  • Rosetta Joins the Family
  • Hi, I'm Rosetta and I live in the Little Children's Ally. I sleep in on days like these in my bed (a cardboard box with some cloth in it). I woke up to the sound of Maybelle the 2 year old crying. Then Miss Arlington the 9th would try to calm her down. I'm very thin, my dress is tatered and teared and has dirt stains on it. Wellington is besides me and he makes these weird noises all the time."The following children are coming with me to find homes, Mara, Karson, Mary, Kevin, Terra, Olly, Krista, and Rosetta" said the 30 year old Miss Arlington the 9th. She is young but she acts like she's 98. I pack my bag with my doll and the sign that said "Little Children's House for Orphans Please Adopt". The House is so poor it will just let people take us. We start walking out of the Ally and into D
  • Hi, I'm Rosetta and I live in the Little Children's Ally. I sleep in on days like these in my bed (a cardboard box with some cloth in it). I woke up to the sound of Maybelle the 2 year old crying. Then Miss Arlington the 9th would try to calm her down. I'm very thin, my dress is tatered and teared and has dirt stains on it. Wellington is besides me and he makes these weird noises all the time."The following children are coming with me to find homes, Mara, Karson, Mary, Kevin, Terra, Olly, Krista, and Rosetta" said the 30 year old Miss Arlington the 9th. She is young but she acts like she's 98. I pack my bag with my doll and the sign that said "Little Children's House for Orphans Please Adopt". The House is so poor it will just let people take us. We start walking out of the Ally and into Danville. First we past a house that said "Doofenshirtz evel incorparated" or thats what I think. Then we went to a street with a house with a women who looked like a pop star. She spotted us and then her husband came over.