  • Word Play Inhibition
  • An omnipotent power that is not omnipotent (ponder that). It is also highly self referential and full of irony This power force other power users to use their powers in the most literal and direct sense For a power to be affected by this power, it must have an if...then... structure, and a concept associated with the if... then... structure * e.g. Nothingness Manipulation manipulate nothingness * The if: Target need to fit the criteria nothingness * The question: What is considered as/fit the criteria to be nothingness? * The then: manipulation
Row 1 info
  • Force the user to use a power only in the most direct and literal sense
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Word Play Inhibition
  • Sōgon Kenzaki
  • 380
  • #21534E
  • An omnipotent power that is not omnipotent (ponder that). It is also highly self referential and full of irony This power force other power users to use their powers in the most literal and direct sense For a power to be affected by this power, it must have an if...then... structure, and a concept associated with the if... then... structure * e.g. Nothingness Manipulation manipulate nothingness * The if: Target need to fit the criteria nothingness * The question: What is considered as/fit the criteria to be nothingness? * The then: manipulation This power can then limit the target power via the following pathways (or combinations thereof) * Applying the narrowest and/or earliest definition of a concept (e.g. Possession as owning physical items, Kill as making an organic living thing ceased its life functions, Destroy as taking apart a physical object so that it can no longer carry out its intended function). Thus it can attack some variations of omnipotence because they are emergent from an unusual or indirect interpretation of the core concept it is based on. * Forbid the use or interpretation of a concept in a way that can span all possibility, thus causing emergent omnipotence or at least broad spectrum effects (e.g. manipulate the boundary possible/impossible, making an omnipotent level concept equivalent to an ordinary concept by divide by zero). This restrict the range and strength of the power in question * Restricting or completely forbid endless progression or repeated application of a concept (e.g. Can only manipulate the cause or probability of an event that is directly linked to it) * Does not allow usage of a concept via analogies (e.g. the physical world being like computer data, or music, or energy or matter etc.) There are however still exist ways to bypass them ,due to the power itself also possessing an if.. then.. structure... In addition to this, this power also prevent preventative measures against it from being executed (e.g. cannot be avoided, cannot be path killed, cannot be directed to somewhere else, cannot be delayed, cannot be trapped, cannot be copied etc.)