  • Isle of Pillars
  • The Isle of Pillars was an island of mountains rising straight up from the sea several days west of Bael. The few places were a ship could land were narrow beaches created by generations of birds defecating on the cliffs. The island was claimed by Luthal Canar of the Canar trading house in Lether for the valuable mining rights to the bird dung. The Letherii were in the process of building a wooden palisade on the shore.
  • The Isle of Pillars was an island of mountains rising straight up from the sea several days west of Bael. The few places were a ship could land were narrow beaches created by generations of birds defecating on the cliffs. The island was claimed by Luthal Canar of the Canar trading house in Lether for the valuable mining rights to the bird dung. The Letherii were in the process of building a wooden palisade on the shore.