  • Light Suit
  • Light Suit
  • Light suit
  • Samus Aran's Light Suit is a fusion of Luminoth and Chozo technology. It was created by the Luminoth as the ultimate armor with which to combat the Ing. It renders Samus completely invulnerable to the damaging effects of Dark Aether. The Light Suit itself is powered by the Light of Aether, and as such is only obtained after she has returned the planetary energy to all three temples. Once all three have been restored, U-Mos will give her the Light Suit upon her return to the Great Temple. The suit allows Samus to traverse Dark Water without taking damage, as well as walk through swarms of Ingstorm and ride on Light Shafts. These beams of light teleport Samus between the four main temples, aiding her final quest in recovering the Sky Temple Keys.
  • thumb|Light Suit Der Light Suit ist der letzte Anzug, den Samus von U-Mos in Metroid Prime 2 bekommt. Nachdem Samus die Energie von Agon, Torvus und der Geheiligten Festung wiederhergestellt hat, bekommt sie von U-Mos den Light Suit, der die Technologie der Luminoth und der Chozo beinhaltet. Durch den Light Suit ist Samus gegen die todbringende, toxische Atmosphäre des Dunklen Aethers geschützt. Es ist ihr desweiteren möglich, die Teleportationssäulen der Luminoth zu nutzen, die sich in den Energieregulatoren befinden. Auch Ing-Stürme fügen ihr keinen Schaden mehr zu.
  • Light suits are worn by programs in the TRON Universe. In many cases they resemble motorcycle suits, albeit with fluorescent-like glowing strips illuminating them. These highlights are common to every being in the TRON system. Users may appear in the system with their regular clothing, however they can also be fitted with the same suit as any program. Their clothing returns to normal when they return to the real world, although it is never explained how Quorra came to be wearing regular clothes at the end of TRON: Legacy.
sam notes
  • The suit is fully resistant to the effects of Dark Aether.
  • The suit is also invulnerable to the effects of dark water. You can move through it without being impeded.
  • The Light Suit is able to access the Luminoth energy transport system. You can ride these beams of energy between regions on Aether.
  • Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy
  • mp2
  • Light Suit
inv text
  • The Light Suit is a fusion of Luminoth and Chozo battlesuit technology.
  • Protects against Air of Dark Aether, Ingstorm, Dark Water and ability to ride Light Shafts
  • Light suits are worn by programs in the TRON Universe. In many cases they resemble motorcycle suits, albeit with fluorescent-like glowing strips illuminating them. These highlights are common to every being in the TRON system. Users may appear in the system with their regular clothing, however they can also be fitted with the same suit as any program. Their clothing returns to normal when they return to the real world, although it is never explained how Quorra came to be wearing regular clothes at the end of TRON: Legacy. A typical program's suit is usually black with the illuminated strips contrasting starkly against the dark body suit. Some are made with a white design instead, pulling together the glowing highlights over apparel made in very light colors. A curious trait of the more armored suits is the ability to blend into the structure of baton-created vehicles, marrying the suited rider to the vehicle as if they are a single cohesive unit. These black garments can also supply a helmet that forms rapidly around the head of the wearer when triggered.
  • Samus Aran's Light Suit is a fusion of Luminoth and Chozo technology. It was created by the Luminoth as the ultimate armor with which to combat the Ing. It renders Samus completely invulnerable to the damaging effects of Dark Aether. The Light Suit itself is powered by the Light of Aether, and as such is only obtained after she has returned the planetary energy to all three temples. Once all three have been restored, U-Mos will give her the Light Suit upon her return to the Great Temple. The suit allows Samus to traverse Dark Water without taking damage, as well as walk through swarms of Ingstorm and ride on Light Shafts. These beams of light teleport Samus between the four main temples, aiding her final quest in recovering the Sky Temple Keys.
  • thumb|Light Suit Der Light Suit ist der letzte Anzug, den Samus von U-Mos in Metroid Prime 2 bekommt. Nachdem Samus die Energie von Agon, Torvus und der Geheiligten Festung wiederhergestellt hat, bekommt sie von U-Mos den Light Suit, der die Technologie der Luminoth und der Chozo beinhaltet. Durch den Light Suit ist Samus gegen die todbringende, toxische Atmosphäre des Dunklen Aethers geschützt. Es ist ihr desweiteren möglich, die Teleportationssäulen der Luminoth zu nutzen, die sich in den Energieregulatoren befinden. Auch Ing-Stürme fügen ihr keinen Schaden mehr zu.
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