  • Korlas
  • Korlas was once head of House Drukorlas and a respected highborn captain of Urusander's Legion. He was the husband of Nerys Drukorlat, the father of Sandalath Drukorlat, and the grandfather of Orfantal. A hero in the war he killed himself with a dagger in the chest less than a month after returning home. Orfantal possessed a trunk containing his uniform and gear.
  • Korlas was once head of House Drukorlas and a respected highborn captain of Urusander's Legion. He was the husband of Nerys Drukorlat, the father of Sandalath Drukorlat, and the grandfather of Orfantal. A hero in the war he killed himself with a dagger in the chest less than a month after returning home. Orfantal possessed a trunk containing his uniform and gear.