  • Abyssin
  • Abyssin
  • Abyssin
  • Abyssin
  • Provenían del planeta Byss, localizado en los Territorios del Borde Exterior. Fue una esfera mayormente árida que orbitaba alrededor de dos soles siguiendo la figura de un ocho.
  • Abyssins are bipedal, green-skinned species native to the planet Byss. They are identified by their three-fingered hands and single eye in the middle of their head. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Abyssin on Wookieepedia
  • From Abyssinie
  • Abyssin are a species of bipedal sapients indigenous to the arid deserts of the planet Byss - not to be confused but often done so with another planet called Byss, located within the same galaxy. They're often described by others as primitive and violent beings, and are often hired on as petty thugs, although they're found to be nomadic herders on their homeworld.
  • [Source] Les Abyssins une espèce de cyclopes humanoïdes possédant une peau verte foncée et des poils vert à blanc. Jackar Bowmani est un Abyssin, tout comme Myo qui se trouvait à la Cantina de Chalmun le jour où Luke Skywalker et Obi-Wan Kenobi y entrèrent.
  • Homeworld: Byss Description: The Abyssin inhabit the planet Byss. They are a nomadic race, often described as "primitive and violent". They stand approximately 2 meters tall and have a humanoid appearance, with long limbs. They also possess a single large eye which dominates their greenish-tan foreheads. All Abyssin's have the ability to heal quickly and are able to regenerate body parts.
  • Average Height: 2 meters Average Lifespan: 300 years The distinctive feature of the Abyssin people is their single eye, and tough, leathery grey-green skin. Not particularly fast, or even particularly strong for their size, these large sentients are nonetheless extremely hardy. Native to Byss, a harsh desert world with little water, the Abyssin people are good at surviving, especially in harsh environs, where their leathery skin acts as a barrier to the elements. Their keen instincts for natural environments enhance their physical resilience.
  • At two meters tall,the hulking,humanoid Abyssin had long limbs and a single large eye that dominated their greenish-tan foreheads.The eye of the Abyssin had twin lenses and dual focal planes, which allows the Abyssin some measure of depth percepion.
  • Special Skills: Survival: Desert: During character creation, Abyssin receive 2D for every 1D placed in this skill specialization, and, until the skill reaches 6D, advancement is half the normal Character Point cost. It should be noted that the Abyssin do not think of themselves as violent or vicious. Even during a ferocious blooding, most of those involved will be injured, not killed - their regenerative factor means that they can resort to violence first and worry about consequences later.
  • Vert, blanc
  • *Jackar Bowmani *Myo
  • Un seul, blanc
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • No
  • Verte
  • Cíclopes, capacidad regenerativa.
  • Abyssin
  • Abyssin
  • The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper
  • Cyclopes
  • Abyssiner
  • Brown, white
  • Brown or white
  • Abyssin
  • Abyssin
  • "Sabotage" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars
  • Abyssini
  • 1.700000
  • White sclera, black pupil
  • 9.46728E9
  • Абиссины
  • Абиссины/Канон
  • 1.700000
  • Abyssin
  • Abyssin
  • Cycloptic, regenerative abilities
  • Star Wars
  • 250
  • アビシン
  • Green and white
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/sabotage-episode-guide
  • Greenish-tan
  • Omnivorous
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • Provenían del planeta Byss, localizado en los Territorios del Borde Exterior. Fue una esfera mayormente árida que orbitaba alrededor de dos soles siguiendo la figura de un ocho.
  • Abyssins are bipedal, green-skinned species native to the planet Byss. They are identified by their three-fingered hands and single eye in the middle of their head. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Abyssin on Wookieepedia
  • Special Skills: Survival: Desert: During character creation, Abyssin receive 2D for every 1D placed in this skill specialization, and, until the skill reaches 6D, advancement is half the normal Character Point cost. Special Abilities: Regeneration: Abyssin have this special ability at 2D. They may spend beginning skill dice to improve this ability as if it were a normal skill. Abyssin roll to regenerate after being wounded using these skill dice instead of their Strength attribute - but turn “days” into “hours”. So, an Abyssin who has been wounded rolls after three standard hours instead of three standard days to see if he or she heals. In addition, the character’s condition cannot worsen (and mortally wounded characters cannot die by rolling low). Story Factors: Violent Culture: The Abyssin are a primitive people much like the Tusken Raiders: violent and difficult for others to understand. Abyssin approach physical violence with a childlike glee and are always eager to fight. However, they are slightly less happy to be involved in blaster fights and are of the opinion that starship combat is incredibly foolish, since you cannot regenerate once you have been explosively decompressed (this attitude has become generalized into a dislike of any type of space travel). It should be noted that the Abyssin do not think of themselves as violent or vicious. Even during a ferocious blooding, most of those involved will be injured, not killed - their regenerative factor means that they can resort to violence first and worry about consequences later.
  • From Abyssinie
  • Abyssin are a species of bipedal sapients indigenous to the arid deserts of the planet Byss - not to be confused but often done so with another planet called Byss, located within the same galaxy. They're often described by others as primitive and violent beings, and are often hired on as petty thugs, although they're found to be nomadic herders on their homeworld.
  • Average Height: 2 meters Average Lifespan: 300 years The distinctive feature of the Abyssin people is their single eye, and tough, leathery grey-green skin. Not particularly fast, or even particularly strong for their size, these large sentients are nonetheless extremely hardy. Native to Byss, a harsh desert world with little water, the Abyssin people are good at surviving, especially in harsh environs, where their leathery skin acts as a barrier to the elements. Their keen instincts for natural environments enhance their physical resilience. Abyssins hail from a nomadic tradition of close-knit communities. They tend to stick together, and any Abyssin worth anything usually has a close coterie of blood-brothers who will stand up for him (or her) in almost any situation. This close-knit communal society gives Abyssins a good sense of cooperation, which has proved useful in combat situations.
  • At two meters tall,the hulking,humanoid Abyssin had long limbs and a single large eye that dominated their greenish-tan foreheads.The eye of the Abyssin had twin lenses and dual focal planes, which allows the Abyssin some measure of depth percepion. Abyssin could heal quickly and regenerate any body part,whih some believe contributed to an especiall violent racial culture.Their fast regeneration is believed to have been an adaptation to prevent fluid loss from bleeding.Because their regenerative abilities,Abyssin could live up to 300 standard years.Elderly Abyssin lost these regenerative abilities,and either exiled themselves to die in the desert or were ritually killed by their tribe. When two Abyssin tribes met, they would interact peacefully through trading only if both groups had plentiful water and food supplies.Otherwise, they began a looding""Blooding",a brawl which ended only when one tribe's warriors were all killed,captured orincapacitated.Warriors who survived the Blooding were usually allowed to join the winning tribe once they finished regeneration.This tradition led to some violent incidents when spacers tried to trade with Abyssin tribes with scarce water resources, especially since the Abyssin assumed the alien traders could regenerate as quickly as they did. Abyssin were a people who were often described as "primitive and violent,and were often hired as petty thugs.They inhabited the arid desert planet Byss,where they lived as nomadic herders.Abyssin were uncommon in the grater galaxy.Those who were found off Byss were often slaves or mercenaries.Abyssin were sometimes referred to as "monocs","cyclops" or "One-Eye".The Abyssin generally found these terms insulting,and would often react violent to them.
  • [Source] Les Abyssins une espèce de cyclopes humanoïdes possédant une peau verte foncée et des poils vert à blanc. Jackar Bowmani est un Abyssin, tout comme Myo qui se trouvait à la Cantina de Chalmun le jour où Luke Skywalker et Obi-Wan Kenobi y entrèrent.
  • Homeworld: Byss Description: The Abyssin inhabit the planet Byss. They are a nomadic race, often described as "primitive and violent". They stand approximately 2 meters tall and have a humanoid appearance, with long limbs. They also possess a single large eye which dominates their greenish-tan foreheads. All Abyssin's have the ability to heal quickly and are able to regenerate body parts.
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