  • Skinks
  • The Skinks form one of the core species of the Lizardmen race, created by the Old Ones to be the workers, artisans and crafters of their society. Skittish and quick, Skinks stand out from the rest of the sluggish Lizardmen in terms of mental capacity. They are the mass workforce designed by the Old Ones to perform many different roles that requires a quick mind and a dexterous hand to operate, and without them, Lizardmen society would simply collapse.[1a]
  • The Skinks form one of the core species of the Lizardmen race, created by the Old Ones to be the workers, artisans and crafters of their society. Skittish and quick, Skinks stand out from the rest of the sluggish Lizardmen in terms of mental capacity. They are the mass workforce designed by the Old Ones to perform many different roles that requires a quick mind and a dexterous hand to operate, and without them, Lizardmen society would simply collapse.[1a] Skinks are highly organised and sociable beings that instinctively work well in groups, even being able to coerce other cold-blooded creatures into doing their bidding. Both physically and mentally agile, Skinks are perfectly adapted to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the temple-cities as well as operating the far-ranging patrols that sweep across the vast jungle continent. Of all the Lizardmen, the Skinks are the most communicative, using their changeable skin tones and crests colours to add subtle inferences to their vocal language, in which they chitter endlessly in high-pitched voices full of clicks, hisses and other curious sounds.[1a]