  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • thumb|250pxKylantha war die Königin von Naboo und die Nachfolgerin von Königin Apailana, welche vom Imperium in der Schlacht auf Naboo im Jahre 18 VSY hingerichtet wurde, da sie mehrere Jedi versteckt hatte, die die Order 66 überlebt hatten. Kylantha wurde eingesetzt, da das Imperium sie besser zu kontrollieren glaubte.
  • thumb|250pxKylantha war die Königin von Naboo und die Nachfolgerin von Königin Apailana, welche vom Imperium in der Schlacht auf Naboo im Jahre 18 VSY hingerichtet wurde, da sie mehrere Jedi versteckt hatte, die die Order 66 überlebt hatten. Kylantha wurde eingesetzt, da das Imperium sie besser zu kontrollieren glaubte.
  • [Source] Kylantha est la Reine de Naboo qui a succédé, à la demande de l'Empereur Palpatine, à Apailana, tuée par Dark Vador. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Kylantha was a Human female from Naboo and the successor to Queen Apailana, formally styled Her Royal Highness, Queen Kylantha of Naboo. She was installed as a puppet ruler in 18 BBY after her predecessor was killed on the orders of the Galactic Empire for allegedly harboring Jedi survivors of Order 66. Unlike previous monarchs, Kylantha had exceeded her two terms of office by the time of the Battle of Yavin.
  • La Reina Kylantha, formalmente llamada Su Alteza Real, la Reina de Naboo Kylantha, era la sucesora de la Reina Apailana, colocada como un gobernante títere en el 18 ABY después de que su antecesora fuese asesinada por orden del Imperio por albergar presuntamente a supervivientes Jedi de la Orden 66. Kylantha no era una seguidora de la Antigua República, pero tampoco del Imperio Galáctico. Kylantha rehusó alterar la estructura democrática de la constitución de Naboo, aunque ella reinaría durante un intervalo más largo de años que anteriores gobernantes. Se pensaba que en secreto desconfiaba del Imperio, pero tampoco mostraba interés por un regreso de la Antigua República. Públicamente, Kylantha mantuvo el status quo durante el reinado del Imperio. Ella también nominó a la sobrina de Padmé A
  • Rosilé Kylantha, born Rosilé Excenil, was monarch of Naboo during the time of the Galatic Empire. A member of the Excenil family, which was favored by Palpatine, she was placed on the throne as a puppet ruler after the assassination of Queen Apailana.
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era
  • *Era del Alzamiento del Imperio *Era de la Rebelión *Era de la Nueva República
  • Féminin
  • Rubio
  • *Casa Real de Naboo *Imperio Galáctico *Alianza para Restaurar la República
  • 18
  • Azules
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Blue
  • Reina de Naboo
  • *Peuple Naboo *Empire Galactique
  • *Royal House of Naboo *Galactic Empire *Alliance to Restore the Republic
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • Celebrate the Love
  • Serving the Empire
  • Keeping the Peace
  • Keeping the Peace
  • Rebel
  • 18
  • ?
  • Reine Apailana
  • Кайланта
  • Кайланта
  • Кайланта
  • Rebelde
  • Queen Apailana
  • Kylantha
  • 18
  • Queen Mairayni
  • Kylantha
  • Kylantha
  • players/news_archive.vm?id=67596&month=022008
  • players/news_archive.vm?id=67382&month=082007
  • players/news_archive.vm?id=67406&month=082007
  • players/news_archive.vm?id=67406&month=082007
  • Reine de Naboo
  • La Reina Kylantha, formalmente llamada Su Alteza Real, la Reina de Naboo Kylantha, era la sucesora de la Reina Apailana, colocada como un gobernante títere en el 18 ABY después de que su antecesora fuese asesinada por orden del Imperio por albergar presuntamente a supervivientes Jedi de la Orden 66. Kylantha no era una seguidora de la Antigua República, pero tampoco del Imperio Galáctico. Kylantha rehusó alterar la estructura democrática de la constitución de Naboo, aunque ella reinaría durante un intervalo más largo de años que anteriores gobernantes. Se pensaba que en secreto desconfiaba del Imperio, pero tampoco mostraba interés por un regreso de la Antigua República. Públicamente, Kylantha mantuvo el status quo durante el reinado del Imperio. Ella también nominó a la sobrina de Padmé Amidala, Pooja Naberrie, para el Senado Imperial. Allí Pooja sería una contemporánea de su prima, la Princesa Leia de Alderaan.
  • Rosilé Kylantha, born Rosilé Excenil, was monarch of Naboo during the time of the Galatic Empire. A member of the Excenil family, which was favored by Palpatine, she was placed on the throne as a puppet ruler after the assassination of Queen Apailana. Though out of necessity complaint to the Empire, Kylantha managed to more or less preserve Naboo's democratic structures, though she did remain on the throne even after the normal eight-year period was up. At that point, however, her popularity with the Naboo people was such that this was accepted. Their biggest criticism of her was, in fact, that she had no handmaidens. That popularity began to wane in later years, as dislike of the Empire increased. Though during the initial uprising on Naboo of 4 ABY, she aided by shutting Moff Tronil Excenil out of the palace, she claimed to do it for everyone else's protection, and afterwards allowed him to retake Theed, despite his having condemned her for treason. Finding no support on either side, she fled Theed. Deciding she wanted the Empire off the planet, Kylantha secretly sent two ambassadors to the Rebel Alliance with a plea for help. In response, a force of ships led by General Sabé Andierre invaded and liberated Naboo. Kylantha came out of hiding to help Andierre corner the leader of the stormtroopers and force his surrender. She then immediately stepped down from the throne.
  • thumb|250pxKylantha war die Königin von Naboo und die Nachfolgerin von Königin Apailana, welche vom Imperium in der Schlacht auf Naboo im Jahre 18 VSY hingerichtet wurde, da sie mehrere Jedi versteckt hatte, die die Order 66 überlebt hatten. Kylantha wurde eingesetzt, da das Imperium sie besser zu kontrollieren glaubte.
  • thumb|250pxKylantha war die Königin von Naboo und die Nachfolgerin von Königin Apailana, welche vom Imperium in der Schlacht auf Naboo im Jahre 18 VSY hingerichtet wurde, da sie mehrere Jedi versteckt hatte, die die Order 66 überlebt hatten. Kylantha wurde eingesetzt, da das Imperium sie besser zu kontrollieren glaubte.
  • [Source] Kylantha est la Reine de Naboo qui a succédé, à la demande de l'Empereur Palpatine, à Apailana, tuée par Dark Vador. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Kylantha was a Human female from Naboo and the successor to Queen Apailana, formally styled Her Royal Highness, Queen Kylantha of Naboo. She was installed as a puppet ruler in 18 BBY after her predecessor was killed on the orders of the Galactic Empire for allegedly harboring Jedi survivors of Order 66. Unlike previous monarchs, Kylantha had exceeded her two terms of office by the time of the Battle of Yavin.
is Después of
is After of