  • Antipasta
  • Long has it being thought that pasta that does not conform to standards of Euclidean geometry with ecliptic and hyperbolic shapes exist which enable crannies of bolognese to form within the space-time continuum. Supporters of the String Theory maintain that long, linear strips of pasta does not allow for this. Proponents of the Lasagne Model put forward the theory that meaty "pockets" exist between layers of flat pasta, speculating in a universal "omnipasta" or "multipasta".
  • Long has it being thought that pasta that does not conform to standards of Euclidean geometry with ecliptic and hyperbolic shapes exist which enable crannies of bolognese to form within the space-time continuum. Supporters of the String Theory maintain that long, linear strips of pasta does not allow for this. Proponents of the Lasagne Model put forward the theory that meaty "pockets" exist between layers of flat pasta, speculating in a universal "omnipasta" or "multipasta".