  • Apollo 22
  • Apollo 22 was a lunar mission launched in July, 1976, around the same time as the Viking missions to Mars. (Star Trek: Shadowstar Station) The mission consisted of the command module Rigil Kentaurus and lunar excursion module Arcturus. ("The USS Arcturus in History") It is not revealed to the general public that a Slaver stasis box was discovered, containing a flying belt. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon") Years later, the secret of synthetically generated gravity was derived from this discovery.
  • Apollo 22 was a lunar mission launched in July, 1976, around the same time as the Viking missions to Mars. (Star Trek: Shadowstar Station) The mission consisted of the command module Rigil Kentaurus and lunar excursion module Arcturus. ("The USS Arcturus in History") It is not revealed to the general public that a Slaver stasis box was discovered, containing a flying belt. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon") Years later, the secret of synthetically generated gravity was derived from this discovery.