  • Crop Circles
  • Crop circles
  • Odd shapes that are found in farm fields around the globe. Some are said to be pictures of our solar system but most are unknown to us. Though some are created by pranksters for possibly their own reasons but those that are false normaly show vehicle tracks leading to a nearby road while authentic circles do nto have tracks going to a road and normaly the plants are bent in a way that possibly only a machine could bend them. Some of the circles depict what is said to be our Solar System.
  • A crop circle is a large circular pattern implanted in fields, either by flattening, mowing, or burning the vegetation into shapes. This is one of the most famous enigmas of all times, and many theorists have many ideas as to what these geometrical anomalies could be. These are the most well-known/most probable crop circle theories: 1. * They are created by alien's trying to communicate with us 2. * They are created accidentally by alien space craft flattening fields 3. * They are hoaxes 4. * They are demon summoning circles 5. * They are advertisements for Target
  • Crop circles are an alleged alien-related phenomenon that appear in fields around the world. A crop circle is basically a mysterious shape, typically a circle, flattened in a field which is supposedly where a UFO has landed and taken off. Often, they are alleged to be the result of UFOs, but many crop circles are the results of hoaxers.
  • A phenomenon occurring in the midwestern United States and England, crop circles are thought to be caused by aliens, or some dark, unspeakable force such as linux, or Oprah. Your typical crop circle usually takes up the better part of a wheat or corn field and is made of geometric shapes, such as circles, squares and triangles. Although their purpose is unknown, it is theorized that crop circles are used as huge extraterrestrial road signs, a form of communication between Linux developers, or just to piss farmers off. Either way, whenever they show up, people tend to have a big stink about aliens or software companies.
  • Crop Circles are believed to be Extraterrestrial in origin. Some believe that Crop Circles are a means of communication from aliens, and some believe that they are the sites of UFO landings.
  • Moving to new wikia. Information is saved in case a request is made for this article's return. Rift Fleet 03:30, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
  • Crop Circles are pattern formations that occurs on crops such as wheat, barley, or rapeseed. These patterns tend to be circular in structure, but not always. These bizarre markings are considered extraterrestrial in origin by many people. It is believed that these symbols were made by extraterrestrials during one of their expeditions to Earth. According to several ufologists, these symbols were actually messages that aliens left behind, and they are speechless as to what these messages mean. They are also clueless as to whether or not these supposed messages are of a good or bad nature.
nl name
  • Graancirkels
supports archetypes
  • Alien
fr name
  • Cercles Étranges
es lore
  • Manda cualquier cantidad de monstruos de tu Campo al Cementerio para activar esta carta. Selecciona de tu Deck 1 monstruo que incluya "Alienígena" en su nombre y cuyo Nivel sea igual a los Niveles totales de los monstruos mandados al Cementerio e Invócalo mediante una Invocación Especial. Si no puedes encontrar un monstruo adecuado para Invocar, recibes 2000 puntos de daño.
ygo sets
  • Pack 41
el name
  • Καλλιεργημένοι Κύκλοι
Romaji Name
  • Misuterī Sākuru
hr name
  • Krugovi u Žitu
ja lore
  • 自分フィールド上のモンスターを任意の数だけ墓地へ送って発動できる。墓地へ送ったモンスターのレベルの合計と同じレベルの「エーリアン」と名のついたモンスター1体をデッキから特殊召喚する。特殊召喚できなかった場合、自分は2000ポイントダメージを受ける。
it lore
  • Manda un qualsiasi numero di mostri dal tuo Terreno al Cimitero per attivare questa carta. Seleziona dal tuo Deck 1 mostro che include "Alieno" nel suo nome il cui Livello sia uguale al totale dei Livelli dei mostri mandati al Cimitero, ed Evocalo tramite Evocazione Speciale. Se non riesci a trovare un mostro da Evocare tramite Evocazione Speciale, ricevi 2000 punti di danno.
pt name
  • Circulos nas Colheitas
  • Send any number of monsters from your side of the field to the Graveyard to activate this card. Select from your Deck 1 "Alien" monster whose Level is equal to the total Levels of the sent monsters, and Special Summon it. If you fail to find a monster to Special Summon, you take 2000 damage.
pt lore
  • Envie qualquer número de monstros do seu Campo ao Cemitério para ativar este card. Escolha a partir de seu Deck 1 monstro "Alienígena" cujo Nível seja igual ao Nível total dos monstros enviados ao Cemitério e invoque-o por Invocação-Especial. Se você não encontrar um monstro adequado para Invocar, receba 2000 pontos de dano.
it name
  • Impronte Circolari nei Campi
trans name
  • Mystery Circle
  • 24082387
de lore
  • Lege eine beliebige Anzahl Monster von deiner Spielfeldseite auf den Friedhof, um diese Karte zu aktivieren. Wähle aus deinem Deck 1 Monster, dessen Kartenname „Außerirdische“ enthält, dessen Stufe gleich der Summe der Stufen der auf den Friedhof gelegten Monster ist, und beschwöre es als Spezialbeschwörung. Falls du kein Monster findest, um es als Spezialbeschwörung zu beschwören, erhältst du 2000 Punkte Schaden.
ko name
  • 미스터리 서클
  • Kornkreise
es name
  • Círculos en las Cosechas
fr lore
  • Envoyez le nombre de votre choix de monstres depuis votre Terrain au Cimetière pour activer cette carte. Sélectionnez depuis votre Deck 1 monstre qui inclut "Alien" dans son nom de carte dont le Niveau est égal au total des Niveaux des monstres envoyés et Invoquez-le par Invocation Spéciale. Si vous ne trouvez pas de monstre à Invoquer par Invocation Spéciale, vous recevez 2000 points de dommages.
Life points
  • Damages you
card type
  • Trap
effect types
  • Cost, Effect
database id
  • 6808
  • Special Summons from your Deck
  • 1980.0
  • Crop circles
  • Normal
ar name
  • دوائر المحاصيل
Ja Name
  • ミステリーサークル
  • Sends from field to Graveyard for cost
  • Around the world
  • Sometimes reported in the same area
  • Odd shapes that are found in farm fields around the globe. Some are said to be pictures of our solar system but most are unknown to us. Though some are created by pranksters for possibly their own reasons but those that are false normaly show vehicle tracks leading to a nearby road while authentic circles do nto have tracks going to a road and normaly the plants are bent in a way that possibly only a machine could bend them. Some of the circles depict what is said to be our Solar System.
  • A crop circle is a large circular pattern implanted in fields, either by flattening, mowing, or burning the vegetation into shapes. This is one of the most famous enigmas of all times, and many theorists have many ideas as to what these geometrical anomalies could be. These are the most well-known/most probable crop circle theories: 1. * They are created by alien's trying to communicate with us 2. * They are created accidentally by alien space craft flattening fields 3. * They are hoaxes 4. * They are demon summoning circles 5. * They are advertisements for Target
  • Crop circles are an alleged alien-related phenomenon that appear in fields around the world. A crop circle is basically a mysterious shape, typically a circle, flattened in a field which is supposedly where a UFO has landed and taken off. Often, they are alleged to be the result of UFOs, but many crop circles are the results of hoaxers.
  • A phenomenon occurring in the midwestern United States and England, crop circles are thought to be caused by aliens, or some dark, unspeakable force such as linux, or Oprah. Your typical crop circle usually takes up the better part of a wheat or corn field and is made of geometric shapes, such as circles, squares and triangles. Although their purpose is unknown, it is theorized that crop circles are used as huge extraterrestrial road signs, a form of communication between Linux developers, or just to piss farmers off. Either way, whenever they show up, people tend to have a big stink about aliens or software companies.
  • Crop Circles are pattern formations that occurs on crops such as wheat, barley, or rapeseed. These patterns tend to be circular in structure, but not always. These bizarre markings are considered extraterrestrial in origin by many people. It is believed that these symbols were made by extraterrestrials during one of their expeditions to Earth. According to several ufologists, these symbols were actually messages that aliens left behind, and they are speechless as to what these messages mean. They are also clueless as to whether or not these supposed messages are of a good or bad nature. Those of a more critical mind, however, considered there to be a scientific explanation for these strange patterns. Many propose that these patterns were most likely created when a tractor malfunctioned, and it could only make right turns through the fields. According to them, this awkward occurrence would ultimately lead to a circular formation in the crops, thus leading to a crop circle. Others believe that some crop circles were faked by people seeking attention.
  • Crop Circles are believed to be Extraterrestrial in origin. Some believe that Crop Circles are a means of communication from aliens, and some believe that they are the sites of UFO landings.
  • Moving to new wikia. Information is saved in case a request is made for this article's return. Rift Fleet 03:30, October 4, 2009 (UTC)