  • Beetle Cave
  • A commoner claimed that around 80 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, his grandfather saw a krayt dragon in the cave and punched it in the nose. The commoner gave the coordinates of the cave to the spacer, where the skeletal remains of the dragon could be found. Sometime following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, the cave was used as a base of operations by a violent gang of pirates known as the Sennex. When the wife and daughter of a moisture farmer were kidnapped and held captive inside the base for ransom, he begged a spacer to rescue them. The spacer succeeded in doing so, and received the Mark of Altruism as a result.
  • Beetle Cave
  • A commoner claimed that around 80 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, his grandfather saw a krayt dragon in the cave and punched it in the nose. The commoner gave the coordinates of the cave to the spacer, where the skeletal remains of the dragon could be found. Sometime following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, the cave was used as a base of operations by a violent gang of pirates known as the Sennex. When the wife and daughter of a moisture farmer were kidnapped and held captive inside the base for ransom, he begged a spacer to rescue them. The spacer succeeded in doing so, and received the Mark of Altruism as a result.