  • Smiles and charm
  • From: [[]] Rely on your grace and natural appeal to increase your prestige and learn interesting secrets. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A disruption to poetry
Failure title
  • Left in the parlour with the reporters
  • 81
Failure description
  • Is your clothing last week's fashion? Are your rivals poisoning people against you? Are you perhaps not quite as delicious as you think? Whatever the cause, you are making little progress.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Attend a Salon at the Palace
Rare Success description
  • A discreet and reliable person shouldn't say such things. Usefully, the people here are neither. The gossip is a warm bath. You soak, you swim, you savour.
Rare Success title
  • Splashing about
Success description
  • […] You are in your element here. The poet at the salon makes an allusion to the cellars of the Palace and is almost booed off. All agree that one shouldn't mention them in polite company. They are infuriatingly vague on why that should be the case.
  • Rely on your grace and natural appeal to increase your prestige and learn interesting secrets.
  • From: [[]] Rely on your grace and natural appeal to increase your prestige and learn interesting secrets. [Find the rest of the story at ]