  • Grey Knights Interceptor Squad
  • The Grey Knights are as varied as any of the Imperium’s Space Marine Chapters and include in their numbers specialised warriors to deal with the myriad of combat situations. Many of these, such as Techmarines and Librarians, are organised and trained in much the same way as they would be in other Chapters, following the ancient guidelines and traditions laid out in the Codex Astartes. Others are unique to the Grey Knights and only found within their ranks, such as the Grey Knights Strike Squad, which is specially trained and equipped for a task specific to the Grey Knights' eternal war against the daemonic. While most Astartes fight in wars, launch raids, and engage in other traditional military actions, the Grey Knight Chapter is specialised in responding to daemonic threats with only a m
  • The Grey Knights are as varied as any of the Imperium’s Space Marine Chapters and include in their numbers specialised warriors to deal with the myriad of combat situations. Many of these, such as Techmarines and Librarians, are organised and trained in much the same way as they would be in other Chapters, following the ancient guidelines and traditions laid out in the Codex Astartes. Others are unique to the Grey Knights and only found within their ranks, such as the Grey Knights Strike Squad, which is specially trained and equipped for a task specific to the Grey Knights' eternal war against the daemonic. While most Astartes fight in wars, launch raids, and engage in other traditional military actions, the Grey Knight Chapter is specialised in responding to daemonic threats with only a moment’s notice, ready for battle, and ending the threat quickly before it can damn entire planets. When rapid response is required, Grey Knights warriors may be equipped with personal teleporters and assigned to an Interceptor Squad. Grey Knights serving as part of an Interceptor Squad are equipped with personal teleporters that allow them to translocate from one place to another without any need for a dedicated teleportarium. These backpack-sized devices that allow the squad to teleport site-to-site, without the massive arrays of machinery employed by conventional devices. Grey Knights equipped with personal teleporters can react to battlefield circumstances on the fly and cover huge straight-line distances by "shunting" themselves through Warpspace. Of all the warriors in service to the Imperium, only Grey Knights could hope to utilise such advanced technology--or have access to it. The wearer must possess great fortitude of mind and body to traverse Warpspace without the protection of a Gellar Field. Worse, he must do so without the added protections of Terminator Armour. Such wargear is too bulky for the limitations of the personal teleporter, which is why Interceptor Squads must, first and foremost, look to their own psychic abilities to act as defence against the untold and endless dangers of the Empyrean. This device was once used by Justicar Maligante to teleport from a planet’s surface to its moon in pursuit of the Daemon Prince Hazashe, an act of psychic and technical proficiency that few others could hope to duplicate. The potential of this technology is none-the-less staggering, as it offers the Grey Knights an unparalleled ability to make rapid surgical attacks at enemy positions.