  • Santa Claus's reindeer's great-great-grandchildren
  • Santa Claus's reindeer's great-great-grandchildren are characters in the 2011 film Arthur Christmas. They are the great-great-grandchildren of the original eight reindeer that pull Santa Claus's sleigh. They are used by Arthur Claus, his grandfather Grandsanta, Bryony and Grandsanta's pet reindeer to pull Grandsanta's sleigh Eve in order to deliver a bike to a young girl named Gwen after it was forgotten accidentally.
  • Santa Claus's reindeer's great-great-grandchildren are characters in the 2011 film Arthur Christmas. They are the great-great-grandchildren of the original eight reindeer that pull Santa Claus's sleigh. They are used by Arthur Claus, his grandfather Grandsanta, Bryony and Grandsanta's pet reindeer to pull Grandsanta's sleigh Eve in order to deliver a bike to a young girl named Gwen after it was forgotten accidentally.