  • Let's Go to the Hop/Goofs
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  • right|300pxright|300px * When Peter and Lois are about to have sex, the candles on the dresser alternate between being held up by holders and standing up by themselves. * The robe Lois drops on the floor before she takes her gloves out of the drawer has vanished when she puts on her boots. * In the song "Give Up The Toad", when Peter is standing on the lunchroom table and dancing, his head and whole body shrinks. * Meg's silverware vanishes off of her plate during the dinner scene. * When Lois & Peter confront Meg about the toad, it is daytime but when their conversation continues after the cutaway, it is suddenly nighttime. * Connie's belly button disappears when Mr Berler confronts her, and in some parts of the song.
  • Let's Go to the Hop