbell, a New Mexican engineer, has invented a range of cooking devices that won prizes for ingenuity and efficiency, though he is not a manufacturer but rather an idea person. One firm, Zone Works, makes and sells parabolics out of Albuquerque. Unlikely as it may sound, the state of has also made contributions to the development of the solar cooking. Mike and Martha Port, founders of the Solar Oven Society, have worked in a variety of Central American and Caribbean nations on various projects. Recently, they completed research and development of a new cooker, manufactured from recycled soda bottles; the device will help to fill the gap between the very inexpensive (but not so long lasting) CooKit and the more expensive box or parabolic cookers. With the assistance of a small business development grant from the State of Minnesota, charitable contributions from a range of churches and organizations, and the dedicated volunteer labor of the Ports over many years, they have recently been able to begin the sale and marketing, both in the U.S. and abroad, of the Sport. A collectivity of Minnesota churches made possible the shipment of 400 unassembled cookers to Afghanistan for sale at a subsidized price to people whose need for cooking energy is great. The Nevada Solar Cookers Association was formed to share recipes, ideas and stories, and to spread the news about solar cooking in their area. Solar Cooker Review, March 2003. While use of the solar cooker is not unknown in the U.S. it is by no means widely used. Most work of American promoters appears to have been devoted to projects in other parts of the world.
  • This is a country in North America.
  • This is the page of the USA National Team.
  • USA - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.
  • USA was a country. It was also known as Uncle Sam.
  • Users by State * CA * TN
  • USA stands for The United States Of America, which was a country now part of the Earth Lesser Empire.
  • In den letzten Jahrhunderten sind viele Deutsche nach Amerika ausgewandert, darunter auch einige Oelfkes aus Oerbke oder Obergrünhagen. Genauere Fakten zum Abzweig des Hofes Obergrünhagen und des Oelfkenhofs in Oerbke sind bis dato nicht vollständig geklärt. Fest steht, dass in Minnesota sowie in Houston, Texas bis heute Nachkommen der Oelfkes leben.
  • thumb|300px|rightDie USA sind eine von drei spielbaren Fraktionen in Generals. Sie besitzen eine konventionelle Armee, die auf kostspielige Hochtechnologie setzt und die Lufthoheit besitzt. Alle Einheiten haben kitschig patriotische Namen und geben entsprechende Funksprüche ab. Schon zu Beginn besitzt man mit den Chinook-Transporthelikoptern, die Versorgungskisten einsammeln einen fliegenden Infrantrietransporter. Ihre Superwaffe ist ein Partikelkanone. Ansonsten wird auf real existierende Einheiten gesetzt wie beim Commanche, der Patriotraketenstellung oder dem Humvee. Kategorie:Generals
  • from usa, usaa "a pair"
  • thumb thumb|Flaga Stanów Zjednoczonych Stany Zjednoczone są jednym z krajów w których toczy się fabuła "Lost" w retrospekcjach bohaterów.
  • thumb|right|150px|Flaga USA Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (w skrócie USA) - duży kraj w Ameryce Północnej graniczący z Kanadą i Meksykiem. Stany Zjednoczone są federacją składającą się z 50 stanów. Przemysł filmowy w USA jest bardzo silnie rozwinięty. Najważniejszym ośrodkiem amerykańskiej kinematografii jest Hollywood.
  • USA is a young guild created to display national pride. The minimum required level to join is 35+, but exceptions are made. Thank you for visiting our page.
  • United States of America är ett väldigt stort land iNord Amerika. Hälften av Tibia´s Världar ligger i USA: __NOEDITSECTION__
  • The United States of America has played a big role in the modern day (1896 to current) Olympic Games. In addition to hosting Olympic games (4 summer and 4 winter) in the country, the USA has been a significant force at the games including the number of athletes, the number of sports they compete in, the number of medals won, and world records achieved. The United States has participated in every Olympics since 1896 except the 1980 Summer Olympics. In the most recent summer Olympics in London in 2012, the USA won a total of 46 Gold Medals, the most by any country, followed by China with 38. The USA also ranked first in total count with 104 gold, silver and bronze medals, followed by China who had 88 total medals. In addition to its athletic contributions to the Olympic Games, the United States and US based companies have helped drive the financial growth of the Olympic movement through advertising, broadcasting rights, sponsorships, ticket sales and other rights and licensing programs. The revenue generated is in the billions of dollars.
  • USA is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. The nation is a former colonial nation, which can only be formed if said nation breaks away from the mother country. Its government is a Constitutional Republic. It is playable in 1776.
  • USA (Amerikas förenta stater) är en nation på Jorden på den nordamerikanska kontinenten.
  • Die USA sind eine von vielen gewalttätigen Diktaturen der Erde, die sich selbst demagogisch als Demokratie und als "freie Welt" bezeichnen. Die US-Diktatur ist jedoch besonders gefährlich, da sie tausende Atomwaffen sowie biologische und chemische Massenvernichtungswaffen besitzt und anderen Staaten mit dem Ersteinsatz dieser Waffen droht, wie sie das gegenüber Afghanistan und Irak getan hat, und früher gegenüber den Warschauer Vertragsstaaten. Die USA haben bereits gegen Japan atomare Massenvernichtungswaffen eingesetzt, obwohl der 2. Weltkrieg bereits entschieden war, um der Ud SSR und anderen unbotmässigen Staaten gegenüber eine Drohkulisse aufzubauen, um ihre eigenen Stärke zu demonstrieren, um die Kernwaffen zu testen und um andere atomar zu erpressen.
  • Die USA, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, sind das wichtigste und größte Land im Metal, noch vor England. Traditionell befinden sich dort die kulturellen Zentren, in denen neue Subkulturen und Underground entstehen, an den beiden Küstenregionen, während sich im Landesinneren viele stocksteife konservative Christen-Spießer tummeln. In den USA sind fast alle wesentlichen harten Subgenres entwickelt oder mitentwickelt worden, Ausnahmen sind aber z.B. Swedish Death Metal oder Norwegian Black Metal.
  • Princess Usa was the sister to Edge, King of Eblana in the First Age. She would later leave her native land to rule over the kingdom of Zeal with General Leo.
  • Die USA haben Truppen in 100 Ländern der Erde stationiert. Die UN haben 189 Mitgliedsstaaten. "Ja, wir lieben das Römische Imperium", sagte ein Vertreter der USA. "Sie vergessen aber dabei bitte zwei Dinge nicht", erhielt er als Antwort, "die Römer waren bei niemandem beliebt. Und: Ihr Reich ging unter." (a)
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's USA article. Take me to the USA article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a USA link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • USA has divisions of land with minor ruling. Right now, USA has 50 lands. * Alabama * Alaska * "Arbor Day Land" * Arizona * Arkansas * "Bay" Land * "Buzzard" Land * "Cactus" Land * California * "Clam" Land * Colorado * "Constitution" Land * "First" Land * Florida * Hawai'i * "Hog and Hominy" Land * Idaho * Illinois * Indiana * Iowa * Kansas * Louisiana * Maryland * Michigan * "North Star" Land * Mississippi * Missouri * Montana * "Mountain" Land * NV * NH * NY * North Carolina * North Dakota * Ohio * Oklahoma * "Old Dirigo" Land * OR * PA * Rhody * South Carolina * South Dakota * "Tobacco" Land * TX * Utah * VT * Virginia * Washington * Wisconsin * Wyoming
  • The United States of America is a large country across the seas from the UK, where a huge number of people live. Danny has launched many crusades against the United States, forming the American Karma Army (AKA AKA).
  • USA is what small-minded n00bs call America as their fingers can't comprehend typing such a long word. Whenever they try and type it, something akin to Anmereiopxcvasd appears. This is partly due to the small keyboards but also fatfingerism.
  • USA or United States of America is one of the playable factions in World War III: Black Gold. The USA is is a leader of technology and features numerous high powered vehicles, however, the cost for such vehicles is also significant. The USA also has the most special attack structures.
  • Die United States of America(US|USA|Amerika|Die Staaten) ist ein Land in Nord-Amerika auf dem Planeten Erde.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's USA article. Take me to the USA article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a USA link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • USA ist die Abkürzung von United Staats of America. Die USA ist der Staat von Amerika.
  • The world superpower for most of the 20th Century, the United States of America spent the first three decades of the 21st Century reeling from environmental and economic disasters, the return of magic, and defeat at the hands of the Native American tribes. The Treaty of Denver in 2018 saw the USA's first major defeat, when a full third of its territories were ceded to the Native American Nations. The rump USA survived for another twelve years, until October 15, 2030 when the two Anglo states of North America merged into the United Canadian and American States. The secession of the southern states in 2034 and the expulsion of California in 2037 were the final death blows to the old USA.
  • USA is most famous for the invention of fast food. The idea of this gastronomic creation is to transform cows into meat as fast as possible. This food can be bought on corners and streets all over the USA, and this are the only places the fat people go to eat.
  • [[Obrázok:Tn483_476t.jpg‎|thumb|270px|Druhá americká vlajka, všetky nájdete v hlavnom článku tu.]] <i>"Amerika, to je môj cieľ."</i> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/SS-18" title="SS-18">SS-18</a> - Amerike</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Bernard_Shaw" title="Bernard Shaw">Bernard Shaw</a> - o Američanoch</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Svet" title="Svet">Celý svet</a> - Amerike</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Amerika" title="Amerika">Amerika</a> - o všetkých nedemokratických krajinách</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Historik" title="Historik">Historik</a> - o Američanoch</b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Georg_Busch" title="Georg Busch">George W.Bush</a> - o úpadku amerického rozumu.</b> United States of America, skrátene USA je zväz indiánskych kolónií v Severnej Amerike a celého dementkratického sveta. Po Vatikáne je USA vďaka okupovanému územiu druhým najväčším štátnym celkom na svete. Sesterskou krajinou USA je USB. Ich prezidentom bol kedysi Jurko Bl. Buš (synovec Juraja Jánošíka) (pôvod mena je slovenský, od východňarského slova Búchaj!). Teraz im velí Babrák Obama. Prezidentom tam môže byť hocikto, lebo aj tak to čo má v USA prezident povedať mu píšu druhí.
  • USA er eit lite land vest for Uganda. USA betyr United Satanistic Artists, og blei danna i 1805.
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