  • Trigender
  • Trigender people may also identify as multigender, non-binary and/or transgender. If a trigender person feels that their identity changes over time or depending on circumstance, they may also identify as genderfluid, which describes any person whose gender identity varies over time. The term trigender was originally used in reference to the Native American gender Two-Spirit.
  • Trigenderism is a gender identification in which one shifts between or among the behaviors of male, female and a third gender (genderless, a mix of male and female, or any other variety of genderqueer identities). A trigender may transition from one gender to another depending on the individual's mood or situation. In contrast, someone who is gender fluid and identifies as trigender may mix two or more genders at a time. Trigender falls under the general category of genderqueer or androgyny, a gender identity that goes beyond the normal binary gender system (male and female) and tends to be a catch-all place for other gender identities. It can also be seen as the equivalent cultures that recognize individuals to define their own sense of self. North American Indians are one of several grou
  • Trigenderism is a gender identification in which one shifts between or among the behaviors of male, female and a third gender (genderless, a mix of male and female, or any other variety of genderqueer identities). A trigender may transition from one gender to another depending on the individual's mood or situation. In contrast, someone who is gender fluid and identifies as trigender may mix two or more genders at a time. Trigender falls under the general category of genderqueer or androgyny, a gender identity that goes beyond the normal binary gender system (male and female) and tends to be a catch-all place for other gender identities. It can also be seen as the equivalent cultures that recognize individuals to define their own sense of self. North American Indians are one of several groups to recognize a tri-gender system where the term berdache was used to differentiate the intermediate gender role . This does not equate to dissociative identity disorder as a trigender has one set of values and beliefs, yet these may fluctuate as the individual shifts from genders. In most Western or European societies this third sex differentiation is not so easily bestowed upon a person and in many instances, straying outside of the gender dichotomy becomes socially unacceptable. Western influence and Carolus Linnaeus' work that encouraged a categorization of life has led to marginalization for those outside of the heteronormative realm. Gender is somewhat difficult to measure, leading to the common belief that sex and gender are the same. Research shows that pattens in gender behavior/thoughts/feelings can be identified in the brain. Trigender individuals, much like Bigender individuals often feel the need to "present" as the gender they feel like at the given time. Thus trigender people often live cisgender, presenting and "passing" in the gender role that matches their bodies, and other times as transgender because they present and pass in a gender role that doesn't match their biological body. Sometimes they will express themselves androgynously to avoid having to deal with complications of living as more than one gender. Some genderfuck by consistently expressing more than one gender at a time. Biological females who become pregnant choose to present as female during the whole duration of pregnancy due to the unwanted attention of being perceived as a "pregnant man". Bigenders and Trigenders must undergo the process of learning to live as female and male culturally if they choose to express other genders. The May 2010 issue of Scientific American Mind is entirely on the social and biological constructs of gender expression and includes a small four page article in the back how studying transsexuals can bring greater insight into this field of study. The learning process of male and female cultural roles includes learning how to walk, talk, interact verbally and non-verbally, think, behave and more beyond just presenting the physical body as one gender or another. Trigenderism is considered rare and presently there is no cohesive community in which trigender individuals can share information, nor has there been a need to study or address specific issues associated with trigenderism. For the most part, trigenders find their accommodations and needs the same as bigenders. As transgender children have started to get more media attention in the 1990s and 2000s, studies have tried to further understand transgender issues. Some College and University LGBTQ groups and alliances are increasingly finding their communities more gender fluid (and sexual orientation fluid) as well and less oriented towards traditional labels such as "gay", "bisexual", and "straight". The American Psychological Association and University of California, San Franscisco recognize Bigender as a subset of the transgender community. In the UK, Polygender is a common term found on Transgender websites, forums, and support groups, as well as at the Scottish Transgender Alliance.
  • Trigender people may also identify as multigender, non-binary and/or transgender. If a trigender person feels that their identity changes over time or depending on circumstance, they may also identify as genderfluid, which describes any person whose gender identity varies over time. Trigender people can have any gender expression but many prefer to be seen as androgynous and/or change their presentation to be more masculine or feminine depending on their current identity. Trigender people may experience dysphoria in which they want their body to reflect traits from three distinct sexes, if they are gender staticor experience dysphoria at some times but not others, if they are gender fluid. However, not all trigender people experience dysphoria. Some trigender people may choose to transition so that their body more closely matches their gender identity, but not all do. The term trigender was originally used in reference to the Native American gender Two-Spirit.