  • The Little Engine That Could
  • The Little Engine that Could
  • This is the book that Al Bundy had to return to the library run by Miss De Groot. As he is decades overdue, the fine comes to more than $2000, but Al manages to distract Miss De Groot and slip it back on the shelf - then he "finds" it. Unfortunately for him, the building has security cameras and his actions are caught on tape, leading to him becoming "the Freddy Krueger of the library system". The book appeared in "He Thought He Could". It is referenced again, for example, in "Sofa So Good", when Bud asks who can inform Mom that Kelly has just torched her beloved sofa.
  • In the tale, a long train must be pulled over a high mountain. Various larger engines, treated anthropomorphically, are asked to pull the train; for various reasons they refuse. The request is sent to a small engine, who agrees to try. The engine succeeds in pulling the train over the mountain while repeating its motto: "I-think-I-can".
  • In the tale, a long train must be pulled over a high mountain. Various larger engines, treated anthropomorphically, are asked to pull the train; for various reasons they refuse. The request is sent to a small engine, who agrees to try. The engine succeeds in pulling the train over the mountain while repeating its motto: "I-think-I-can". The tale with its easy-to-grasp moral has become a classic children's story and was adapted in 1991 as a 30-minute animated film produced in Wales and co-financed in Wales and the United States. The film named the famous little engine 'Tillie' and expanded the narrative into a larger story of self-discovery.
  • This is the book that Al Bundy had to return to the library run by Miss De Groot. As he is decades overdue, the fine comes to more than $2000, but Al manages to distract Miss De Groot and slip it back on the shelf - then he "finds" it. Unfortunately for him, the building has security cameras and his actions are caught on tape, leading to him becoming "the Freddy Krueger of the library system". The book appeared in "He Thought He Could". It is referenced again, for example, in "Sofa So Good", when Bud asks who can inform Mom that Kelly has just torched her beloved sofa.