  • George Matthew
  • George Matthew (ジョージD.マシュー, Jōji Mashū) is the leader of Dead Corpses (死体, Shitai) an organization that is working to take down Soul Society. He was previously the student of Shin'ō Academy, before he found out that Shinigami's of Soul Society killed his brother because he found a base where they performed experiments on innocent souls. After he left the Soul Society he formed an organization with a few of his friends and trained everyone who wanted to be able to fight like Shinigami's. He named it Dead Corpses in honor of every person that were at that base. He is called Shinigami Killer (死神殺人, Shinigami Satsujin), because he was able to fight on parry Byakuya Kuchiki to certain extent on his first attack on Soul Society. While many of his enemies calls him like that, his companions call
  • Kankyū Saigetsu
  • Saigetsu
Base of Operations
  • Georges Inner World
  • George
  • Saigetsu
  • Female
  • [[w:c:bleach:Zanpakutō
  • George Matthew (ジョージD.マシュー, Jōji Mashū) is the leader of Dead Corpses (死体, Shitai) an organization that is working to take down Soul Society. He was previously the student of Shin'ō Academy, before he found out that Shinigami's of Soul Society killed his brother because he found a base where they performed experiments on innocent souls. After he left the Soul Society he formed an organization with a few of his friends and trained everyone who wanted to be able to fight like Shinigami's. He named it Dead Corpses in honor of every person that were at that base. He is called Shinigami Killer (死神殺人, Shinigami Satsujin), because he was able to fight on parry Byakuya Kuchiki to certain extent on his first attack on Soul Society. While many of his enemies calls him like that, his companions call him by his original epithet that he got when he was still in Shin'ō Academy. Back then he was called Prodigy (神童, Shindō) because he was one of the most talented Shinigami of his generation.