  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru
  • Nibiru (Literally meaning; "Horned Destroyer") is perhaps one of the single most dangerous and destructive artificially manufactured xenomorphs in existence, one which was designed, funded, and built up by the exogen medicine company. Nibiru, as his name suggests, is known for having a pair of large, extremely sharp and enormously dangerous horns upon his head, a genetic characteristic which caused its manufacturers to label it under the same title as Planet X. Originally created to be a weapon of warfare that could be used by humanity, Nibiru spiralled out of control the moment after his birth, and has since become one of the most supremely dangerous and infamous beings known to humanity.
  • Nibiru was a forest world, which also boasted at least one large lake. It was located in the Outer Rim's Kakani sector. Warning: The following section contains information from a Star Wars Legends source that was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, and its licensing status was never confirmed by Lucasfilm Ltd. During the Galactic Civil War, Princess Leia crash-landed on Nibiru, which prompted the mission to Nibiru. Unlicensed information ends here.
  • Nibiru is a phenomenon planet within the Plagues System. It has a powerful magnetic field surrounding it, making it possible for ships to land but they are unable to leave due to severe electromagnetic interference. It is tectonically active and it's surface shifts constantly, revealing lava lakes and mineral deposits.
  • Just 3 scripts of Chinese Japanese Korean Unified Ideographs , Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform , and Cuneiform Unified Ideographs YFile:Nibiru.pngu are here! * KFile:Nibiru.pngrean * CuneifFile:Nibiru.pngrm * CFile:Nibiru.pngrn Syrup * Tepenese * Fire * TepetitFile:Nibiru.pngs * Fire TepetitFile:Nibiru.pngs * Fire Tepenese Throw 9 balls of File:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.png
  • According to these Mesopotamian legends, Nibiru is originally from a solar system near the star Sirius. Somehow, the planet was ejected from that solar system and caught by ours. As it's new orbit placed it very far from the sun, the Anunnaki needed a plan to retain heat for the planet. They decided to do this by lining the upper atmosphere with gold dust. To do this, they needed a large supply of gold. An expedition lead to Earth found that it was of high gold content, so they began mining for it.
  • Nibiru was a class M world that the USS Enterprise was assigned to observe in 2259 of the Nero-created alternate reality (TOS - Countdown to Darkness comic: "Issue 4"; TOS video game: Star Trek; TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek Into Darkness; Star Trek App)
  • "Nibiru", o "Planeta X", es un objeto planetario seudo científica que ciertos grupos creen que podría colisionar con o cerca de perder la Tierra a principios del siglo 21.
  • Nibiru appears to have been once the homeworld of Progenitors. Nibiru no longer exists, because of the Attas it appears. In ufology, it is believed to be the lost tenth planet in our Sol System.
  • It tells the story of how a large object, either a planet known as Twelfth Planet, Planet X or Nibiru, will collide with Earth. It is referenced as "The Doomsday Event". In this event, deity-like creatures called the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru will arrive on Earth.
  • thumb|Die Oberfläche des Planeten Nibiru. Nibiru ist ein Planet der Klasse M und die Heimatwelt der Nibiraner. 2259 droht ein Vulkan, an dessen Fuß diese Kultur ansässig ist, auszubrechen und alles Leben auf dem Planeten auszulöschen.Darauf geht Spock in den Vulkan, um ihn auszuschalten. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
  • Nibiru , Νιμπιρού, Νιμπίρου Είναι ένας υποθετικός πλανήτης.
  • A Nibiru a 10. bolygó. Két tudós úgy vélte, létezik egy Planet-X néven emlegetett 10. bolygó is a Naprendszerben (akko még a Pluto is bolygónak számított). Kicsit félreszámolták magukat, de nem baj, mert a jajongó tömeg rögtön Nibirut látta a 10. bolygóban. A Nibiru a 12. bolygó. Hogy miért? Mert egy író, Zecharia Sitchin állítólag lefordított egy rakat sumér szöveget, de mivel így nem látta őket, kitalált rájuk egy történetet, amelyet A tizenkettedik bolygó című könyvében írt le.
  • To the Babylonians, Nibiru was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of this, the hypothetical planet Nibiru is sometimes also referred to as Marduk. It is believed to be a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,750 years; some also claim it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, who apparently visited Earth in search of gold or some other resource. These beings eventually created humanity (or enslaved certain civilizations at that time) by genetically crossing theselves with primates, and thus became the first gods. There are various other stories around this theo
  • Nibiru è il decimo, anzi, no, è il nono pianeta del sistema solare perché Plutone è stato declassato. Scusate, Nibiru è il decimo pianeta del sistema solare perché c'è anche Galeazzi. Cioè, diciamo che Nibiru è uno dei pianeti del sistema solare, situato alla cazzo di cane e sopratutto ha la caratteristica peculiare di rendersi invisibile dalla Terra, tranne a quei quattro deficenti che si divertono a mettere su Youtube numerosi filmati di improbabili avvistamenti...! Un'ultima teoria vuole che Nibiru, per farci fessi tutti quanti, non sia un pianeta, ma una nana nera che si aggira mendicando nel cosmo. La nostra unica speranza sarebbe Galeazzi che in un tremendo urto cosmico, deviasse per fagocitazione l'enorme massa di Nibiru fregando i cattivoni che vogliono distruggere il nostro bel Pi
  • Nibiru fue un planeta Clase M, y el mundo hogar de los Nibiranos, una especie pre-warp primitiva. Mientras el planeta tiene zonas tropicales similares a la de la Tierra, posee flora roja en lugar de verde. También tiene en su fauna una especie cuadrúpeda dócil y peces de gran tamaño.
  • Ça tombe justement bien puisque depuis quelques temps nous en avons découvert une qui va nous tomber sur la g*****. La planète X est une planète invisible, rouge et bleue, située au carrefour 36 de Neptune à 754 millions de kilomètres de la planète Y. Elle est remplie de petites créatures lézardoïdes et d'un grand prophète tout bleu attendant 2012 pour revenir sur Terre s'amuser un peu.
  • Het concept van "Planeet X" bestaat al sinds het einde van de 19de eeuw, toen wetenschappers theoriseerden dat er een nog niet ontdekte planeet zou bestaan die zich voorbij Neptunus bevond. Op dat moment werd Pluto er (nog) niet bijgerekend als planeet, dus zou Planeet X in feite de negende planeet geweest zijn en niet de tiende. De X stond aanvankelijk dus niet voor het Romeinse cijfer 10, zoals dit veel later wel het geval zou zijn.
  • Nibiru in Akkadian language translates to "crossing" or "point of transition". In babylonian and Sumerian culture, it is a bright celestial object, that crosses over into our solar system every about three thousand years. According to an email from Don Smalter to John McCain and others As per Sumerian and Babylonian scripture, Nibiru is big as a planet(Jupiter), acts like a comet, & shines like a star. Nibiru is regarded as a planet, a star, and a God. The Enûma Eliš states:
Planet Name
  • Nibiru
  • *Bosques *Lagos
  • Nibiru
Full Name
  • Nibiru
  • H-16
  • H-16
  • Nibiru
Native Species
  • no
  • Nibiru village.jpg
  • *Forests *Lakes *Grasses
  • the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant
  • Nibiru (Literally meaning; "Horned Destroyer") is perhaps one of the single most dangerous and destructive artificially manufactured xenomorphs in existence, one which was designed, funded, and built up by the exogen medicine company. Nibiru, as his name suggests, is known for having a pair of large, extremely sharp and enormously dangerous horns upon his head, a genetic characteristic which caused its manufacturers to label it under the same title as Planet X. Originally created to be a weapon of warfare that could be used by humanity, Nibiru spiralled out of control the moment after his birth, and has since become one of the most supremely dangerous and infamous beings known to humanity.
  • To the Babylonians, Nibiru was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of this, the hypothetical planet Nibiru is sometimes also referred to as Marduk. It is believed to be a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,750 years; some also claim it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, who apparently visited Earth in search of gold or some other resource. These beings eventually created humanity (or enslaved certain civilizations at that time) by genetically crossing theselves with primates, and thus became the first gods. There are various other stories around this theory but none have been argeed upon by all. What is certain is that the Annunnaki and other advanced beings visited this world thousands of year ago.
  • Nibiru was a forest world, which also boasted at least one large lake. It was located in the Outer Rim's Kakani sector. Warning: The following section contains information from a Star Wars Legends source that was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, and its licensing status was never confirmed by Lucasfilm Ltd. During the Galactic Civil War, Princess Leia crash-landed on Nibiru, which prompted the mission to Nibiru. Unlicensed information ends here.
  • Ça tombe justement bien puisque depuis quelques temps nous en avons découvert une qui va nous tomber sur la g*****. La planète X est une planète invisible, rouge et bleue, située au carrefour 36 de Neptune à 754 millions de kilomètres de la planète Y. Suivant son orbite Nibiru vient nous faire coucou tous les 3600 ans, en profitant pour détruire la moitié de la surface de la Terre. Perturbations, séismes, tsunami, éruptions volcaniques, basculement de l'axe des pôles, terres englouties, changements climatiques, disparitions de certaines espèces animales, végétales et communautés humaines sont un aperçu des joyeux événements qu'elle entraîne. Elle est remplie de petites créatures lézardoïdes et d'un grand prophète tout bleu attendant 2012 pour revenir sur Terre s'amuser un peu.
  • Nibiru is a phenomenon planet within the Plagues System. It has a powerful magnetic field surrounding it, making it possible for ships to land but they are unable to leave due to severe electromagnetic interference. It is tectonically active and it's surface shifts constantly, revealing lava lakes and mineral deposits.
  • Just 3 scripts of Chinese Japanese Korean Unified Ideographs , Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform , and Cuneiform Unified Ideographs YFile:Nibiru.pngu are here! * KFile:Nibiru.pngrean * CuneifFile:Nibiru.pngrm * CFile:Nibiru.pngrn Syrup * Tepenese * Fire * TepetitFile:Nibiru.pngs * Fire TepetitFile:Nibiru.pngs * Fire Tepenese Throw 9 balls of File:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.pngFile:Nibiru.png
  • Het concept van "Planeet X" bestaat al sinds het einde van de 19de eeuw, toen wetenschappers theoriseerden dat er een nog niet ontdekte planeet zou bestaan die zich voorbij Neptunus bevond. Op dat moment werd Pluto er (nog) niet bijgerekend als planeet, dus zou Planeet X in feite de negende planeet geweest zijn en niet de tiende. De X stond aanvankelijk dus niet voor het Romeinse cijfer 10, zoals dit veel later wel het geval zou zijn. Moderne wetenschappers zijn het er inmiddels over eens dat de hypothetische Planeet X helemaal niet bestaat, wat voldoende reden is voor pseudowetenschappers om hier plots interesse in te tonen. Want als wetenschappers het bestaan van iets ontkennen wegens onvoldoende bewijs, dan moet het wel een complot zijn dat het bestaan ervan plots geheim wil houden, juist? Aan het begin van de 21ste eeuw werden dan ook nieuwe theorieën verspreid door Nancy Lieder, oprichter van de complottheorieënwebsite ZetaTalk , die haar informatie doorkreeg van de Zeta aliens (echt waar, hoor, ze heeft het zelf gezegd). Ze kondigde aan dat Planeet X in de buurt van de aarde zou komen, met een heleboel natuurrampen als gevolg - alsook vanzelfsprekend de mogelijkheid op een invasie van aliens. Wanneer er, totaal onverwacht natuurlijk, geen onbekende planeet voorbij de aarde kwam in 2003, werd de ontmoeting uitgesteld tot 21 december 2012, de dag waarvan de Maya's nooit hebben gezegd dat de wereld zou vergaan.
  • Nibiru è il decimo, anzi, no, è il nono pianeta del sistema solare perché Plutone è stato declassato. Scusate, Nibiru è il decimo pianeta del sistema solare perché c'è anche Galeazzi. Cioè, diciamo che Nibiru è uno dei pianeti del sistema solare, situato alla cazzo di cane e sopratutto ha la caratteristica peculiare di rendersi invisibile dalla Terra, tranne a quei quattro deficenti che si divertono a mettere su Youtube numerosi filmati di improbabili avvistamenti...! Un'ultima teoria vuole che Nibiru, per farci fessi tutti quanti, non sia un pianeta, ma una nana nera che si aggira mendicando nel cosmo. La nostra unica speranza sarebbe Galeazzi che in un tremendo urto cosmico, deviasse per fagocitazione l'enorme massa di Nibiru fregando i cattivoni che vogliono distruggere il nostro bel Pianetino, ma noi non glielo permetteremo! Gli Anunnaki, storico (e provato) popolo esistente millemila anni fa, aveva già visitato la Terra, ma, restando colpito dalla gaiezza degli abitanti, aveva deciso di emigrare su Nibiru e di rimanervi fino al prossimo incontro, che dovrebbe avvenire, secondo i più esperti e bene informati, il 21 dicembre 2012. Alcune fonti molto vicine al noto scienziato Zecharia Schitchin riferiscono che gli Anunnaki sarebbero anche dei giganti. Si dice che Nibiru si trovi dopo Plutone . Effettivamente lì c'è un pianeta: si chiama Sedna, come una divinità dei produttori di polaretti . Esimi scenziati[citazione necessaria] pensano quindi che i due pianeti siano la stessa cosa . Altri lo identificano come Giove , ma solo perché sono così ignoranti da pensare che questo pianeta si trovi dopo Plutone , mentre come tutti sanno si trova tra Vulcano e Krypton .
  • According to these Mesopotamian legends, Nibiru is originally from a solar system near the star Sirius. Somehow, the planet was ejected from that solar system and caught by ours. As it's new orbit placed it very far from the sun, the Anunnaki needed a plan to retain heat for the planet. They decided to do this by lining the upper atmosphere with gold dust. To do this, they needed a large supply of gold. An expedition lead to Earth found that it was of high gold content, so they began mining for it.
  • Nibiru fue un planeta Clase M, y el mundo hogar de los Nibiranos, una especie pre-warp primitiva. Mientras el planeta tiene zonas tropicales similares a la de la Tierra, posee flora roja en lugar de verde. También tiene en su fauna una especie cuadrúpeda dócil y peces de gran tamaño. El USS Enterprise fue enviado a explorar el planeta en el año 2259, donde la tripulación descubrió un volcan pronto a entrar en erupción y condenando a la vida en el planeta a la Extinción. Mientras que la Directiva Primaria prohíbe interferir en el curso natural de la historia del planeta, el Capitán James T. Kirk decidió salvar a Nibiru y sus habitantes. Para evitar revelarse a los nativos, un Kirk disfrazado entró en el templo Nibirano y robó un pergamino sagrado, obligando a los tribales a una persecución. McCoy apareció con un cuadrúpedo para montar, pero Kirk accidentalmente lo atonta, forzando a ambos a correr hacia un acantilado en la playa. Mientras tanto, Sulu and Uhura descuelgan a Spock en un traje ambiental hacia la cámara de magma del volcan desde un trasbordador para detener la erupción con un dispositivo de fusión fría. Desde el puente del Enterprise, Kirk, McCoy, Uhura, y Sulu se dan cuenta que no pueden usar el transportador con Spock debido a que el calor del volcán interfiere con el mismo. Haciendo caso omiso a Spock, que pretende que lo dejen ahí mientras detona el dispositivo para evitar violar la Directiva Primaria, Kirk opta por hacer despegar al Enterprise desde el fondo del mar hasta el volcán para quedar en rango de transporte. Spock fue rescatado a tiempo, y el dispositivo explotó dejando el volcán inerte. Mientras los Nibiranos ven al Enterprise y empiezan a adorarlo como si fuera un Dios, Kirk cubre todo el incidente en su bitácora del capitán, suponiendo que Spock generó un reporte similar. El Almirante Christopher Pike amonestó a Kirk en su regreso a la Tierra, y le informó que el Almirantazgo le quitó el mando de la nave y lo reasignó a la Academia de la Flota Estelar.
  • Nibiru in Akkadian language translates to "crossing" or "point of transition". In babylonian and Sumerian culture, it is a bright celestial object, that crosses over into our solar system every about three thousand years. According to an email from Don Smalter to John McCain and others Why hasn't Nibiru's existence been publicized? Because leaders in major governments know and have suppressed informing, wanting to avoid panic, hoping perhaps that results would be less than predicted. Severity of damages to Earth depend on where Earth is in its solar system orbit relative to the Nibiru passage. Only a select circle of world and USA leaders are informed and preparing. At some point, the various governments will be forced to openly announce its presence... This may seem preposterous, but my extended research over the last dozen-plus years into pre-history, abandoned cities archeology, mythology, past geological catastrophes, such as many underwater civilization remnants, provide ample evidence for past pole shifts. Psychic messengers, Mother Mary apparition messages, UFO/alien communications, English crop circle designs, all are providing warnings specifically time-wise to a pole shift about this current period, based on a frequency pattern of every 3600+ years due to a periodic Nibiru flyby. No direct hit with Earth is anticipated. As per Sumerian and Babylonian scripture, Nibiru is big as a planet(Jupiter), acts like a comet, & shines like a star. Nibiru is regarded as a planet, a star, and a God. The Enûma Eliš states: Nibiru is [Marduk's] star, which he made appear in the heavens... [130-131] The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep. -Enuma Elish, Tablet VII, line 126, 130-131 Marduk is a Babylonian God. His star, Nibiru guides the other stars, and sets their course. the red star which stands in the south after the gods of the night [the stars] have been finished, dividing the sky in half, this star is Nibiru. -Astrolabe B, the Star catalogue (known as “KAV218B ii, lines 29-32) Nibiru shines bright, dividing the sky in half, even when other stars are not visible(in daytime). "Dividing the sky in half" refers to a comet like appearance, meaning Nibiru has a tail. He who forced his way through the midst of Tiamat without resting, Let his name be Nibiru, 'the Seizer of the Midst'! For the stars of heaven he upheld the paths, He shepherded all the gods like sheep! He conquered Tiamat, he troubled and ended her life -Enuma Elish, Tablet VII, line 108-109 According to Zecharia Sitchin, Sumerian goddess known as Tiamat refers to the hypothetical planet (Phaeton) between Mars and Jupiter, that was destroyed by Nibiru, creating the asteroid belt. Nibiru has possibly hit on two planets of our Solar System, though it is not known whether there is any imminent danger from this celestial object.
  • A Nibiru a 10. bolygó. Két tudós úgy vélte, létezik egy Planet-X néven emlegetett 10. bolygó is a Naprendszerben (akko még a Pluto is bolygónak számított). Kicsit félreszámolták magukat, de nem baj, mert a jajongó tömeg rögtön Nibirut látta a 10. bolygóban. A Nibiru a 12. bolygó. Hogy miért? Mert egy író, Zecharia Sitchin állítólag lefordított egy rakat sumér szöveget, de mivel így nem látta őket, kitalált rájuk egy történetet, amelyet A tizenkettedik bolygó című könyvében írt le. De hogy van előtte 11? A 9 bolygó, a Nap és a Hold. Hogy akkor a sumérok még nem ismerték mind a kilenc bolygót? Kit érdekel? Hogy a Nap nem bolygó? Kit érdekel? Az olvasóközönség ilyen apróságokon nem akad fenn, mert örül, ha el tud számolni 12-ig (Nincs is annyi ujjam, Feri, gyere mán' segíccs).
  • Nibiru was a class M world that the USS Enterprise was assigned to observe in 2259 of the Nero-created alternate reality (TOS - Countdown to Darkness comic: "Issue 4"; TOS video game: Star Trek; TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek Into Darkness; Star Trek App)
  • "Nibiru", o "Planeta X", es un objeto planetario seudo científica que ciertos grupos creen que podría colisionar con o cerca de perder la Tierra a principios del siglo 21.
  • Nibiru appears to have been once the homeworld of Progenitors. Nibiru no longer exists, because of the Attas it appears. In ufology, it is believed to be the lost tenth planet in our Sol System.
  • It tells the story of how a large object, either a planet known as Twelfth Planet, Planet X or Nibiru, will collide with Earth. It is referenced as "The Doomsday Event". In this event, deity-like creatures called the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru will arrive on Earth.
  • thumb|Die Oberfläche des Planeten Nibiru. Nibiru ist ein Planet der Klasse M und die Heimatwelt der Nibiraner. 2259 droht ein Vulkan, an dessen Fuß diese Kultur ansässig ist, auszubrechen und alles Leben auf dem Planeten auszulöschen.Darauf geht Spock in den Vulkan, um ihn auszuschalten. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
  • Nibiru , Νιμπιρού, Νιμπίρου Είναι ένας υποθετικός πλανήτης.
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