  • New Forest
  • New Forest
  • New Forest
  • Newt Forest est une forêt d'Angleterre.
  • The New Forest is a forest in England.
  • New Forest is a forest in south-west Hampshire and extending into south-east Wiltshire. It is home to a Gytrash colony. In Marauding with Monsters, Gilderoy Lockhart wrote about his adventures in the heart of the New Forest in search of the infamous Wild Ponies, ending up finding (and defeating) a Gytrash colony instead. The veracity of these events is doubtful, given Lockhart's theft of other people's achievements.
  • An Aldryami forest that grew up in Kothar in the Hero Wars * It was founded by the United Forestors * It grew in 1637 ST * It had the help of the Kresh and the Veldang * Its appearance is mentioned in the Fourth Black Dragon Mountain Pictographs Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • New Forest es un bosque ubicado en el suroeste de Hampshire y que se extiende hasta el sureste de Wiltshire. Es el hogar de una colonia de gytrash. En Merodeando con Monstruos, Gilderoy Lockhart escribió sobre sus aventuras en el corazón del New Forest en busca del los infames ponies salvajes, topándose (y derrotando) en su lugar a una colonia de gytrashes. Debido a que Lockhart se apropiaba de los logros ajenos, la veracidad de estos acontecimientos es dudosa.
  • The New Forest is a notorious patch of wasteland next to the popular car park for imported Japanese vehicles, known as Southampton. In 2006 it was voted the Unloveliest National Park in Europe by an international panel of experts as it had nothing of any interest at all. Not even a hill. Their report stated that the most remarkable thing about the area was that it was neither new, nor a forest, the trees having been largely chopped down in the 16th Century. Despite not having any hills, trees, interesting geology, or unusual wildlife it does have a rather lovely Exxon Mobil oil refinery and a distinguished power station, which scores of misled Londoners try to omit from their holiday snaps. A dome of pollution ensures a mild yet shady climate. In recent years, it has become one of the best
  • 25
Anomaly Count
  • None known
  • Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets (jeu)
  • Mr. Unknown on the phone line
  • Forêt
  • *Wild Pony *Gytrashes
  • New Forest
  • Land of the New Forest
  • Forest
  • The terrifying clutches of the forest
  • *Ponies salvajes *Gytrashes
  • The Land of the New Forest was simply the whole forest back before CP was discovered. Dark Penguins originated there and spread out, each year more than 5000 penguins are given birth to. Dark Penguins, being the first settlers on CP, migrated to other areas to avoid their death and doom. The New Forest as it is today used to be the palace, workplace and mansion of the underlord who manages the colony. The New Forest back then grew smaller sometime in Olde Antarctica, when most penguins migrated to an area which became the 'Dark Penguins' colony when Colonial Antarctica began. When the Club came, the underlord escaped and dissapeared forever. Many suspect its The Leader. Other suspect someone else...
  • New Forest
  • No Caption
  • The New Forest is a notorious patch of wasteland next to the popular car park for imported Japanese vehicles, known as Southampton. In 2006 it was voted the Unloveliest National Park in Europe by an international panel of experts as it had nothing of any interest at all. Not even a hill. Their report stated that the most remarkable thing about the area was that it was neither new, nor a forest, the trees having been largely chopped down in the 16th Century. Despite not having any hills, trees, interesting geology, or unusual wildlife it does have a rather lovely Exxon Mobil oil refinery and a distinguished power station, which scores of misled Londoners try to omit from their holiday snaps. A dome of pollution ensures a mild yet shady climate. In recent years, it has become one of the best places in Southern England to form part of a crowd, and is home to over a hundred of shops selling equipment for use in the 'Great Outdoors' to people who have never been there..
  • Newt Forest est une forêt d'Angleterre.
  • The New Forest is a forest in England.
  • New Forest is a forest in south-west Hampshire and extending into south-east Wiltshire. It is home to a Gytrash colony. In Marauding with Monsters, Gilderoy Lockhart wrote about his adventures in the heart of the New Forest in search of the infamous Wild Ponies, ending up finding (and defeating) a Gytrash colony instead. The veracity of these events is doubtful, given Lockhart's theft of other people's achievements.
  • An Aldryami forest that grew up in Kothar in the Hero Wars * It was founded by the United Forestors * It grew in 1637 ST * It had the help of the Kresh and the Veldang * Its appearance is mentioned in the Fourth Black Dragon Mountain Pictographs Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • New Forest es un bosque ubicado en el suroeste de Hampshire y que se extiende hasta el sureste de Wiltshire. Es el hogar de una colonia de gytrash. En Merodeando con Monstruos, Gilderoy Lockhart escribió sobre sus aventuras en el corazón del New Forest en busca del los infames ponies salvajes, topándose (y derrotando) en su lugar a una colonia de gytrashes. Debido a que Lockhart se apropiaba de los logros ajenos, la veracidad de estos acontecimientos es dudosa.
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