  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • LSD
  • L' acide lysergique diéthylamide (C20H25N3O) ou LSD est une puissante drogue psychotrope. Elle fut utilisée sur Terre pour des buts médicaux, spirituels et récréatifs. Lors de leur voyage dans le temps en 1986, James T. Kirk expliqua à Gillian Taylor que le comportement étrange de Spock était dû à la consommation excessive de LSD dans les années 1960 lorsqu'il faisait partie du Free Speech Movement à Berkeley. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home")
  • --Tartakover 12 novembre 2006 à 09:02 (UTC)
  • LSD is an Elona variant based off the omake variant. Its full name is Elona omake LSD. Some of its features are imported from other variants (like stamina display), but many of them are novel and are centred around drugs and addiction. It adds the addiction status ailment, bad trips, and some narcotic items. Save files are similar to omake in their compatibility. To play, place all LSD files with all omake files (version 24/12/2013 or later) as well as Elona 1.22 beta files then run the LSD executable.
  • Virus.DOS.LSD.1600 is a very dangerous file overwriting virus on DOS, systems infected by this virus will become unusable.
  • LSD ist eine Drogenart, die auf der Erde im späten 20. Jahrhundert ein Begriff ist. Kirk macht 1986 einen Scherz mit Spock und sagt zu der Meeresbiologin Gillian Taylor, dass der Vulkanier in den 1960er Jahren zu viel von dieser Droge konsumiert habe und sich deswegen nun so seltsam verhalte. Dabei verdreht Kirk jedoch die letzten beiden Buchstaben zu LDS, so dass Dr. Taylor dementsprechend verwundert darüber ist. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart)
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide is a psychedelic drug synthesized from the Ergot fungus. LSD.png|LSD structure
  • D-Lizerga Acida Dietilamido, genia kreaĵo de Majstro Zamenhof vaste uzata en la interreto, estas bela vehiklo por poezii, muziki kaj transiri la limojn de kreado, per kiu mi helpas organizi grupojn, projektojn, aranĝojn aŭ seminariojn. Ĝi estas bonega maniero renkonti amikojn, kiuj ŝatas min, ĉar ĝi estas transnacia kulturlingvo de alternativa komunikado kaj NE internacia helplingvo de granda komunikado. Se LSD ne ekzistus tiam mi ankoraŭ ne fumus tabakon, tamen mi neniam estus renkontinta miajn plej karajn amikojn. 200px|right
  • In (LOM Series 1: Episode 4), Sam Tyler is secretly slipped LSD by Joni Newton, a young girl working for local gangster, Marc Warren. Sam thought he was helping Joni get away from Warren when in fact Warren sent her to play on his sympathies, seduce him, and take incriminating photos. The next morning, Sam finds himself handcuffed to his bed, naked, and realizes Joni was a "honey trap".
  • La LSD o LSD-25 es un compuesto cristalino, relacionado estrechamente con los alcaloides del cornezuelo del centeno, a partir de los cuales puede prepararse semisintéticamente. Es una de las sustancia psicotrópica más potente que se conoce (después del DMT y la Salvinorin A), e induce estados alterados de conciencia, comparados en ocasiones con los de la esquizofrenia o la experiencia mística.
  • While visiting Earth in 1986, James T. Kirk attempted to explain Spock's erratic behavior to Gillian Taylor by saying that he believed his "harmless" friend had used too much LSD (mistakenly referring to it as "LDS") during the 1960s while "he was part of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley", California. Taylor noted his mistake before agreeing to give them a lift. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • LSD is the acronym for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, a.k.a. LSD 25, a powerful hallucinogen. LSD was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland, No examination of the Sixties would be complete without acknowledging the profound effect that the large-scale unsanctioned experiments, starting in 1964, with this powerful perception-altering substance, had upon the creative processes of an entire generation.
  • LSD is a drug invented by hippies, communist, and Bears to destroy the fragile little minds of all God fearing Americans. It was put on this earth by Satan shortly after Noah's son raped him in his vineyard while he was drunk. It is sometimes thought that bears and witches sometimes drug small children with the drug around Halloween. This makes the Baby Jesus sad. Some folk say LSD was given to troops in the 1940's to give them superhuman strength and mind power; however, they are thinking of Super-Soldier serum, and this was only given to Captain America. This is how he single-handedly destroyed the Nazi scum. LSD was also used by The Beatles as an acronym for their song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
  • In the late 1960s, Timothy Leary decried LSD as "A menace to society", and called for its outlaw, but it was not until Bob Dylan released his 10th album in 1970 that LSD was finally made illegal in the public domain.
  • thumb|350pxOlivia soll endlich von Bells Bewusstsein befreit werden. Peter, Walter und Bell nehmen Drogen und begeben sich in Olivias Psyche auf die Suche nach ihr. Sie vermuten, dass sie sich verängstigt in einen Winkel ihres Bewusstseins zurückgezogen hat. Auf der Suche nach ihr stoßen sie auf viele Hindernisse. Wird es den Dreien gelingen, Olivia zu finden und welchen Preis müssen sie für ihr Vorgehen zahlen? Kategorie:Episoden Kategorie:Episode aus Staffel 3 3 Kategorie:Vorlage fehlt
  • thumb|Wir ... als жБЯдЋ-Käfer|200px LSD ist keine Alltagsdroge. Die Abkürzung steht offenbar für Lдҗ SИҰЂЮ DЯҚӨЛЃЩ. Wir kennen sie auch unter dem Namen Acid. Nein, das ist nicht das, was nach einem Wohnungsbrand aus den Brennstäben unseres Fernsehers läuft. Acid ist vielmehr das, was aus den Brennstäben unseres Fernsehers läuft, wenn wir Natural Born Killers auf LSD ansehen. Der LSD-Player hat eine Menge Knöpfe, und wenn wir den falschen drücken... na das überlassen wir lieber der Fantasie von uns, dem Leser.
  • LSD (letní směs deodorantů) je syntetická tvrdá droga, která má silné, psychedelické účinky. Vzniká kombinací různých vůní ženských deodorantů především v uzavřených prostorách za horkého počasí (někdy i ve venkovních prostorách). Dá se vyrobit uměle.
  • Synthetische Droge, die in den 60ern und 70ern des letzten Jahrhunderts sehr beliebt war. Ihre Wirkung besteht darin, daß sie die Filter an den Rezeptoren der Nervenzellen ausschaltet. D.h. von all dem grassen Zeug, das man dann sieht (hört, spürt, etc.) ist einiges tatsächlich ein Teil der Realtät, den unser Hirn uns sonst gerne vorenthält. Hat allerdings die unangenehme Eigenschaft, daß a) ziemlich üble Horrortrips auftauchen können(weil die Realität ganz schön übel sein kann, bzw. man selbst) b) man auf Trips hängen bleiben kann c) die Psyche nachhaltig verändert werden kann und d) Leute starben, weil sie auf LSD dachten, sie könnten fliegen oder Lastwägen in voller Fahrt mit der eigenen Hand stoppen. Was sie natürlich nicht konnten.
  • LSD is illegal without medical supervision in most or all Countries. With "responsible" use it has no addictive properties but LSD use can lead to use of other more addictive drugs. Amy Winehouse blamed her addiction to Crack cocaine onto a Hallucination of the Devil which she suffered under LSD.
  • LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a psychedelic drug used by The Beatles in the mid to late 1960s. While LSD influenced the group's music, they rarely used it in-studio. LSD was introduced to John and George by a dentist at a dinner party who slipped it into their drinks. While John, George and Ringo were the first to try it, Paul was the first Beatle to speak to the press openly about his use of the drug. George: If I had half a chance, I’d put acid in the Government’s tea. Source:
  • L'LSD, o dietilamide dell'acido (d)-lisergico, è un potente allucinogeno semisintetico, derivato dagli alcaloidi dei funghi dell'ergot della Claviceps purpurea. Esplica la sua azione grazie alla sua elevata affinità con tutti i sottotipi dei recettori della dopamina e gran parte di quelli della serotonina. Sul fisico ha effetti stimolanti e simpaticomimetici, come ad esempio la classica pupilla allargata, nausea e tachicardia. Sulla psiche ha effetti molto più profondi, di carattere allucinogeno e psichedelico. E' attivo perfino a dosi di 30mcg.
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly called LSD, or LSD-25, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug. The short form LSD comes from the German "Lysergsäure-diethylamid". A typical single dose of LSD during the 1960s was between 100 and 200 micrograms,[1] an amount roughly equal to one-tenth the mass of a grain of sand. Today, a typical single dose of LSD can be as low as 25–50 micrograms, although they are more commonly 50–100 micrograms.[1] Threshold effects can be felt with as little as 20 micrograms.[2]
  • 16. aprila ratne 1943. godine švajcarski hemičar dr Albert Hofman je osetio “snoliko stanje” baveći se uobičajenim laboratorijskim eksperimentima. Posumnjao je da to osećanje ima veze sa novim hemijskim spojem na kojem je radio i koji se zvao dietilamid tartrat lizergične kiseline. Hofman je odlučio da delovanje nove supstance prvo isproba na sebi. Za početak eksperimenta uneo je u sebe gotovo neopisivo malu količinu, u kakvoj ni jedna do tada poznata supstanca nije bila aktivna u ljudskom organizmu. Svega 0.25 miligrama, odnosno četvrtinu hiljaditog dela grama. Gledano današnjim merilima, švajcarski naučnik je uzeo barem dva do tri čitava LSD-a, količinu koja je mnoge druge poslala na višednevno psihijatrijsko lečenje. No, doktor se nije predavao već je seo na bicikl i uputio se kući sa z
  • Prior to performing at the Fillmore, the rock band HPL dropped LSD provided to them by the legendary Kid Charlemagne, and then went out to perform. (On the way out to the stage, HPL's de facto leader, George had to navigate around the mirage of a pit full of fire; a mirage created by the LSD.)
  • Lysergsäurediethylamid, kurz LSD, ist ein bereits sehr geringen Dosierungen wirksames Halluzinogen aus der Gruppe der Psychedelika. Es ist ein chemisches Derivat von Ergin bzw. Ergolin und wurde ursprünglich halbsynthetisch aus Mutterkorn-Alkaloiden hergestellt. Pharmakologisch gehört LSD, wie andere Psychedelika, zur Gruppe der Serotonin-2A-Agonisten.
  • L'LSD si può fumare, inalare, iniettare ma è sconsigliato come condimento per la Carbonara in quanto, ingerito, perde il suo effetto. Ultimamente lo si consuma sotto forma di "francobolli" chiamati "cartoni" in quanto l'effetto cambia i colori del mondo reale con quelli del mondo dei cartoons, in sfumature che vanno dal giallo Simpson al blu Puffo passando per il rosa pantera e l'azzurro Megamind durante il Good Trip. Mentre durante il Bad Trip appaiono varianti come Nero Berserk o buie scale di grigi alla Tim Burton. Se si intende "viaggiare", è consigliabile un accompagnatore sano o al massimo un po' ubriaco per evitare di scambiare lucciole per lanterne o treni in corsa per formose donzelle. La sostanza manifesta il suo effetto dopo una mezz'ora quindi si eviti di assumere una dose ogni
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD is an illegal drug classified as a psychedelic hallucinogen, which was first synthesised by a Swiss researcher, Albert Hoffmann in 1938 - although it's powerful effects were not known until 1943. Though synthetic, LSD is derived from the ergot fungus which grows on grain. It is generally used recreationally for its hallucinogenic effects, which can include synethesia or the perception of one sensation through another sense, such as "seeing music"; as well as altered visual perception - such as objects warping and changing colors. Contrary to popular belief it is very uncommon for users to actually hallucinate something which does not exist - rather the drug usually warps and alters perception of real things. The drug also has powerful effects on a person's
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family. Its unusual psychological effects, which include visuals of colored and crawling geometric patterns, and a sense of time distortion have made it one of the most widely known psychedelic drugs. It has been used mainly as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and as a tool to supplement various practices for transcendence, including in meditation, psychonautics, art projects, and illicit (formerly legal) psychedelic therapy. Formally, LSD is classified as a hallucinogen of the psychedelic type.
  • LSD ist die Bezeichnung für die neuentwickelte Lachfisch Spezial Dosierhilfe. Viele User des Lachfisch-Servers beklagen sich, dass es ihnen schwer fällt, die Zeit, die sie auf dem Server verbringen, zu regulieren. Durch die nächtelangen Sitzungen vor dem Bildschirm leidet mitlerweile so manche private Beziehung. Dies ist nicht im Sinne des Lachfischs und ist schon gar nicht von Gott so gewollt. Auf Anregung einiger Lachfisch-User hat der Oberguru des Lachfisch-Portals sich entschlossen Lachfisch-Dosierhilfen zu entwickeln.
  • 1994-04-29
  • MS-DOS
  • LSD
  • Virus
Andere Namen
  • * (D)--Lysergsäurediethylamid * -Lysergsäurediethylamid * 9,10-Didehydro-N,N-diethyl-6- methylergolin-8β-carboxamid * N,N-Diethyl-lysergamid
  • 50
  • Assembly
  • 5761
  • Any type
  • *LSD
  • partieller Agonist an Serotonin- -Rezeptoren
  • *1,8 mg•kg−1 . * 16 mg•kg−1
  • farblose, spitze Prismen
  • C20H25N3O
  • wenig löslich in Wasser
  • 82
Molare Masse
  • 323.420000
  • 150
  • DB04829
  • Death Dealer
  • 1600
wikipage disambiguates
  • 7.800000
  • Lysergid
  • L'LSD si può fumare, inalare, iniettare ma è sconsigliato come condimento per la Carbonara in quanto, ingerito, perde il suo effetto. Ultimamente lo si consuma sotto forma di "francobolli" chiamati "cartoni" in quanto l'effetto cambia i colori del mondo reale con quelli del mondo dei cartoons, in sfumature che vanno dal giallo Simpson al blu Puffo passando per il rosa pantera e l'azzurro Megamind durante il Good Trip. Mentre durante il Bad Trip appaiono varianti come Nero Berserk o buie scale di grigi alla Tim Burton. Se si intende "viaggiare", è consigliabile un accompagnatore sano o al massimo un po' ubriaco per evitare di scambiare lucciole per lanterne o treni in corsa per formose donzelle. La sostanza manifesta il suo effetto dopo una mezz'ora quindi si eviti di assumere una dose ogni cinque minuti ripetendo in continuazione che non funziona. Come anticipato l'LSD può provocare due diversi stati di alterazione agli antipodi tra loro, ciò dipende dallo stato d'animo del consumatore al momento. In parole povere se oggi siete felici perché la mamma vi ha fatto le tagliatelle col sugo basterà sedervi sul divano per essere scaraventati su Pandora con il triplo degli effetti speciali e in più una trama originale, il tutto accompagnato da melodie celestiali e profumi inebrianti. Al contrario, se siete tristi perché la vostra ragazza vi ha appena mollati e la mamma alla sera ha cucinato i broccoli, preparatevi ad essere travolti da ondate di puro terrore allucinatorio. Provate a immaginare Boldi e De Sica che vi mettono all'angolo urlando battute così vecchie da farvi raggrinzire la pelle, cadere i denti e brizzolare i capelli mentre Nino D'Angelo con Merola e Murolo si dedicano alla colonna sonora, paura, eh? Per esprimere certi concetti bisogna usare metafore forti. In ogni caso, l'esperienza si esaurirà nel giro di dodici ore e tornerete alla realtà, ma potrà capitare di incappare in un Flashback. Se i sintomi persistono non consultare un medico, se non si vuole finire al SERT, ma fare finta di niente. Ad esempio: se mentre un'importante cena di lavoro entrasse in scena un Troll in tenuta da combattimento che inizia a menare la clava sui tavoli e a spappolare coppiette con candela, un piccolo consiglio: prima di fare qualsiasi cosa osservate la reazione dei commensali, a meno che non siano vostri compagni di viaggio.
  • Prior to performing at the Fillmore, the rock band HPL dropped LSD provided to them by the legendary Kid Charlemagne, and then went out to perform. (On the way out to the stage, HPL's de facto leader, George had to navigate around the mirage of a pit full of fire; a mirage created by the LSD.) The band was only part way through their second song when the house emcee announced that San Francisco was under attack by shoggoths The Fillmore began to evacuate, but then a shoggoth arrived. After causing substantial damage, the shoggoth was destroyed by napalm, and then the band evacuated to nearby Lafayette Park. After eating and sleeping through the night, George awoke the next morning, and was able to listen to a radio report about the shoggoth attack. He learned that 16 people were known to have been killed at the Fillmore, that two shoggoths attacked the De Young Museum, destroying all the extensive collection of Old Ones artifacts, and that one shoggoth had attacked the zoo and killed all of the cave penguins. George found the deaths of the harmless penguins sadder than any other part of the attack, and concluded he may not yet have come down from his LSD high.
  • L' acide lysergique diéthylamide (C20H25N3O) ou LSD est une puissante drogue psychotrope. Elle fut utilisée sur Terre pour des buts médicaux, spirituels et récréatifs. Lors de leur voyage dans le temps en 1986, James T. Kirk expliqua à Gillian Taylor que le comportement étrange de Spock était dû à la consommation excessive de LSD dans les années 1960 lorsqu'il faisait partie du Free Speech Movement à Berkeley. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home")
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly called LSD, or LSD-25, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug. The short form LSD comes from the German "Lysergsäure-diethylamid". A typical single dose of LSD during the 1960s was between 100 and 200 micrograms,[1] an amount roughly equal to one-tenth the mass of a grain of sand. Today, a typical single dose of LSD can be as low as 25–50 micrograms, although they are more commonly 50–100 micrograms.[1] Threshold effects can be felt with as little as 20 micrograms.[2] The effects of LSD can vary greatly, depending on factors such as previous experiences, state of mind and environment, as well as dose strength. Generally, LSD causes expansion and altered experience of senses, emotions, memories, time, and awareness for 8 to 14 hours. In addition, LSD may produce visual effects such as moving geometric patterns, "trails" behind moving objects, and brilliant colors. LSD does not produce hallucinations in the strict sense but instead illusions and vivid daydream-like fantasies, in which ordinary objects and experiences can take on entirely different appearances or meanings. At higher doses it can cause synesthesia. Some users cite the LSD experience as causing long-term or even permanent changes in their personality and life perspective. LSD is synthesized from lysergic acid derived from ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye. LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light, and chlorine, especially in solution (though its potency may last years if the substance is stored away from light and moisture at low temperature). In pure form it is colorless, odorless, and mildly bitter. LSD is typically delivered orally, usually on a substrate such as absorbent blotter paper, a sugar cube, or gelatin. Introduced by Sandoz Laboratories as a drug with various psychiatric uses, LSD quickly became a therapeutic agent that appeared to show great promise. However, the extra-medical use of the drug in Western society in the middle years of the twentieth century led to a political firestorm that resulted in the banning of the substance for medical as well as recreational and spiritual uses. Despite this, it is still considered a promising drug in some intellectual circles.
  • Lysergsäurediethylamid, kurz LSD, ist ein bereits sehr geringen Dosierungen wirksames Halluzinogen aus der Gruppe der Psychedelika. Es ist ein chemisches Derivat von Ergin bzw. Ergolin und wurde ursprünglich halbsynthetisch aus Mutterkorn-Alkaloiden hergestellt. Pharmakologisch gehört LSD, wie andere Psychedelika, zur Gruppe der Serotonin-2A-Agonisten. Im Szenejargon wird LSD auch Acid (englisch - zu deutsch „Säure“), Lucy (vgl. Lucy in the sky with diamonds) und Alice (vgl. Alice im Wunderland) genannt. LSD auf Löschpapier wird auch als Ticket, Trip oder Blotter bezeichnet. In den 1950er wurde LSD unter dem Namen Delysid von Sandoz vertrieben.
  • --Tartakover 12 novembre 2006 à 09:02 (UTC)
  • LSD is an Elona variant based off the omake variant. Its full name is Elona omake LSD. Some of its features are imported from other variants (like stamina display), but many of them are novel and are centred around drugs and addiction. It adds the addiction status ailment, bad trips, and some narcotic items. Save files are similar to omake in their compatibility. To play, place all LSD files with all omake files (version 24/12/2013 or later) as well as Elona 1.22 beta files then run the LSD executable.
  • 16. aprila ratne 1943. godine švajcarski hemičar dr Albert Hofman je osetio “snoliko stanje” baveći se uobičajenim laboratorijskim eksperimentima. Posumnjao je da to osećanje ima veze sa novim hemijskim spojem na kojem je radio i koji se zvao dietilamid tartrat lizergične kiseline. Hofman je odlučio da delovanje nove supstance prvo isproba na sebi. Za početak eksperimenta uneo je u sebe gotovo neopisivo malu količinu, u kakvoj ni jedna do tada poznata supstanca nije bila aktivna u ljudskom organizmu. Svega 0.25 miligrama, odnosno četvrtinu hiljaditog dela grama. Gledano današnjim merilima, švajcarski naučnik je uzeo barem dva do tri čitava LSD-a, količinu koja je mnoge druge poslala na višednevno psihijatrijsko lečenje. No, doktor se nije predavao već je seo na bicikl i uputio se kući sa zastrašujućim haosom u glavi, uveren da je u potpunosti i nepovratno poludeo. U tom trenutku nije mogao ni pretpostaviti da će njegovo iskustvo, kao prvo psihodelično esid iskustvo ikad, poprimiti kultni status, a zahvaljujući nadljudskom postignuću vožnje bicikla na 250 µg LSD-a, događaj će postati poznat kao “Dan bicikla”. Tako je nastao jedan od najviše uzdizanih i najstrastvenije osuđivanih hemijskih spojeva u dvadesetom veku. Svoj uspeh u izolovanju aktivne materije “čarobnih” gljiva, čime su se do tada bezuspešno bavili američki naučnici, Hofman objašnjava činjenicom da dok su drugi uzorke testirali na životinjama, on se nije ustručavao isprobati ih na sebi i svojim asistentima.
  • Virus.DOS.LSD.1600 is a very dangerous file overwriting virus on DOS, systems infected by this virus will become unusable.
  • LSD ist eine Drogenart, die auf der Erde im späten 20. Jahrhundert ein Begriff ist. Kirk macht 1986 einen Scherz mit Spock und sagt zu der Meeresbiologin Gillian Taylor, dass der Vulkanier in den 1960er Jahren zu viel von dieser Droge konsumiert habe und sich deswegen nun so seltsam verhalte. Dabei verdreht Kirk jedoch die letzten beiden Buchstaben zu LDS, so dass Dr. Taylor dementsprechend verwundert darüber ist. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart)
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide is a psychedelic drug synthesized from the Ergot fungus. LSD.png|LSD structure
  • D-Lizerga Acida Dietilamido, genia kreaĵo de Majstro Zamenhof vaste uzata en la interreto, estas bela vehiklo por poezii, muziki kaj transiri la limojn de kreado, per kiu mi helpas organizi grupojn, projektojn, aranĝojn aŭ seminariojn. Ĝi estas bonega maniero renkonti amikojn, kiuj ŝatas min, ĉar ĝi estas transnacia kulturlingvo de alternativa komunikado kaj NE internacia helplingvo de granda komunikado. Se LSD ne ekzistus tiam mi ankoraŭ ne fumus tabakon, tamen mi neniam estus renkontinta miajn plej karajn amikojn. 200px|right
  • In (LOM Series 1: Episode 4), Sam Tyler is secretly slipped LSD by Joni Newton, a young girl working for local gangster, Marc Warren. Sam thought he was helping Joni get away from Warren when in fact Warren sent her to play on his sympathies, seduce him, and take incriminating photos. The next morning, Sam finds himself handcuffed to his bed, naked, and realizes Joni was a "honey trap".
  • La LSD o LSD-25 es un compuesto cristalino, relacionado estrechamente con los alcaloides del cornezuelo del centeno, a partir de los cuales puede prepararse semisintéticamente. Es una de las sustancia psicotrópica más potente que se conoce (después del DMT y la Salvinorin A), e induce estados alterados de conciencia, comparados en ocasiones con los de la esquizofrenia o la experiencia mística.
  • L'LSD, o dietilamide dell'acido (d)-lisergico, è un potente allucinogeno semisintetico, derivato dagli alcaloidi dei funghi dell'ergot della Claviceps purpurea. Esplica la sua azione grazie alla sua elevata affinità con tutti i sottotipi dei recettori della dopamina e gran parte di quelli della serotonina. Sul fisico ha effetti stimolanti e simpaticomimetici, come ad esempio la classica pupilla allargata, nausea e tachicardia. Sulla psiche ha effetti molto più profondi, di carattere allucinogeno e psichedelico. E' attivo perfino a dosi di 30mcg. Mentre molti utilizzatori pensano che l'LSD aiuti l'esplorazione interiore e dichiarano di aver ricevuto intuizioni rivelatrici durante l'uso, altri hanno esperienze sconfortanti e terrorizzanti; nel secondo caso si parla di bad trip. Essendo l'LSD un potente amplificatore sensoriale, è opportuno che lo psiconauta abbia un buon set (il luogo dove il trip è intrapreso) e un buon setting (lo stato d'animo precedente il trip, molto più importante del primo). Sintetizzato la prima volta da Albert Hoffman nel 1938, fino al 1943 le sue proprietà rimasero sconosciute, fino a quando lo scienziato ebbe l'idea di sintetizzare nuovamente il composto. Una piccola quantità di LSD venne assorbita da Albert Hoffman, probabilmente tramite i polpastrelli, e notati gli strani effetti sulla psiche decise di provarlo nuovamente di sua spontanea volontà. Da quel momento in poi la Sandoz inizia a vendere LSD in tutto il mondo. Scoperte le sue proprietà allucinogene fu testato dapprima in campo medico per curare la schizofrenia, le dipendenze o le psicosi, con buoni risultati, per poi divenire progresivamente dagli anni '50 usato a scopo sperimentale e ricreativo e, sotto l guida di psicologi come Timothy Leary o Richard Alpert usato come mezzo di ampliamento della coscienza. Negli anni '60, negli stati Uniti d'America diviene di largo consumo da parte della nascente comunità hippie, con ritrovi ed eventi com l'Acid Test, per poi divenire illegale nel 1966. Oggi viene spacciato illegalmente ai rave. E' interessante notare che la dose media possibile trovare oggi, 50mcg è dieci volte inferiore a quella degli anni '60, quando le zollette di zucchero contenevano di solito 500mcg di composto.
  • While visiting Earth in 1986, James T. Kirk attempted to explain Spock's erratic behavior to Gillian Taylor by saying that he believed his "harmless" friend had used too much LSD (mistakenly referring to it as "LDS") during the 1960s while "he was part of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley", California. Taylor noted his mistake before agreeing to give them a lift. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • LSD is illegal without medical supervision in most or all Countries. With "responsible" use it has no addictive properties but LSD use can lead to use of other more addictive drugs. Amy Winehouse blamed her addiction to Crack cocaine onto a Hallucination of the Devil which she suffered under LSD. Bad trips can cause great harm, Small numbers of people have done silly things like jumping out of high windows under the influence of LSD. It is worth noting, however, that a far larger percentage of Alcohol users put themselves at risk while through unsafe activities). To prevent the remote possibility of any potential injuries or logistical complications while under the influence of LSD, it is suggested to have a sober "trip sitter" present - preferable one who is experienced in dealing with "tripping" people. According to The Lancet LSD is less harmful than Tobacco or Alcohol.
  • LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a psychedelic drug used by The Beatles in the mid to late 1960s. While LSD influenced the group's music, they rarely used it in-studio. LSD was introduced to John and George by a dentist at a dinner party who slipped it into their drinks. While John, George and Ringo were the first to try it, Paul was the first Beatle to speak to the press openly about his use of the drug. The song "Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds" was rumoured to be about LSD. John always denied it and said it was really about his son Julian's painting. whilst Paul says it is about LSD. The BBC permanently banned the song along with "A Day In The Life" because of supposed LSD references. The lyric "I'd love to turn you on" was interpreted as referring to drugs. George: The first time I had acid, a light bulb went on in my head and I began to have realizations which were not simply, “I think I’ll do this,” or “I think that must be because of that.” The question and answer disappeared into each other. An illumination goes on inside: in ten minutes I lived a thousand years. My brain and my consciousness and my awareness were pushed so far out that the only way I could begin to describe it is like an astronaut on the moon, or in his space ship, looking back at the Earth. I was looking back to the Earth from my awareness. Paul: Pot and LSD were the two other major influences. Instead of getting totally out of it and falling over, as we would have done on Scotch, we’d end up talking very seriously and having a good time till three in the morning. John: We must always remember to thank the CIA and the army for LSD, by the way. Everything is the opposite of what it is, isn’t it? They brought out LSD to control people, and what they did was give us freedom. George: If I had half a chance, I’d put acid in the Government’s tea. Ringo: I think LSD changes everybody. It certainly makes you look at things differently. It makes you look at yourself and your feelings and emotions. And it brought me closer to nature, in a way — the force of nature and its beauty. You realize it’s not just a tree; it’s a living thing. My outlook certainly changed — and you dress differently, too! Source:
  • LSD is the acronym for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, a.k.a. LSD 25, a powerful hallucinogen. LSD was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland, No examination of the Sixties would be complete without acknowledging the profound effect that the large-scale unsanctioned experiments, starting in 1964, with this powerful perception-altering substance, had upon the creative processes of an entire generation.
  • LSD is a drug invented by hippies, communist, and Bears to destroy the fragile little minds of all God fearing Americans. It was put on this earth by Satan shortly after Noah's son raped him in his vineyard while he was drunk. It is sometimes thought that bears and witches sometimes drug small children with the drug around Halloween. This makes the Baby Jesus sad. Some folk say LSD was given to troops in the 1940's to give them superhuman strength and mind power; however, they are thinking of Super-Soldier serum, and this was only given to Captain America. This is how he single-handedly destroyed the Nazi scum. LSD was also used by The Beatles as an acronym for their song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
  • In the late 1960s, Timothy Leary decried LSD as "A menace to society", and called for its outlaw, but it was not until Bob Dylan released his 10th album in 1970 that LSD was finally made illegal in the public domain.
  • Synthetische Droge, die in den 60ern und 70ern des letzten Jahrhunderts sehr beliebt war. Ihre Wirkung besteht darin, daß sie die Filter an den Rezeptoren der Nervenzellen ausschaltet. D.h. von all dem grassen Zeug, das man dann sieht (hört, spürt, etc.) ist einiges tatsächlich ein Teil der Realtät, den unser Hirn uns sonst gerne vorenthält. Hat allerdings die unangenehme Eigenschaft, daß a) ziemlich üble Horrortrips auftauchen können(weil die Realität ganz schön übel sein kann, bzw. man selbst) b) man auf Trips hängen bleiben kann c) die Psyche nachhaltig verändert werden kann und d) Leute starben, weil sie auf LSD dachten, sie könnten fliegen oder Lastwägen in voller Fahrt mit der eigenen Hand stoppen. Was sie natürlich nicht konnten. Viele graphische Kunst der 70er sind von LSD-Gebrauch beeinflußt, v.a. Farben und Formen davon. Hartnäckig hält sich auch das Gerücht, daß "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" eine Hymne darauf sein sollte, was McHammerl nicht wundern würde.
  • thumb|350pxOlivia soll endlich von Bells Bewusstsein befreit werden. Peter, Walter und Bell nehmen Drogen und begeben sich in Olivias Psyche auf die Suche nach ihr. Sie vermuten, dass sie sich verängstigt in einen Winkel ihres Bewusstseins zurückgezogen hat. Auf der Suche nach ihr stoßen sie auf viele Hindernisse. Wird es den Dreien gelingen, Olivia zu finden und welchen Preis müssen sie für ihr Vorgehen zahlen? Kategorie:Episoden Kategorie:Episode aus Staffel 3 3 Kategorie:Vorlage fehlt
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline family. Its unusual psychological effects, which include visuals of colored and crawling geometric patterns, and a sense of time distortion have made it one of the most widely known psychedelic drugs. It has been used mainly as a recreational drug, an entheogen, and as a tool to supplement various practices for transcendence, including in meditation, psychonautics, art projects, and illicit (formerly legal) psychedelic therapy. Formally, LSD is classified as a hallucinogen of the psychedelic type. LSD was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann from ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye. The short form LSD comes from its early code name LSD-25, which is an abbreviation for the German "Lysergsäure-diethylamid" followed by a sequential number. LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light, and chlorine, especially in solution, though its potency may last for years if it is stored away from light and moisture at low temperature. In pure form it is colorless, odorless, and mildly bitter. LSD is typically delivered orally, usually on a substrate such as absorbent blotter paper, a sugar cube, or gelatin. In its liquid form, it can be administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection. The threshold dosage level needed to cause a psychoactive effect on humans is between 20 and 30 µg (micrograms). Introduced by Sandoz Laboratories as a drug with various psychiatric uses, LSD quickly became a therapeutic agent that appeared to show great promise. However, the extra-medicinal use of the drug in Western society during the mid-twentieth century led to a political firestorm that resulted in the banning of the substance. A number of organizations—including the Beckley Foundation, MAPS, Heffter Research Institute and the Albert Hofmann Foundation—exist to fund, encourage and coordinate research into its medicinal uses. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction reports that LSD retail prices range between €5 and €11 per unit in most European countires.
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD is an illegal drug classified as a psychedelic hallucinogen, which was first synthesised by a Swiss researcher, Albert Hoffmann in 1938 - although it's powerful effects were not known until 1943. Though synthetic, LSD is derived from the ergot fungus which grows on grain. It is generally used recreationally for its hallucinogenic effects, which can include synethesia or the perception of one sensation through another sense, such as "seeing music"; as well as altered visual perception - such as objects warping and changing colors. Contrary to popular belief it is very uncommon for users to actually hallucinate something which does not exist - rather the drug usually warps and alters perception of real things. The drug also has powerful effects on a person's ability to make decisions. Several members of the counterculture movement of the 1960s gave great credit to the drug in improving their own creativity, such as the academic Timothy Leary and the cartoonist Robert Crumb. However, LSD does have a number of side effects, which vary widely from person to person, but are generally minor compared to its powerful effect on the mind. Tachycardia, arrhythmia, minor insomnia, sweating, and tremors are often reported. In addition, the hallucinogenic effect of the drug is not always pleasant, leading to the proverbial "bad trip" - usually described as a strong sensation of terror, paranoia, dysphoria and panic. The tendency to have a negative hallucinogenic experience is greatly dependant on the setting the user is in, and their mindset during the experience, but there is no way to control the experience completely. An LSD "trip" usually lasts from 8 – 12 hours. LSD does not cause mental illness in healthy people. However, using LSD can sometimes bring on mental illness early in people who were predisposed to them (i.e.: they would have developed mental illness at some point anyway), and will generally make the symptoms of psychosis worse in people who already have a mental illness such as schizophrenia. It should be noted that although LSD is derived from ergot, it is not the cause of ergot poisoning, and unlike ergot itself - LSD is not very physically dangerous. LSD has never been shown to cause physical addiction, and habitual use of the drug is difficult because tolerance builds up extremely quickly. A user looking to take LSD two days in a row might have to take 2-3 times the normal dose for the same effect, with each continual day of use increasing the needed dose exponentially. Tolerance normally resets completely between 1 – 2 weeks from the last dose. LSD is incredibly potent. Doses are typically measured in micrograms (thousandths of a milligram). Whilst "overdosing" on LSD is possible in the sense that a user accidentally take more than they wished to; it should be noted that there has never been a recorded death from LSD. The dose of LSD required to kill a human is not known, but it is hypothesised to be well over 10,000 normal doses. In Distractions, House doses himself with LSD to relieve a migraine headache, and then takes antidepressants to deal with the effects of the LSD. Although several physicians have proposed several therapeutic uses of LSD, it is currently a totally restricted drug in most countries and may not be used or possessed legally for any purpose without a special license from the government, very few (if any) of which are issued. In Love is Blind, Chi Park inadvertently ingests a patient's LSD and starts hallucinating in front of the rest of the team.
  • thumb|Wir ... als жБЯдЋ-Käfer|200px LSD ist keine Alltagsdroge. Die Abkürzung steht offenbar für Lдҗ SИҰЂЮ DЯҚӨЛЃЩ. Wir kennen sie auch unter dem Namen Acid. Nein, das ist nicht das, was nach einem Wohnungsbrand aus den Brennstäben unseres Fernsehers läuft. Acid ist vielmehr das, was aus den Brennstäben unseres Fernsehers läuft, wenn wir Natural Born Killers auf LSD ansehen. Der LSD-Player hat eine Menge Knöpfe, und wenn wir den falschen drücken... na das überlassen wir lieber der Fantasie von uns, dem Leser.
  • LSD (letní směs deodorantů) je syntetická tvrdá droga, která má silné, psychedelické účinky. Vzniká kombinací různých vůní ženských deodorantů především v uzavřených prostorách za horkého počasí (někdy i ve venkovních prostorách). Dá se vyrobit uměle.
  • LSD ist die Bezeichnung für die neuentwickelte Lachfisch Spezial Dosierhilfe. Viele User des Lachfisch-Servers beklagen sich, dass es ihnen schwer fällt, die Zeit, die sie auf dem Server verbringen, zu regulieren. Durch die nächtelangen Sitzungen vor dem Bildschirm leidet mitlerweile so manche private Beziehung. Dies ist nicht im Sinne des Lachfischs und ist schon gar nicht von Gott so gewollt. Auf Anregung einiger Lachfisch-User hat der Oberguru des Lachfisch-Portals sich entschlossen Lachfisch-Dosierhilfen zu entwickeln. Beide LSD-Prototypen befinden zur Zeit in der Erprobung. Wer Vorschläge zur Konstruktion, zum Design oder zum Vertrieb hat, melde diese bitte auf der Diskussionsseite.
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