  • Have the Talkative Rat ask the Big Rat's guards
  • From: [[]] Just hope he doesn't reveal more than he learns. And that he doesn't get captured. And that if he does, he doesn't chatter to the Big Rat about why he's there. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Haulage and conversation
  • it could go either way.
Failure title
  • Be sorry you asked
Failure description
  • '…and then he said, what's it to you? And I said I was just curious about all those weapons, and isn't the mushroom crop promising this year? After that he told me a new place to put my tail.' His investigations haven't gone unnoticed. […]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Investigating the Big Rat
Rare Success description
  • '[…] they said why not. Told me a couple of stories about the Big Rat and what he does to L.B.s that snitch. Brr! Chilling, it was. Afterwards they gave me a little bit of the stuff to say thanks for my help. Beeswax, too. Hard to come by nowadays.'
Rare Success title
  • Haulage and conversation
Success description
  • 'So I asked if they needed help unloading anything, and they said why not. Told me a couple of stories about the Big Rat and what he does to L.B.s that snitch. Brr! Chilling, it was. Afterwards they gave me a little bit of the stuff to say thanks[…]'
Success Instructions
  • When your Having Rodentine Minions Investigate... is at least 5, return to your Lodgings, opposite the Face, for the next step... or continue to increase the Serenity of the Face for safety.
Rare Success Instructions
  • When your Having Rodentine Minions Investigate... is at least 5, return to your Lodgings, opposite the Face, for the next step... or continue to increase the Serenity of the Face for safety.
  • Just hope he doesn't reveal more than he learns. And that he doesn't get captured. And that if he does, he doesn't chatter to the Big Rat about why he's there.
  • From: [[]] Just hope he doesn't reveal more than he learns. And that he doesn't get captured. And that if he does, he doesn't chatter to the Big Rat about why he's there. [Find the rest of the story at ]