  • Noh Har
  • Noh Har was a male Zabrak Jedi Knight. He became a Jedi General following the destruction of his people's colonies during the first couple years of the Mandalorian Wars. He was the best friend of Jedi Knight Ennyl Imsan and had been able to convince her to join the fight against the Mandalorians. He was killed during the Battle of Korda 6 after his squadmate, fellow Jedi Crisan Asle, was unable to locate him during a Mandalorian ambush.
  • Noh Har was a male Zabrak Jedi Knight. He became a Jedi General following the destruction of his people's colonies during the first couple years of the Mandalorian Wars. He was the best friend of Jedi Knight Ennyl Imsan and had been able to convince her to join the fight against the Mandalorians. He was killed during the Battle of Korda 6 after his squadmate, fellow Jedi Crisan Asle, was unable to locate him during a Mandalorian ambush.